Anonymous ID: 567bb4 Jan. 27, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.20314336   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Grew up going on vacation there. It's extremely fancy, especially now. Most of the houses are up on stilts (not all). Very fancy golf courses. Short drive to Charleston. I'll look more into the go fast boat angle of things and the submarine potential of the island later, but I imagine that potential is absolutely there.


The most interesting thing about this to me is that my grandpa used to pay for our whole family to go there, which was crazy expensive. We weren't rich. He was a total glownigger but I don't know if he glowed in a good way or bad, but I will say I've never been able to find documentation he existed. He worked for the military in a non-combat role and I was never really clear on what that role was. The island is one big glow op as far as I'm concerned. I like to think he was a good guy, but that whole side of the family got vaxxed instantly when they rolled the shots out so take that however you will. Don't want to say too much and dox myself but wanted to give my perspective on the island. I'd say GOLF, GLOWIES, and BOAT TRANSPORTATION are relevant. ALSO the SAUDIS owned the Island until recently, so when I was a little kid going there, it was probably Saudi owned…