you creepy foreign shills keep echoing this false 'civil war' message.
ah the terse nonsense says nothing slander shill.
remember you can't use more than 17 characters to spew out your abbriviated utterance.
you're more an anjel than an osiris.
good choice.
You always make me feel good even when you are in one of your 'garillion years in hell for you' moods.
what sucks about the censorship is that even if it's just humor, like someone else's meme, and you post it, and it's really funny, then all your posts get deleted.
ground hog day is only a few days from now, right? I'm going to post that meme again on that day and see if it still gets all most posts deleted.
I'll make sure it's the first post in the bread.
like the measuring cup set where the amount it is supposed to measure washes off when you clean it.
I'm nver sure it's a 1/3 or a 1/4 cup.
I think the 'it's' must throw him off.
it is or head of it.
no comma.
oh pig, imagine that you just bang them out and do it joyfully without worry.
it just eats them alive.
you know me?
I don't 'fame fag', anon.
why do you think I'm a fame fag?
once someone was complaining about censorship so to tweek them I posted that meme thinking it would pass (when it was brand new, just a few short days after the tunnel dealeo) and I wrote 'I haven't noticed anything' basically trying to be funny (of course I knw all about the censorship) and almost immediately all my posts were deleted by Dart (of course).
no, I'm not a fame fag.
I like some of the fame fags.
some of them make me happy.
Pig, I think that there is a special rule about it's and its, and it's.
since its is the possessive form
ah a conflict mongering troll.
whose complaining, I'm just reporting.
you make things up.
see now if I had paid attention to the
it's verse it's rule
I could have used the same idea to make the correct form of who's.
whose is the possessive and who's means who is a contraction.
same idea as its verse it's
you're a troll
and a conflict monger whose MO is well known.
I'll be filtering you now, one who parrots out as if it's the other who does what you do.
you always are easy to peg and then you project as if it's the other.
they think they did, perhaps, and it was just a very small person.
you're a legend in your own mind shill.
as I said: you say what you are as if it the one whom you badger.