Anonymous ID: 1506a9 July 4, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.2030741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0747 >>0769 >>0788 >>0808 >>0932 >>0950 >>1169


You know what I mean by no arrests. Comey, McCabe, Hillary, Obama, Page, Strzock, RR, McCain, all the major players are STILL PLAYING. They are still out destroying our world. There has been nothing that would even change the narrative onto their corruption. Q has built up moments several times only to have a let down. I'm fine with waiting, if he would just say ops still in process. But instead we get BOOOOOOM and A week to remember! June ETA, Done in 30 and Nothing Happens. Some of us want with all our heart everything Q has said to happen. We really do. But the game, letdown after letdown is getting very old. It is hard to keep believing when we see the same BS we've seen our entire lives.

RR lying his ass off in hearings and nothing.

Strzock refusing to answer questions.

Redacted documents over and over.

Media covering for the guilty.


It is all the same BS we have seen for years. Q gave us hope but it is starting to fade.

Anonymous ID: 1506a9 July 4, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2030871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1019 >>1108




Flynn done in 30 - we are past 30

No Deals - Awan Deal

Text Messages - redacted

IG Report - Redacted

RR Problems - RR-Out - RR still in

Seth Rich - June ETA

No Name Out (said multiple times) - still hasn't resigned


These are just a few of the actual Q posts saying things that would happen that have not happened. No, I do not expect everything to happen at once. But, actions or non-actions that directly contradict Q's statements are becoming a problem.


It seems more like, at this point, Q is telling us what he "thinks" is going to happen. Doesn't mean Q isn't legit, just that the situation is more fluid than we have been led to believe. He says these things, then they don't pan out so He moves on to something else as though we are supposed to just forget it was said.

Anonymous ID: 1506a9 July 4, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.2031215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1240 >>1279 >>1338


Seriously? Wanted people held accountable when PROOF EXISTS that they are lying, corrupt, and criminal is not seeking a return to Stalinist justice. When everyone in the room knows RR is lying his ass off and nobody calls him on it and offers PROOF then justice is failing. That is not Stalinist justice. Give me a break.

Anonymous ID: 1506a9 July 4, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.2031388   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Honestly, I'm not concerned with the amount of time this is taking. I understand that this is huge. I am concerned about the number of things Q has said that have not come to pass. If the situation is that fluid, and I understand how it could be, then don't make statements like "Seth Rich - June ETA" or RR-out. Just keep informing us with crumbs that don't get our hopes up that something big is going to happen. I would rather be surprised by something good then disappointed by a statement that didn't pan out. Q has made some pretty bold claims that haven't come to pass (yet…).