Calling the 0bama puppet a Mastermind.
That buttfucker couldn't organize his sock drawer.
She might die suddenly and unexpectedly.
They have 6 ways from Sunday of getting back at you.
Interdasting he has this when the Satanists have all of the Egyptian Eye of Horus stuff.
Pedo swirl
Little man with Napoleon Syndrome.
So how did Nixon get elected if he wasn't one of "them?" Was he like a Trump?
Then they threatened to impeach him on trumped up accusations and he resigned.
So if a Jew converts to Christianity, does that make him no longer a Jew?
Is there such a thing as a Jewish Christian?
We need a different word to distinguish a Jew's nationality from his religion.
Maybe Jewish by Birth vs Jewish by Faith.
Then his young sons stepped in front of him to try to protect him.