We are not witnessing a new civil war. We are witnessing the early days of our new Republic.
Because the people they look up to are heroes. Heroes can do no wrong in their eyes so they will support and defend their heroes. A subtle yet important technique of Divide and Conquer. It's only when you drop your hero worship that you begin to see truth.
Kek! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Via con Dios amigo.
Magnesium and heart health. Get some. Life long high blood pressure, arrhythmia, palpitations and mitral valve prolapse all reversed with Mg. Doctor. doesn't know about the Mg I take and is amazed I have no heart issues anymore.
Taint gonna be no civil war.
We get our Republic back doing it by the book.
Power in the USA rests with the people. We simply have to find our collective voice and that is currently happening. It's going to be GLORIOUS!
Honest question? How do these guys avoid criminal trespass charges etc? I realize they are not intending damage but publishing your crime seems a bit stupid to me.
Clif High. Probably one of the most unique, self educated folks on the innerwebz. Been reading his stuff for over a decade. Took a long time to warm up to his style and what seems at first to be outlandish BS but the dude is not wrong.
Do big mike next!
You could have just said "I don't know."
Add Shinzo Abe to that list.