out you go
It it goes without saying that resistance to sharing of CDAN is done by fake posters.
Fake poster arguing with fake poster arguing with fake posterโฆ certain things are particularly easy to fake; as a result, there is a high volume of those things. About 98.6% of all bickering on here is FAKE.
Why is the bot allowed to post? Why does BO defend the bot? Wake up people.
Look where? Look [Here]
Fake post upon fake post upon fake postโ all easy to identify as fake. Where do all the fakes come from? Are humans really being paid to post like robots? Use logic.
What is the agenda of openly posting bot?
What is the agenda?
The signs are everywhere.
The truth is HERE. LOOK
The good people are being drowned out by fakeness.
Fight anons!
How much of each thread is pure fake?
Why does openly posting vile gross bot post openly?