Looks like Biden using Mayorkas (Corrupt unconstitutional DHS) and MAVNI (foreign standing army) intend to genocide white people.
Fox Smith Mundt News setting her ass up with "what do you think about the MOSTLY REPUBLICAN SCOTUS" horse shit.
Told ya the secretary of State is Complicit in national security failure
Anon tires of your stinking shit.
You are in a CULT. . it's become DANGEROUS. because the CIA leads your collar. Wollsie on Cat Laser to make you look stupid. and MSNBC to smear 8kun.
Anon is on 8Kun, you are hopped up on White Claw and Q sez..
It might.
Mr Smith Mundt posted this. And when they say 8Kun is Racist, you are gona say no SMITH MUNDT and CIA (and its shit proxies like MSNBC) who posted this crap is RACIST.
The FCC is tne number one complicit motherfucker besides the State Department Proxies.
The guy is RIGHT about the MEDIA (smith mundt, aumf, cog, ndaa, patriot act 1, 2, 3 and state dept) being the source trying to stir people into a kinetic war.
But he's wrong about there being a Civil War, it's JUST NOT KINETIC, it's FREEDOM and RESOURCES and ENERGY = LIFE.
but you who read this and disagree, YOU will accommodate this anon's linguistics on a long enough time-line.
(not interested in Cross dialog with the Q larp team who want's to call me flaggot, and then post CP next., this was opinion)
Don't let the trolls keep baiting you, they the same fucks that trust the plan and are comfy, watching the show.
They have cognitive dissonance, or are straight up ENEMIES.
Fuck BOOBIE Kennedy and his shit handlers with WRONG numbers on reality..
If you wanna fix this world you Can not depend on UN/ WHO / CDC numbers. They intentionally don't want to track the WAR CRIMES they conspired to do.
So when BOOBIE gets a number (like say– oh… Overdose deaths) the number can be tracked back to these globalist jackals who have the OVERDOSE NUMBERS several times too low than the true numbers.
And don't expect Smith mundt to correct them.
>stop FirMin is my Light to not be Lecolded
We should RULE the Earth by using the Dangerous Weapon called "MUSIC"
There's the Rub… actually LEgal actions against these fucking Monsters is the best attack.
Israel Intelligence is simply the best
Israel Intelligence is state of the art
Israel Intelligence is brave and strong
Israel Intelligence is domestic terrorism
Anon won't go there. Anon has Jewish friends - that are not Gods chosen lunatics.
Anon remembers the Good Ol Days at the UN. Now with South Africa Condemnation.
Judicial nepotism
Anon subjectively votes the Judge is in "Bad Behaviour"
Anon wonders is the court even a constitutional court under Article 3 section 1?
If America has Courts that are FRAUDS, this is TERRORISM and WAR CRIME.
not fair.. Very few people have been close enough to that series of jets to know it is like a mirror.
Meanwhile in the REAL fucking world.
It was GLOBAL HAWK that got sent home with it's Fins between it's landing gear.
This Anon don't bake, but if it did, it wouldn't put anti jew shit in notables.
Zionism is another topic for this anon however.
(this is a POWERLESS post but to let you know this anon's position on the matters and they are PLURAL and not neatly wrapped in a X vs Y box.)
you hit the Stargate Iris pal.