hello autist, another fungi here, this in reference to draining the swamp, keep in mind its not a game if they don't win 30% of the time they mathimaticly know to hit the doomsday button or "turn on the water" we are in a battle with a algorithm the real warriors here know that, we have to keep our pace at 66% that way when we get to the final 33% before the water comes on we can take out what is left "hopefully" before the drain plugs back up and drowns us, you know what THEY say its not what you do know that will kill you , its what you don't, love you guys happy 4th (no homo) it just might not be independence day yet but we are on the down hill slope >Lb2031009
Top kek gets them every time Schills? newfags? what is it you have been doxed stupid niggers lol