Never trust a woman
Never trust a man
Children don't deserve trust
Never trust a woman
Beware of dogs
A. Never trust a dude who looks like a chick
B. Never trust a chick who looks like a dude
C. Never trust a dude
D. Never trust a chick
always get new baggage for new trips
always get new baggage for new trips
unless it's a leg of an old journey, then your legs need new shoes
Never trust a woman
That's why there's marriage. Accountability.
But if you can't trust em, why marry something that is guaranteed to fuck you over?
say rude shit to 'em so they won't come back when they realize how bad they fucked you over
well practiced
anyone see me shopping for family?
the first supersoldier
the first transgenic
the first transgender
mira mira on dewall
there's a reason why destroying an enemy with firestorms of hell and fury has been the traditional answer to people fucking up. conservatism? so much rino.
publicly hanging 'em by the neck is also satisfying
tight ends
soup'a spanna
AG Spanos
S Pan O's?
A go go? So Lo?
who's the ass in the middle?
why aren't WE there getting OUR boots wet?
are handkerchiefs blaettern? afaf
ever watched poorNO of your wife?
just have to take your word for it cuz, isn't this movement about replacement?
cuz he's G s's (gee-suess).
training wheel?
training will yam
with chimerism/fixation, a dick could merge with a heart as a matter of biology and not will e.
gowd bless gow d.
a gowdlY _pers
friendship is a necessary evil
CAMIN-O. feeding potbellies
don'tcha just hate that [NP]
[ROAST] [U] 2u'r own face