Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 3:47 a.m. No.20311678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1865

Tucker Carlson Interviews Texas Governor Greg Abbott, “We are Prepared for Conflict with Federal Authorities”


January 26, 2024 | Sundance |

Texas Governor Greg Abbott calls in for an interview about the federal -vs- state conflict on border security. Gov. Greg Abbott says ten other states have already sent national guard to the Texas border, and others will follow. Abbott says he is “prepared” for a conflict with federal authorities.


Following the Abbott interview, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joins Carlson in the larger legal discussion. WATCH:



Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 4:35 a.m. No.20311726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1739 >>1755

Are You Ready for Prison Planet



Big Picture – Ed Dowd is Correct in This Review:Every Opaque Action in Western Government is Aligned Toward a Dollar-Based CBDC

January 26, 2024 |

In this brief video below {Direct Rumble Link Here} Former Blackrock portfolio manager,Ed Dowd, explains why every last remnant of human freedom depends on mass resistance to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). “Once the central bank digital currency is linked to all your credit cards and bank accounts, then social controls can be implemented. If you’re a dissenter like me, talking about truth, they shut you down.” WATCH:


I know at first blush a lot of this CBDC discussion seems esoteric, difficult to understand, and there are a lot of other issues happening simultaneously in the background. However, if you contemplate the biggest threat on this overarching power arc of western government, you arrive to understand how serious this seemingly opaque issue really is.


I first started to deep dive research into these CBDC datapoints when the Russian sanctions were triggered. You see, nothing about them really makes sense from the way they were structured; additionally, the intensity of the drive to make the sanctions the tip of the western spear was just too pointed, something about it didn’t make sense. That’s what took me to dig deep into the impact and realize nothing said about these financial sanctions makes sense when compared against their actual irrelevance {Go Deep}.


When the White House first started openly saying the Biden administration was reviewing how to implement CBDC’s, yes THAT Announcement ACTUALLY HAPPENED, September 2022, then things from a research perspective really started to get serious. “While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC.” Whenever the U.S. govt says they’re “undecided,” pay close attention.


First things first with the Western financial sanctions- specifically the SWIFT exchange. It is true you cannot use VISA, Mastercard or any mainstream Western financial tools to conduct business in Russia; however, the number of workarounds for this issue are numerous. One of those tools is the use of a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin; and within that reality, you find something very ominous about the USA motive against crypto…. Really long article


During remarks in New Hampshire,President Trump announced he would never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency. WATCH:


Of course, it should be noted….. As if the entire global system didn’t already oppose Donald Trump, this position against CBDC’s just puts an exclamation point on how the multinational financial systems will hate/oppose him even more.


This 2024 election is critical for a variety of reasons.However, high atop that list is this issue of how a dollar based CBDC is a threat to every liberty we cherish


Trump video

Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 4:47 a.m. No.20311755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1767 >>3658 >>3682 >>3689


Another portion of Sundance article. I highly recommend reading the whole article:


“While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC.” Whenever the U.S. govt says they’re “undecided,” pay close attention.


First things first with the Western financial sanctions- specifically the SWIFT exchange.It is true you cannot use VISA, Mastercard or any mainstream Western financial tools to conduct business in Russia; however, the number of workarounds for this issue are numerous. One of those tools is the use of acryptocurrency like Bitcoin; and within that reality, you find something very ominous about the USA motive against crypto.


(Newsmax) – JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon on Wednesday suggested bitcoin currency should be banned. Dimon was speaking during a Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.


“I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto, bitcoin, etc.,” Dimon saidin response to a question from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. “The only true use case for it is criminals, drug traffickers … money laundering, tax avoidance because it is somewhat anonymous, not fully, and because you can move money instantaneously. “If I was the government, I would close it down.” (read more)


Dimon was/is positioning JPMorgan to be a facilitating beneficiary of the financial control system evident within any CBDC process.


Here’s how it really looks from the outside looking at the USA. The same way thePatriot Act was not designed to stop terrorism but rather to create a domestic surveillance system. So too were the “Russian Sanctions” not designed to sanction Russia, but rather to create the financial control system that will lead to a USA digital currency.


The Western sanctions created a financial wall around the USA,not to keep Russia out, but to keep us in.The Western sanction regime, the financial mechanisms they created and authorized, creates the control gate that leads to a U.S. digital currency.


Now, does the exploding debt and seeming govt ambivalence, the stuff Ed Dowd is talking about, take on a new perspective? It should, because that unspoken motive explains everything. It all just makes sense when reviewed through this prism of motive and intent. Again, the western sanctions against Russia are not having an impact against Russia; they are having a quiet impact in the USA and western dollar-based economic system that no one is permitted to talk about.


Bottom line, the non-pretending reasoning. The US Treasury has set the financial system on an almost unreversible path to a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency. As direct consequence crypto currency alternatives are a threat to the establishment of that western objective. This reality also pulls in the explanation aroundwhy the USA is so all-in for the banker-driven World War Reddit, the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 4:54 a.m. No.20311767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3658 >>3682 >>3689


Link to complete Sundance article:


“How did the Obama administration go from all efforts to be on good relations with Russia 2009 through 2015, then suddenly pivot to the exact opposite with the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy, the Russian election interference nonsense, the expulsion of Russian diplomats in Dec/Jan 2017 and suddenly Vladimir Putin as the archvillain for the world? Apparently, few have ever really asked how that happened.

Here’s the big picture, as seen through the prism of the EUand the non-pretenders in Eastern Europe.


The Marxists in the Obama admin needed a boogeyman in order to pull off their domestic heist and secure the “fundamental change.” The CIA and State Dept were deployed to utilize Ukraine in 2014 to create the boogeyman, Russia. Ukraine would be the stick to poke Russia. The USA needed a proxy; they created one and made the participants rich.


Provoked, Russia fell into the trapand took control of Crimea as they perceived the NATO expansion and likely control of the Black Sea as a threat. The Crimea move gave the CIA and State Dept the exact response they intended.

The Russia boogeyman was created.


But why? Why would the effort of the U.S. Government be to provoke and create this crisis?

• In the biggest of big pictures, the domestic fundamental change needed it.We needed a reason to put walls around the U.S – not to keep Russia out, but to keep Americans locked in.Conflict with Russia became the Obama version of Bush’s conflict with Iraq. Putin now cast to play the role of Bin Laden.

• The Patriot Act was never intended to stop foreign terrorists from attacking the USA. The Patriot Act was intended to create the DHS surveillance system for domestic control. It succeeded. The Russian sanctions were never intended to sanction Russia (and they don’t). The Western sanctions against Russia were intended to build walls around the U.S. financial system.

• Ostracizing the world’s global trade currency, the dollar, from the global trade system was/is a necessary step in controlling domestic currency. If there is a threat, the government needs to respond. That’s how the crisis is created and not wasted.


Yes, what I am saying is there was a longer anddeeper play afoot, a ‘trillions at stake’ gameby those who control money and power, using foreign threat as the justification for something that just would not be possible without it. That’s why Trump was never allowed to breathe for a moment, whenever Russia or Vladimir Putin was mentioned. The control forces needed Trump to be adversarial to Russia, regardless of whether the threat was real. After all, it was supposed to be a willfully blind Hillary Clinton in place during this phase.

• Conflict with Russia created the opportunity for the USA to create a sanctions regime that doesn’t truly sanction Russia, instead it controls the world of USA finance. At the end of that control mechanism is a digital dollar, a Central Bank Digital Currency…. and by extension full control over U.S. citizen activity. The Marxist holy grail.


That moment is closer than most can fathom, and that is exactly why the counterforce of a cryptocurrency, a rebellious mechanism for free people to exchange payment for goods and services, must be stopped by the same USG that is triggering the CBDC. Crypto is a threat. Jamie Dimon, along with all the major banks and financial institutions, is one key beneficiary that CBDC (a transactional player for fees therein) so long as JPMorgan stays on task.

• JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon opposes cryptocurrency.

• Democrats, really Marxists, oppose cryptocurrency.


Republicans, really financial beneficiaries of the largesse, oppose crypto currency.The narrative…. Only criminals, that means those who would be defined as domestic terrorists like pesky remnants of our nation who demand freedom and liberty, would support cryptocurrency. Criminals, tax cheats, bad people support crypto. Don’t be a bad person comrade citizen. Insert vote, pull lever, get pellet, go back to sleep.You will own nothing and be happy comrade.


Yes, that’s the bigger picture.

Can it be stopped? I laugh, look in the mirror, think about the reality of how many people think this is an absurd conspiracy theory, and respond with…. How many people even know about the thing you are asking to oppose?

• How many people would believe theWestern sanctions against Russia were really the USG building a cage to keep us in.How about we start there. That’s my answer…..

Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 5:14 a.m. No.20311798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3658 >>3682 >>3689

Troubling Confirmation – Ukraine Intelligence Officer Confirms Fundamental Outline of RussianClaim Surrounding Airplane Shoot Down and Killed POW’s


January 25, 2024 | Sundance |

On Wednesday, Russia claimed an IL-76 transport aircraft carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs was shot down en route to a POW exchange in the Belgorod region.


Western media, particularly those with a vested anti-Russia narrative, expressed skepticism of the Russian statement, including the claim that Ukraine had shot down the plane. However, the BBC has an outline [SEE HERE] based on a conversation with aUkrainian intelligenceofficial that seems todirectly corroborate the Russian statements.


Oddly, but perhaps not unexpectedly, the BBC article is framed to retain the skepticism; however, if you read the article carefully, what you will notice is the details are generally confirmed.


Yes, there was a prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine military that was supposed to take place in Belgorod on Wednesday, at the exact time the plane was shot down. Yes, for some unknown reason the prisoner exchange did not take place as the POWs never arrived. Yes, there was a previous POW exchange that took place in this exact same Belgorod location, and yes, a Russian IL-76 aircraft was previously used to transport the Ukraine POWs.


(Via BBC) – … [Ukraine Intelligence Officer] Andriy Yusov stressed that Russia had provided no proof to back its claims there were. “There is no clear information about prisoners of war. There are only statements by Russia, of a political and propagandist nature,” he said. “Who or what was on board needs to be clarified.”


Mr Yusov, who is the first Ukrainian official interviewed by the BBC since the incident on Wednesday, accused Moscow of “hiding” information, with limited images from the crash site – including of any dead.


Here’s where the article seems to confirm the Russian story:


“Russian air defence was working against them. Belgorod is also potentially within the range of Ukrainian air defence systems.” … “On the prisoner swap, he confirmed an exchange had been planned on Wednesday “around lunchtime”. But it wasmeant to take place in the Sumy region, west of Belgorod.” … “He said the two sides implemented a ceasefire in Sumy, as agreed. “Unfortunately, the exchange did not happen.” … “On 3 January, during the previous swap, he said Ukraine was informed that Russia would use a plane. On Thursday, Ukraine’s Air Forces chief stressed that the country had the right to defend itself against attack by Russia and would continue to do so.” (link)


If you take out all the narrative engineering from the article, then just take those excerpts from Ukraine intelligence in total, they seem to confirm everything Russia outlined about the transport of 65 Ukrainian POWs to Belgorod.


Why would Russia have to tell Ukraine againhow the POWs would arrive, when they already told them the first time – and they were simply repeating the same process.


The plane never arrived, and the 65 POW exchange never happened, because Ukraine shot down the Russian transport plane.

Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 5:27 a.m. No.20311831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1865 >>3658 >>3682 >>3689

27 Jan, 2024 07:41

Biden vows to shut border if lawmakers pass budget deal

The immigration issue has been “broken,” and “it’s long past time to fix it,” the US president has conceded(You Broke it Fucker!)


US President Joe Biden has again urged Republican lawmakers to approve a long-stalled budget deal, vowing to shut down his country’s southern borderas soon as he’s given the authority to do so.(what to fuck does that mean? He’s supposed to be the President, he had the authority. This is a game he’s playing.)


Republicans have been blocking the White House's attempts to push through a $106 billion ‘national security package’ for Ukraine and Israel since October. They have demanded tougher security measures on the southern frontier be included in the agreement.


”For too long, we all know the border’s been broken. It’s long past time to fix it,” Biden outlined in a written statement on Friday.


He described the border deal, now being negotiated in the Senate, as “the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.”(so he wants the Senate budget deal because it gives unlimited illegals for all time. They say the limit is “only 5,000 a day”, and they immediately get a work permit or green card. Bidan can shut it down today and he has no intention of doing it.)


“It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law,” Biden vowed. (He’s lying again, so the media can continue to blame House republicans.)


Under the bipartisan agreement, the administration would, among other things, be required to shut the border down if the number of migrants trying to get into the US illegally on any given day reaches 5,000, the New York Times reported. This threshold had been surpassed “routinely” in recent months, the paper stressed. (Many say this agreemement depends on whether Mayorkas obeys the law, he doesn’t now why would he with a new law?)


Finding common ground on the immigration deal would be “a win for America,” the president insisted. “If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill, and I will sign it,” Biden said, addressing the Republican lawmakers. (I hate this arrogant idiot, expecting anyone to believe his lies again and again)


The Washington Post described the comments as “a remarkable shift” in the Democratic president’s rhetoric on the immigration issue. The media outlet underscored “the urgency” of the situation on the border for his re-election bid.


Biden’s statement came as Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said on Friday that if the leaks about the deal’s content were accurate, it would be “dead on arrival” in the lower chamber.


The likely Republican presidential nominee,Donald Trump, slammed the border dealearlier this week, warning that it “would be another gift to the radical left Democrats.” The agreement “will be meaningless in terms of border security,” Trump argued, reiterating that the only way to solve the immigration issue would be voting for him in November.

Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 6:27 a.m. No.20312015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3658 >>3682 >>3689

27 Jan, 2024 11:55

‘No threat’ of Russia attacking NATO – Germany

The bloc nonetheless needs a Cold War-style deterrence against Moscow, defense minister Boris Pistorius has said


There’s currently no threat of Russia attacking NATO or any of the partners of the US-led military bloc, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has suggested.


Moscow’s military is now fully occupied with the Ukraine conflict, Pistorius explained, in an interview with the tabloid Bild on Friday.


”At the moment, I don’t see any danger of a Russian attack on NATO territory or on any NATO partner-country,” he added.


However, the minister stressed that this is just a “snapshot” of the current situation and there’s no way of knowing how things would turn out in the future.


Pistorius warned against underestimating the alleged risks related to Russia, saying that NATO needs to rely on “the principle of deterrence, as we know it from the times of the Cold War.” During that time, things between the West and Moscow were “much more predictable than the situation we have today,”he argued.


”We are coming out of 30 years of peace… from which we have all benefited. And now the journey is going the other way,” the minister said. NATO and Germany must “really pick up the pace” in order to be able to face the emerging challenges, he stressed.


Germany has given to Ukraine “a lot of systems” that Berlin needed for itself since the outbreak in February 2022 of fighting between Moscow and Kiev, but “we will get them again,” Pistorius vowed.


Earlier this week, commenting on the possibility of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia, the bloc’s Secretary General JensStoltenberg said that “we don’t see any direct or imminent threat against any NATO ally.” He stressed, however, that NATO “closely monitors what Russia does” and has increased its “vigilance and presence in the eastern part of the alliance” in order to be able to counter any moves by Moscow.


Pistorius told ZDF on Monday that Germany should be ready to respond to a possible Russian attack. In order to be able to resist an aggression “that you don’t know if and when it will occur, then that means you have to arm yourself – and that’s what we’re currently doing together with allies in NATO,” he explained.


On Tuesday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed Pistorius’ speculation about a possible conflict between Russia and NATO, saying that, due to internal problems the EU faces, itspoliticians “now need to somehow pump up public opinion, artificially agitate it, by inventing an external enemy.” (Thats true)


Speaking at UN headquarters in New York the following day, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that “no one wants a big war,”especially Moscow. “We have lived through ‘big wars’ many times in our history,” he added.


President Vladimir Putin last month rejected as “complete nonsense” claims that Russia could attack NATO. Moscow has “no geopolitical, economic… or military interest” in doing so, he pointed out. Russia is, on the contrary, interested in developing ties with the bloc, he said.


(The EU and NATO have to keep up the propaganda about Russia, because citizens in these countries are revoltingbecause of the unlimited illegals taking over their countries and the farmers being taxed to death.Russia is their distraction and fear porn to scare citizens into silence. Along with “right wing” leaders being elected in many EU countries. Ukraine is used as a coverup on how bad these leaders are by destroying their own countries. But its all Russia’s fault.NATO is failing because there are no imminent threats so they had to use Russia again. I wonder if the people in the EU see the lies of all their leaders?)

Anonymous ID: 6c2019 Jan. 27, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.20312374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2381

Interesting but old article

Joe Biden-Donor-Rich Goldman Sachs Admits to Record $1.6B Bribery Scheme

John Binder25 Oct 2020


Goldman Sachs, home to many big donors to Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign, has admitted to a record-setting $1.6 billion foreign bribery scheme this week.


The Justice Department announced charges against Goldman Sachs for their executives’ involvement in a foreign bribery scheme, the largest in United States history. As a result, Goldman Sachs will pay more than $2.9 billion as part of a settlement.


“Goldman Sachs today accepted responsibility for its role in a conspiracy to bribe high-ranking foreign officials to obtain lucrative underwriting and other business relating to [1Malaysia Development Bhd.],” said acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division said in a statement.


“Today’s resolution, which requires Goldman Sachs to admit wrongdoing and pay nearly three billion dollars in penalties, fines, and disgorgement, holds the bank accountable for this criminal scheme and demonstrates the department’s continuing commitment to combatting corruption and protecting the U.S. financial system,” Rabbitt said.


The revelations of Goldman Sachs’ involvement in the foreign bribery scheme comes as Biden has accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from executives and employees at the big bank.


Kathy Matsui and Richard Friedman, in executive and banker roles at Goldman Sachs, have donated nearly $105,000 to the Biden Victory Fund and the Biden Action Fund in June. Just this week, news broke that the former Goldman Sachs executive who profited off the U.S. housing crash has donated $200,000 to the Biden Victory Fund.


WhileBiden has taken about 184 separate contributions from Goldman Sachs executives and employees, President Donald Trump has taken just 41 contributions from the big bank.Trump’s contributions from Goldman Sachs total less than $7,500.


As Breitbart News has noted, recent CNBC analysis revealed thatWall Street has donated more than $50 million to Biden’s campaignthis election cycle. CNN analysis found that “all the big banks” are backing Biden against Trump.