Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 9:33 a.m. No.20312863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3218 >>3250 >>3282 >>3306

27 Jan, 2024 16:39watch video

Putin vows to eradicate Nazism for good

The Russian president claims that the governments of Ukraine and the Baltic states have adopted “Hitlerites’ ideology and methods”


Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to crush modern-day forces that promote Nazism, singling out Ukraine and the Baltic states as countries where the authorities have embraced such ideologies.


Speaking on Saturday at the opening of a memorial to Soviet civilians killed by Nazi German forces in Leningrad Region, the Russian head of state said: “these days the outcomes of the Nuremberg trials are effectively being revised.” He claimed that some countries have gone from rewriting history and whitewashing the Nazis to “arming themselves with Hitlerites’ ideology and methods.”


President Putin cited the Baltic states, in an apparent reference to their treatment of Russian-speaking minorities, which Moscow deems discriminatory.


“The regime in Kiev lionizes Hitlers’ accomplices, SS members, and uses terror against” those who resist it, the Russian leader alleged, accusing the Ukrainian authorities of subjecting the elderly, women and children to “barbaric shelling.”


According to President Putin, “in a number of European countries, Russophobia is being promoted as the state policy.”


“We will do everything – everything to undercut and eradicate Nazism for good,” the Russian head of state pledged.


He went on to predict that modern-day proponents of the Nazi ideology are doomed.


Putin noted that January 27 marks 80 years since the Soviet Army broke the Nazi Siege of Leningrad, which began in September 1941 and claimed the lives of more than a million civilians.


President Putin’s own parents lived through the ordeal. Indeed, his older brother succumbed to diphtheria at the age of two in the besieged city.


He noted that Nazi Germany was conducting a genocide of the Soviet population, leaving a deep scar on all generations since, with memories never fading away over the past eight decades.


In his New Year’s address to Russians, former President Dmitry Medvedev said that the “ultimate defeat” of neo-Fascism, an ideology “Russia’s enemies are trying to rekindle”should be the country’s “main goal” in 2024.


Earlier in December, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told AFP that Moscow “will not allow the existence on our borders of an aggressive Nazi state.”


She added that the goal of “denazification” of Ukraine proclaimed by President Putin back in February 2022 remain unchanged.

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 9:44 a.m. No.20312905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

27 Jan, 2024 13:56

US to change strategy on Ukraine – WaPo

The White House has reportedly shifted its focus to defensive tactics andwill no longer help Kiev recapture lost territory


The US is working on a new strategy for Ukraine that would mark a departure from the offensives of 2023 and toward frontline defense, the Washington Post has reported. The supposed adjustments come in response to Kiev’s failed counteroffensive last year, the newspaper added.


In an article on Friday, the newspaper quoted a senior White House official explaining that “it will be difficult for [Ukrainian forces] to try to mount the same kind of major push on all fronts that they tried to do last year.” In light of this, the hope is now much less ambitious –to ensure that Kiev does not lose any more ground to Moscow, the unnamed staffer told reporters.


This, however, does not mean that Ukraine’s military will just sit in their trenches, with what is described as a “swapping of territory” still likely in small cities and villages, the source told the WaPo.


Politico similarly reported of a realization in Washington and Brussels that a “total victory”for Ukraine was unlikely, at least in 2024, and that theUS and EU are silently redirecting their efforts toward an eventual negotiated settlement.


The Post reported that the Ukrainian army in Zaporozhye Region is already preparing to emulate the Russian defense line that stopped their own advance last summer.


Its Western backers also want Kiev to focus more on long-distance missile strikes against Russian forces, including the Black Sea Fleet based in Crimea.


In the longer term, the Biden administration reportedly hopes to seal a ten-year-security agreement with Ukraine as early as this spring, similar to that recently signed between London and Kiev.


Under the would-be accord, Washington would commit to beefing up Kiev’s military as well as to strengthening its industrial and export base, among other things, the WaPo report claims.


However, these plans hinge on Congress giving the green light to President Biden’s $61-billion fundingrequest, with Republicans appearing as uncompromising as ever, the newspaper pointed out.(this is how you this is propaganda and a lie, and Moscow does not believe this. I wouldn’t!)


According to the report, it is hoped that Washington’s long-term agreement with Ukraine wouldmake it more difficult for the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump to slash aid, should he win the presidential election in November. (Bidan is desperate, he has to repay them sonehow)


Trump has repeatedly called into question his country’s continued generous allocations for Kiev, and vowed, if returned to the White House, to end the bloodshed “in one day, 24 hours.”


Last week, CNN reported that the Biden administration was hoping toget “as much aid [as possible] in before January 2025”amid fears that Trump could throttle back the flow of cash, if reelected.

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 9:50 a.m. No.20312932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2945

27 Jan, 2024 14:57

NATO member rejects British call to ‘prepare for war’

A UK general proposed earlier this week that “citizen armies” should be ready to take up arms against Moscow


Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has poured cold water on a proposal by the chief of the British Army, Gen. Patrick Sanders that citizens should be prepared to take up arms against Russia in a hypothetical land war.


Sanders, who has consistently called for the expansion of the UK's armed forces, said in a speech on Wednesday that Moscow’s conflict with Kiev has shown that “citizen armies” can often make a difference on the battlefield. He added that the British military is presently unequipped to handle threats in the modern geopolitical landscape.


“Our friends in eastern and northern Europe, who feel the proximity of the Russian threat more acutely, are already acting prudently, laying the foundations for national mobilization,” Sanders said.


Ciolacu, prime minister of NATO member Romania since last summer, dismissed Sanders’ claim in comments to reporters on Friday.


“There is no need to prepare for war,” he said, in response to a question about Bucharest’s possible concerns over the Ukraine conflict spreading to the rest of Europe.


The British Army has about 75,000 fully-trained active personnel, according to government figures released last year. Another 60,000 people reportedly serve in the UK Navy and Air Force.


London spends about 2% of its annual gross domestic product (GDP) on the military, and while it has expressed an intention to expand that to 2.5%, Sanders has called for the army to increase its numbers to 120,000 active duty members – a total he claimed “is not enough.”


“Ukraine brutally illustrates that regular armies start wars; citizen armies win them,” Sanders, who is due to step down from his position this summer, said.


Downing Street distanced itself from Sanders’ comments on Wednesday, saying in a statement that the army chief’s “hypothetical scenarios” were “not helpful.”


A spokesperson for prime minister Rishi Sunak also dismissed suggestions-of a return to national service in the UK for the first time since the 1960s.


In his comments on Wednesday, Sanders cited the example of Sweden – which has moved towards a form of national service as full NATO membership beckons.


Speaking at UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected speculation that Moscow would seek to engage other countries in conflict. “No one wants a big war,” Lavrov said, adding that “we have lived through ‘big wars’ many times in our history.”


Meanwhile, Germany’s Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, told the Bild newspaper on Friday there is currently no danger of a “Russian attack or NATO territory or on any NATO-partner country.”


In a survey conducted last year by Romania’s Institute for Evaluation and Strategy, it found that some 63% of respondents backed Bucharest’s continued support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. A separate survey from last September showed that just over half of Romanians support Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the European Union.


(Sounds like some of the NATO countries are getting tired of the fear and war mongering, trying to create an invisible war with Russia.)

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.20313000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3218 >>3250 >>3282 >>3306

Senator Colton Moore: Georgia State Senate Utilizes The Power Of The Subpoena To Hold Fani Willis Accountable


If she refuses to submit evidence, she will be charged with “Contempt of Congress” and can be arrested for that



Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 10:15 a.m. No.20313028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3032 >>3218 >>3250 >>3282 >>3306

Raymond Ibrahim Joins WarRoom To Discuss How Europe Will Succumb To Islam. And the effect of illegals are going to take over the US. This is being done intentionally. These countries are becoming hell holes, in Austria is the worst. France, UK and Italy. Its over in EU Muslims are taking over



Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 10:32 a.m. No.20313068   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is literally insane, Bidan and Blinken are just using US money to pay back blackmail debt

27 Jan, 2024 15:17

US promised to seize Russian assets – Kiev

Ukraine is “working hard” with Washington to secure American funding for the country in 2024, PM Denis Shmygal said


The US assured Kiev that the Russian assets that remain frozen in the West are going to be seized and used to rebuild Ukraine after the conflict, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal has said.


The US, EU, and their allies blocked some $300 billion of Russian central bank assets as part of sanctions in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. Around $200 billion of that money is held in the EU.


Politico reported on Thursday that it asked Shmygal if he was concerned that US funding for the Kiev government would come to a complete stop if Donald Trump won the presidential election in November and returned to the White House for his second term.


”We have all the assurances from the US about long-term support for Ukraine – for example, the seizure of Russian assets to fund the Ukrainian recovery,” he claimed.


On Wednesday, aUS Senate committee approved the “Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity (REPO) for Ukrainians Act,”which should help pave the way for such a move by Washington. If it passes both houses and is signed into law by President Joe Biden, Washington could seize the Russian central bank assets, using such a measure against a country that it’s not directly at war with for the first time in history.


Reuters reported this week, citing a senior official in Brussels, that theEU will be unlikely to join the US in confiscating the Russian fundsas there’s no agreement on such a step between the bloc’s member-states.


Earlier in January, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned that Moscow would respond to a possible seizure of its assets by the West, inducing tit-for-tat measures.


Previously, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that the confiscation of Russian funds would amount to “outright theft” by the West. He told reporters that it would undermine the trust in the US and EU financial systems around the globe.


Shmygal also stated that Kiev is “working hard with the administration of President Biden and with Congress to have support for 2024.” As for the continuation of the aid in 2025, “we’ll see how conditions develop,” he stressed.


”I believe that any president of the US will support our fight for civilized values, our mutual values,”the Ukrainian PM said. (They have no civilized values,they are Nazis!)


The US has provided Ukraine with around $111 billion in economic and military support amid the conflict with Russia. But the flow of funds subsided dramatically in recent months as Republican lawmakers continue to resist attempts by the White House to push through another $60 billion in assistance for Kiev.

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.20313115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3121 >>3126

Bannon: There is going to a battle at the border, its a just cause. "They've Lead The Ukrainian People To Their Destruction"



Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 10:57 a.m. No.20313121   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s open secret in EU, Brussels thatZelensky and his crew has stolen $20 Billion from the US!Its known secret in Europe and they do nothing about. 10% for the Big Guy

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.20313200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3214 >>3218 >>3224 >>3227 >>3250 >>3282 >>3306 >>3331

EXCLUSIVE: Nikki Haley’s Brother, Mitti Randhawa, Threatens Trump Surrogate Vivek Ramaswamy in Unhinged Instagram Rant

by Charles Downs | Jan 25, 2024 |


Mitti Randhawa, the older brother of Nikki Haley, went on an unhinged Instagram rant that ended withdirect threats against President Trump’s surrogate, Vivek Ramaswamy. Haley is close with her older brother, who recently campaigned with her in Iowa and seems heavily involved with her campaign overall. Vivek was one of the leaders criticizing Haley’s embracement of weaponized government against journalist Laura Loomer. Ironically, Team Haley threatens their political opponents while, at the same time, they can not take justified criticism.


Following the GOP debate back in November, Mitti Randhawa wrote on his Instagram Page, ” Hey Vivek (sounds like cake)🤣 Ramaswampy, you attack any member of my family, you attack ME! I will take you on any day you SCUM!!!! Bring it!!!!! Don’t go there! Besides, none of us is running against you. Let me remind you, you are running against my little Sister👠👠👠👠👠👠. Deal with it Mr. TikTok!!!! ‘When I hear you, I feel more dumb’!”

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 11:20 a.m. No.20313219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3235 >>3239 >>3250 >>3282 >>3306

Nikki Haley’s January 31st South Florida Fundraising Tour Features Events Hosted by 12 Democrat MEGA Donors

by Laura Loomer | Jan 26, 2024 | General News |


Nikki Haley will embark on her January 31st fundraising tour that features three fundraisers hosted by 12 Democrat mega-donors. Two of Haley’s January 31st events are located in Miami, Florida. The other event location is Palm Beach, Florida. Liberal donors continue to embrace Haley despite her poor performance in Iowa and New Hampshire. This is a clear sign that Democrats are using Haley as a vessel to interfere in the 2024 GOP Primary.

Haley’s most expensive event on the 31st occurs in South Beach in Miami, Florida.Tickets to this event start at $16,000 per person.

Anonymous ID: d0e771 Jan. 27, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20313242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3250 >>3255 >>3258 >>3282 >>3306


Bannon: "This Is A Codification Of The Invasion Of Our country" They call it the “Most Conservative” package in a generation (allowing 5,000 illegals into the country daily and get an immediate work permit, they day they get here)


Lindsey Graham is not an ally. He talked to Donald Trump why this has to pass. Honestly they think we are stupid. Lindsey needs to be court marshalled today

