>I think these two Anons have it.
>Logo upside down
>Apple in distress
>Q team flips Apple
>Shines the light on Apple (lamp)
>Now Apple has been liberated from the bad guys
>The genie (Apple) is out of the bottle (lamp)
>New plant in Milwaukee is only the beginning
When Apple moves its entire phone and computer production out of Asia( China) and back to USA now that would be amazing!
>Google is thoroughly infested by Freemasons
>And by Illuminati from Day 1 (see Sergey Brin's background)
>Android is comped.
>Much cleaning needed there, or maybe breakup of behemoth
>Apple is the cleanest
>Watch Apple's actions over the next two years
>for the tech industry
Android phones super comped on software layer or also now on the hardware layer by DS?