she's a known quantity. total control of her.
who, Leroy Brown?
Leroy Brown was badder.
He was the baddest man in the whole damn town.
He wasw badder than King Kong and meaner than a junk yard dog.
Yeah, he was badder than Corn Pop.
the Lions curse is real. kek
commercial real estate office market is shit and they want to build another skyscraper?
doesn't pass the smell test
feds must need another landmark in OKC to blow up.
they got him now…/s
“Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.” Rev. 11:19
is this "the" ark?
they created it.
the feds and hollywood created and released these images to hype the psyop.
ratcheting it up before the super bowl. when KC wins, she will give an interview and blame right wingers for them…with a tear in her eye.
gitmo is gonna need to be bigger
KC and 49ers.
gosh, i wonder who is going to win???
the sheep still haven't learned the feds and hollywood create this crap. the media promotes it with "outrage" and the psyop continues.
just no awareness even after the covid psyop.
stupid people everywhere
this is how one should know it is a setup