Blacksheep anon here.
Who is Eric Schmidt?
Lie: Larry and Sergey are geniuses. Original algorithm Google used to
rank websites is trivial, look it up. They were lucky that their competition
were concerned with inflating ad revenue and not ranking results
in any meaningful way.
Their problem? They knew they could be replaced early with some
kind of similar ranking algorithm with optimizations.
Certain three letter agency had a problem a cerca 1980so. They had
too much data, too many servers to store it on. Needed to treat network
of computers as one computer and to parallelize data processing.
Cloud computing was invented behind the same iron curtain where
"deleted" NSA data goes, where immutable servers that mirror the entire
internet, including 'dark web' servers, are protected by national security.
Three letter agency comes to Google, says here and here you are vulnerable.
We've solved this problem, and you canhave our solution, at a price.
We can handle data, but we can't collect it. We need vehicles in the street.
We need to be in people's browsers, we need to be in their inboxes.
If there are cards with "*** data collection vehicle" printed in the side,
people will raise a stink.
In comes Eric Scmidt, out comes MapReduce, Google Maps, Gmail.
Who is Eric Schmidt? What's his position? Do no evil? Purpose?