Anonymous ID: 67e3b2 July 4, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.2030806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0827 >>0852 >>0864 >>0865 >>0996 >>1035 >>1096

Blacksheep anon here.


Who is Eric Schmidt?


Lie: Larry and Sergey are geniuses. Original algorithm Google used to

rank websites is trivial, look it up. They were lucky that their competition

were concerned with inflating ad revenue and not ranking results

in any meaningful way.


Their problem? They knew they could be replaced early with some

kind of similar ranking algorithm with optimizations.


Certain three letter agency had a problem a cerca 1980so. They had

too much data, too many servers to store it on. Needed to treat network

of computers as one computer and to parallelize data processing.

Cloud computing was invented behind the same iron curtain where

"deleted" NSA data goes, where immutable servers that mirror the entire

internet, including 'dark web' servers, are protected by national security.


Three letter agency comes to Google, says here and here you are vulnerable.

We've solved this problem, and you canhave our solution, at a price.

We can handle data, but we can't collect it. We need vehicles in the street.

We need to be in people's browsers, we need to be in their inboxes.

If there are cards with "*** data collection vehicle" printed in the side,

people will raise a stink.


In comes Eric Scmidt, out comes MapReduce, Google Maps, Gmail.


Who is Eric Schmidt? What's his position? Do no evil? Purpose?

Anonymous ID: 67e3b2 July 4, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.2030996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1029 >>1065 >>1100 >>1170



Who is Laura Silsby? Why did she work for child protection agency?


First, what is the agency? Why protect other people's children?

When you claim to love the children of others' you can say

that you are trusted, and when you claim to bust kidnappers,

then not trusting you becomes unpopular.


Three letter agency has same old problem, how to coerce politicians.

They can set up child traffickers, pimps, hotel rooms with cameras,

but that they get what they want on who they want it on is up

to chance.


How to manufacture black mail? Bring the operation inhouse,

vertically integrate acquisition, advertisement, sales.

What do they need? Cover. What is cover?


Cover can't be questioned. Name the child protection agency

after an innocent kidnapped girl. Real tear jerker.


Can't bribe all the cops, how do you deal with law enforcement?


Boxer A needs Boxer B to open up his left side, he has a right

hook ready. A starts dropping his own right hand, keeps it low.

B's ATTENTION now focused on that right side. Eventually,

B takes a risk, throws a right at A's left, A throws his counter and wins.


Amber alert does what? Advertises the kidnapping of a particular

kid. Does this focus law enforcement attention on that kid?

It does not increase law enforcement work, but DISPLACES it

toward one event, AWAY from others.


When people say only certain kidnappings make the news,

they're right. Notice, always uncoordinated, unconnected

events. They learned their lesson from Johnny Gosch.

Anonymous ID: 67e3b2 July 4, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.2031184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1195 >>1291


Try to think less in terms of black hats, white hats

and more in terms of good boys and girls doing what

big daddy tells them to do because they're trying to win,

whether to the benefit of other boys and girls, or their detriment.


Not saying commute their death sentences,

I'm saying try to understand how the world really works.


That there are men and women, parents themselves

who wake up in the morning, put on a suit, and go to work

organizing child kidnappings should not surprise you.