Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20313482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brian Kennedy On Biden's Border Policies: "This Is A Way Of Putting Americans In Their Place"“President Trump was only president in our lifetime that spoke up for the sovereignty for our nation”.



Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.20313719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3752 >>3821 >>3846 >>3912 >>3971 >>4049 >>4073 >>4081

Did Trump just drive the final nail in Big Fani’s coffin with this keen observation?

Has President Trump just taken Big Fani to school with his latest sharp insight? That’s the buzz among some experts, following Trump’s legal team’s move to boot Big Fani off his case. For those keeping track, Fani Willis seems to be the latest victim of the #TrumpCurse—the idea that anyone crossing Donald Trump ends up with a streak of bad luck or a dose of karma. But let’s be real: Big Fani’s predicament is all her own doing. She’s been pointing fingers at President Trump, calling him unscrupulous and evil, which is ironic, especially when she was the one caught red-handed, using Georgia taxpayers’ money for her scandalous affair with a married man.


Legal Eagle Techno Fog had this to say about Trump’s latest move:


Latest Trump filing in the GA RICO case makes a great point – DA Fani Willis violated GA ethics rules by publicly accusing the defendants of racism after they noted her affair with Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade. Trump: stoking racial division requires dismissal.


Rule 3.8 requires Willis to refrain from allegations “that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused” Rule 3.6 forbids statements that would “materially” prejudice a proceeding. Clear violation; the only question is the appropriate remedy.


There’s also a Constitutional argument that the parties need to make – that Willis violated their right to a fair trial. As the Supreme Court has noted: Few, if any, interests under the Constitution are more fundamental than the right to a fair trial by “impartial” jurors, and an outcome affected by extrajudicial statements would violate that fundamental right.


Thread here.


President Trump isn’t just sitting back; he’s turned up the heat, aiming straight for Big Fani’s political jugular. He’s brought to light a keen observation that just might be the game-changer, potentially booting Big Fani off the sham case against him.




Lawyers for former President Trump asked a judge on Thursday to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from Georgia’s 2020 election interference case against Trump.


Why it matters: The claims, which are based on unsubstantiated allegations, were made by one of Trump’s former staffers and a co-defendant in the case and have injected uncertainty into its future.


• The motion from Trump’s lawyers was expected, as they previously said they were considering seeking Willis’ disqualification.


• It also seeks to have the 13 counts, including violations of Georgia’s racketeering law, against Trump dismissed.


Catch up quickly: Mike Roman, a Republican political operative, claimed in a motion in early January that Willis allegedly had an improper romantic relationship with Georgia lawyer Nathan Wade around the time she hired him to lead the election case.


• He further alleged that Willis and Wade improperly financially benefitted from Wade’s employment in the racketeering case.


• Roman claimed that in doing so, Willis potentially violated ethics laws and should be disqualified from the case. He also asked a judge to drop the seven felony counts he’s charged with in the case.


In addition, the DA’s office is now openly acknowledging their collusion with the Biden regime.


And as all of this plays out, Big Fani is pulling the race card whenever and wherever she can.




NEW – Fani Willis accused a Fulton County Board Commissioner of being racist when she asked about Nathan Wade.


“The allegations are frightening.”


“When I asked her about the Nathan Wade expenditures, I was told that I was just picking on him because he’s black.”


“I’ve never met him, and I have nothing against him. The taxpayers need some clarity on that if we are going to provide her a larger budget.”


When Commissioner @thornbrid asked @FaniforDA to provide transparency on the cost of the case to taxpayers, Fani Willis responded:


“Lady Justice has no price.”


“As Commissioners, we need to know how much this is costing us.”


“Lady justice has no price”—LMAO.


What are the odds that the activist judge, in this case, will declare that Big Fani’s in the clear since Trump actually is a “racist” and an “insurrectionist”? It’s almost predictable at this point. That’s the sad reality of our so-called “justice system” these days: it’s become a tool for political agendas, used to target not just former presidents but also ordinary citizens. This includes the J6 political prisoners and those like Douglass Mackey, who faced conviction for sharing an anti-Hillary meme.

Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 1:28 p.m. No.20313804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3812 >>3821 >>3827 >>3912 >>3971 >>3993 >>4049 >>4073 >>4081

Canada in major coverup mode: the media is hiding the truth about the man who shot up Edmonton City Hall…

January 27, 2024 (16 hours ago).1/2


It’s not just the lies that make the news fake, but also the truths they choose to ignore. A prime example is the recent shooting at Edmonton City Hall in Canada. While the media has covered the incident, they’ve conveniently left out a critical detail: the shooter was a radical pro-Hamas left-wing extremist. The incident happened last Tuesday morning. A 28-year-old security guard, Bezhani Sarvar, now faces six charges, including arson, explosives, and discharging a firearm, after his involvement in the shooting and subsequent fire at Edmonton City Hall.


Canada, and the rest of the world, for that matter, is acting very “ho-hum” about this left-wing terror attack.


Marie Oakes:


How is this not a national story in Canada? Why have people barely heard about this? and why are his charges so seemingly insignificant given the incident and likely terroristic-inspired attack?


Pictured: 28-year-old Bezhani Sarvar on Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Charges (or lack thereof):

– reckless discharge of a firearm,

– using/placing/throwing an explosive substance,

– arson,

– possession of incendiary material,

– using a firearm while committing an offence and,

– careless use of a firearm




A crazed man with a taped manifesto walks into Edmonton, Alberta City Hall heavily armed, lit several handheld incendiary devices and then starts shooting several rounds while inside city hall.


Luckily, the security guard on duty got the gunman to surrender and detained him until police arrived at the scene


Ari Goldkind:


Good luck finding a single story about Bezhani Sarvar east of Manitoba. A manifesto ridden guy goes into Edmonton City Hall, chanting in Arabic, w/Molotov cocktails & shooting, but I’m told by Liberals that Tucker & Danielle are the problem?!? Madness


Meanwhile, this is how the bozos in local media are reporting the incident, with no mention of this man’s radical left-wing views. Also, for what it’s worth, the word “Inshallah” is something Muslims use quite frequently. Even more reason for the media and Canada to go into deep “coverup mode,” right?


Seems the security guard who firebombed & shot up Edmonton City Hall on Tuesday posted a video beforehand saying "this genocide that’s going on in Gaza and throughout the world… inshallah, we will rise against you guys." No mention of this in the Globe.


Do you reckon if this guy was “conservative,” they’d likely let you know about it? Probably, right?


Global News:


A man who worked as a security guard is facing several firearms and arson charges after shots were fired and a Molotov cocktail exploded inside Edmonton City Hall Tuesday morning.


Charges have been filed in court against a 28-year-old man named Bezhani Sarvar.


Sarvar is charged with reckless arson in an occupied property, possessing incendiary materials (Molotov cocktail), use of a firearm while committing an offence, careless use of a firearm (assault rifle), throwing an explosive substance and discharging a firearm into a building.


Police said late Wednesday afternoon an initial charge of knowingly possessing an unauthorized firearm was going to be dropped….

Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.20313812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3821 >>3912 >>3971 >>4049 >>4073 >>4081



It’s unclear at this point exactly what motivated the shooter at city hall.


A video posted to YouTube the morning of the shooting, that has since been removed, showed Sarvar wearing a tactical-style vest and holding a large gun, speaking to the camera in a Persian language while smoking and sitting in a casual manner.


A second video showed Sarvar wearing a Commissionaire security jacket, as well as a blue shirt identical to what is seen in surveillance video of the shooter obtained by Global News.


In that video, which has also since been deleted from YouTube, Sarvar was sitting in a vehicle and talked about completing a mission and listed a wide range of concerns, including affordability, the housing crisis and immigration.


No mention of the specifics of this man’s videotaped manifesto, besides some vague mention of “affordability, the housing crisis and immigration”—as if he were just your run-of-the-mill, disgruntled anti-Trudeau Canadian. You’d think that it would be newsworthy if he mentioned the war between Israel and Hamas, wouldn’t you?


Kirk Lubimov:


Probably the most disturbing part from Edmonton City Hall shooter, Bezhani Sarvar:


“Salaam alaikum brothers and sisters, inshallah I will succeed with my mission. If I don’t succeed I know someone else will succeed for me.”


Is he talking about global intifada? Sure sounds like a threat…what does he mean?


Canadians deserve the full story about this madman’s background—not just how he ended up living in their country but also how he landed a high-ranking security job. It wouldn’t be surprising if he was a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) hire. And, as we’re seeing in the United States, these DEI hiring practices can lead to dangerous situations, potentially resulting in injuries or death.


(I don’t think these town, city, state, country leaders realize when radical muslims destroy the lower domains, they will surely go for the leaders of the countries, thats how stupid they are that they can control radicals.)

Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.20313875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>3878 >>3891

27 Jan, 2024 20:51

Neo-Nazism on the rise – German leader

Olaf Scholz said ongoing mass public protests against extreme-right political parties “makes our democracy strong”


Whoa this asshole is saying conservatives as extreme right wing (that are winning leadership seats in government) are perpetually linked to Nazism. Where’s his criticism for Ukraine Leadship?


German chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday warned of a rise in extreme-right sentiment in his country, some 79 years to the day after the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp by Soviet forces on January 27, 1945.


In a recorded message delivered on Saturday as Germany marked Holocaust Memorial Day, Scholz cautioned that “new reports” are frequently emerging about what he described as “neo-Nazis and their dark networks.”


In his address, Scholz – Germany’s leader since December 2021 – also warned of thefestering right-wing influence gaining foothold in the country, which remains perpetually linked to its dark history of Nazism. (Wow, they be really desperate!)


“At the same time, right-wing populists are gaining ground,” Scholz said, “fueling fear and sowing hatred,” before adding that “this development is not something we simply have to accept.” (Scholz you shouldn’t have let Bidan blow up Nord Stream 2.)


Scholz’s comments come amid a spate of public protests in Germany against far-right political parties. Thousands took the streets of the western city of Dusseldorf on Saturday in what was the latest mass demonstration sparked by reports that senior figures from the right-wing Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party had participated in discussions that proposed the mass deportations of foreign-born citizens.


“Millions of citizens are taking to the streets in favor of democracy, respect and humanity for one another,” Scholz said, addressing the unrest. “It is the cohesion of democrats that makes our democracy strong. Showing it confidently in public – as is happening now – feels good.” (Oh really?)


Scholz also noted a Wednesday ruling from Germany’s constitutional court which cut state funding to the radical right-wing Die Heimat party. It is the first time in its history that Berlin has removed financial support for a political party without banning it outright.


Last October, the AfD party achieved strong election results in two western states in Germany, largely on the back of increased immigration concerns within the country. This prompted political scientist Karl-Rudolf Korte to say at the time that the verdict at the polls reflected that a “right-wing shift is underway in German political discourse.”


AfD is polling second nationally at around 20% of support, according to the BBC, and first (30%) in three states in eastern Germany, where regional elections are due to take place later this year.


Approximately 1.1 million people – including about 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war – were killed in the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camps between May 1940 and its liberation by the Soviet Union in January 1945.


I hope all these leaders get taken to hell and all mankind see it

Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.20313945   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was 20-25 million Russians died fighting them. Russia won the war bevause they sacrificed everyone to never let Nazism rise. Hence the memorial today by Putin of those who fought and were lost in that war. Jan 27, is their memorial for war soldiers

Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.20313966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3982


Yes 20-25 million Russians died to defeat nazism. If Zelensky thinks he can defeat them with his neo nazis he os sadly mistaken. If it comes down to it, the battle will be much more brutal and determinative then what is happening now. Zelensky cannot provoke them but if he goes too far, its lights out. Putin doesn’t fuck around

Anonymous ID: 80e4c1 Jan. 27, 2024, 2:20 p.m. No.20314024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033

If her name wasn't Ursula, I might believe her, but the Dalmatians always jump into my mind with her!

27 Jan, 2024 03:46

EU commission chief hopes for ‘consensus’ with protesting farmers

The European Union must overcome the “polarization” stemming from agricultural disputes, Ursula von der Leyen has said


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has expressed hope that a new “strategic dialogue” will defuse the ongoing farmers’ protests over environmental regulations.


“We all have the same sense of urgency that things have to improve,” von der Leyen said on Thursday during a meeting with a group of community and business leaders in Brussels. She lamented what she described as “an increasing division and polarization when it comes to topics related to agriculture.” (All lies.)


“We must overcome this polarization with dialogue,” she said, stressing the need to find “a new way forward and common and lasting solutions” for European agriculture.


“I hope that you will build the trust to appreciate each other’s perspectives and to find common solutions for the future of agriculture in Europe. This dialogue aims to find a new consensus on issues with which we all struggle,” von der Leyen told the attendees.


Farmers in Germany have been blocking city streets with their tractors since last month, demanding that Chancellor Olaf Scholz reverse the proposed scrapping of a diesel fuel subsidy worth as much as €3,000 ($3,260) annually.


The German government has defended the move on environmental grounds. The farmers, however, insist that the plan would put them out of business and threaten their livelihoods.


Similar protests are underway in France, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, as farmers’ issues are expected to loom large over European Parliament elections later this year.


The French government scrapped plans to reduce subsidies on diesel for farmers on Friday after protesters used tractors and other agricultural machines to block a major highway out of Paris and a road linking France to Spain.