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Crossfire Hurricane…

Crossfire Razor=Michael Flynn

Occam’s Razor

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Flynn Was a Keystone in the CIA/Five-Eyes Plot to Frame Donald Trump

7 September 2018


Whether Flynn was a witting operative for the Deep State—which he had been an important part of as Director of the US Defense Intelligence Service—or whether he was used, unwittingly, as a piece in the game by his former associates to ensnare Trump as candidate, and then President Elect, is impossible to say, but the weight of the evidence we have accumulated militates toward a conclusion that Flynn was, to some degree, a willing participant.


Much of the information in this report had been collected before Ashton Gray started his ongoing series, CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired with Russia and Harry Reid to Frame Trump—PART A, PART B, and PART C, but an editorial decision was made to temporarily leave it out of those timelines while we worked to confirm and integrate crucial dates of crucial events. We now feel that the information is complete enough, and important enough for the public good, that we are publishing it here in the form of a chronology. The existing articles in Ashton Gray’s series are being updated with this information as applicable, which should be finished in a few days, and the other material in this timeline will be included, as applicable, in his upcoming articles for the continuing series.


Meanwhile, below is a condensed timeline of events related to Michael Flynn and to Donald Trump’s run for the presidency. [NOTE: For technical reasons, our database puts “circa” indications after, not before, estimated day dates when the exact date within a given month isn’t known, e.g. 15 c. November 2016 means on or about the date of 15 November 2016]:


Monday, 2 c. July 2012

MICHAEL FLYNN becomes the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); the commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance; and the chairman of the Military Intelligence Board. He is answerable to JAMES CLAPPER, then the Director of National Intelligence.


Monday, 10 c. June 2013

MICHAEL FLYNN, as director of the DIA, visits Moscow, and is the first US officer ever allowed inside Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).


Friday, 11 October 2013

First day of the University of Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, Michelmas Term 2013, hosted primarily by STEFAN HALPER, covert CIA/FBI operative with ties to British intelligence, and RICHARD DEARLOVE, former head of MI6.


Saturday, 9 November 2013

DONALD TRUMP is in Moscow for the 2013 Miss Universe pageant held there that evening.


Friday, 29 November 2013

SVETLANA LOKHOVA—a Russian graduate of Cambridge, who happens to be the daughter of a Russian shipping magnate—gives a talk at the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, Michelmas Term 2013, hosted primarily by Stefan Halper and Richard Dearlove. [NOTE: During this weeks-long seminar, news and intelligence reports indicate that Donald Trump is seriously considering running for governor of New York as a springboard to the 2016 presidential election. Svetlana Lokhova later will be connected in the press to Michael Flynn, after he joins the Trump presidential campaign, because of their encounter at the next Cambridge Intelligence Seminar. See entry for 6 February 2014.]


Friday, 20 c. December 2013

“In late December 2013,” Donald Trump meets with Republican leaders about the possibility of running for governor of New York, and shortly afterwards receives a printed briefing from one of them called “Springboards to the Presidency,” in reference to the governorship of New York being a possible first step for Trump to run in the 2016 US Presidential election.


Friday, 17 January 2014

First day of the University of Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, Lent Term 2014, hosted primarily by Stefan Halper and Richard Dearlove. Also at this seminar are MICHAEL FLYNN, US Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and a Russian graduate of Cambridge named Svetlana Lokhova, who later will be connected in the press to Michael Flynn because of their encounter at the seminar.


Thursday, 6 February 2014

On or about this date, MICHAEL FLYNN is introduced to Svetlana Lokhova at the University of Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, Lent Term 2014, being hosted by Deep-State operatives Stefan Halper and Richard Dearlove. It is the last day of the seminar, when a dinner is held with all attendees. [NOTE: This meeting will later be blown into major proportions by Operation Mockingbird press in attempts to frame Trump for “Russian collusion.”]

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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Donald Trump meets with “half the state’s Republican county chairs” at Trump Tower in New York. In that meeting, or on or about the same time, Trump “discussed with state Republican leaders the idea of using the governorship as a platform to run for president,” offering a “look at Mr. Trump’s budding strategy to capture the White House, which he predicted he would begin in 2015.” [Trump decided ultimately not to run for governor of New York.]


Monday, 7 April 2014

Someone creates a Facebook page, “Donald Trump for President.”


About three weeks later …


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post announces that: “Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn is expected to end his tenure as DIA director this summer, about a year before he was scheduled to depart, according to officials who said Flynn faced pressure from Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. and others in recent months.” [NOTE: The alleged “pressure” stated in the press is classic CIA Punch-‘n’-Judy, manufactured “conflict” among the so-called “intelligence” class, the exact kind of gratuitous gossip that cannot be verified, but that helps to give anyone going undercover a “cover,” distancing them from their CIA and Five Eyes cronies.]


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Michael Flynn retires as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, about a year early. At the ceremony, “Director of National Intelligence James Clapper presented Flynn with both the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal and the Intelligence Community Seal Medallion.”


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Flynn registers a “consulting firm,” Flynn Intel Group LLC, in Virginia. The address he uses for it is a townhouse in Alexandria, Virginia, owned by his friend Stanley A. McChrystal, who has his own background in the “intelligence community.” [NOTE: In a classic CIA “twosie,” there will be two different companies called Flynn Intel Group: this one, Flynn Intel Group LLC, and later Flynn Intel Group Inc. As is typical, coverage in the “mainstream media” rarely makes any distinction, referring only to a Flynn Intel Group, but the distinction is important, particularly to the chronological sequence of events. UPDATE: Chalet Reports has now learned of the close association between Flynn, McChrystal, and GREG VOGLE, who within only months would become the head of the CIA’s dirtiest dirty tricks division, the National Clandestine Service. See our recent report, EXCLUSIVE: Greg Vogle, the “Missing Man” in the CIA’s Attempt to Frame Donald Trump. —Ed.]


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Press reports say that Donald Trump is “serious about 2016 bid” for the presidency, and that he has retained an election attorney, and has put off signing for another season on “The Celebrity Apprentice.”


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Donald Trump announces formation of a “presidential exploratory committee,” and that he will not renew the contract for his TV show.


And then, in one of the weirdest “coincidences” we’ve ever encountered—and we thought we had seen them all in researching Watergate: The Hoax—less than two weeks after Donald Trump’s 18 March announcement …

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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Svetlana Lokhova—the Russian graduate of Cambridge University, and “the daughter of a Russian shipping magnate” who had been connected with Michael Flynn at the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar by Stefan Halper and Richard Dearlove on or about 6 February 2014 [see above]—is awarded £3.2 million [a little over $4.1 million] by the Central London Employment Tribunal for “sexual harassment” while working at the “London branch of Russian bank Sberbank CIB” as an “equity saleswoman.”


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

At Trump Tower in New York City, Donald Trump officially announces that he is running for President of the United States.


And then on the next day …


Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Michael Flynn registers the Flynn Intel Group, Inc. in Wilmington, Delaware. [NOTE: This is the corporation, Flynn Intel Group, Inc., NOT the limited liability partnership, Flynn Intel Group LLC, that Flynn had registered several months earlier, on 23 October 2014 (see above) in Virginia. From our experience, this is an unmistakable fingerprint of a CIA/Deep State op, creating a “twosie” to intentionally create confusion, and to obfuscate dates. This date of incorporation also, in our analysis, is the entire reason why CIA mouthpieces such as The Washington Post and The New York Times have consistently avoided stating the distinction between the two different entities, or, importantly, this crucial date on which the corporation was registered.]


At this point—almost as predictably as sunrise—Flynn’s activities become somewhat vague and clouded for several months, but in classic Deep-State stealth, he takes steps to obfuscate and diffuse his real target—Donald Trump—sidling up to and “advising” many of the Republican primary candidates for the presidency, according to him:


MICHAEL FLYNN: I consciously made a decision once I felt the country was at such risk and I was advising five of the candidates running for president. They all reached out to me … Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump. … They would ask me about national security, what’s happening in the world, my thoughts on particular issues.


If this doesn’t sound weird—very weird—it should, because Flynn is a registered Democrat, who in his own words “grew up as a Democrat in a very strong Democratic family.” In his interview quoted above, he doesn’t name one single Democratic presidential candidate that he advised. As a side note, this is also a one-sided claim by Flynn of who reached out to whom, given that there is no record anywhere as evidence showing which, if any, of those named candidates actually “reached out” to Flynn, or which may have had Flynn “recommended” to them by Flynn’s many Deep-State cronies.


Sometime during this period, though—and, as usual with Deep State operations, the dates are obscured—Flynn apparently accepted speaking engagements for Russia’s TV network RT, formerly “Russia Today.”


One of those speaking engagements later became scandalous world news …


Thursday, 10 December 2015

Michael Flynn is a guest speaker at a gala dinner in Moscow for RT. During the dinner he is seated at a table next to Russian President Vladimir Putin—which is made a photo op that later will be blasted all over the world.


Only a matter of weeks later—and again, as usual in such operations, dates are foggy and unverifiable—sometime in February or early March of 2016, Michael Flynn started “unofficially advising” the Trump campaign on “foreign policy.” This was in the same general time frame as when Director of the CIA John Brennan traveled to Moscow to meet with Russian intelligence agents, and when three other “advisers” were suddenly involved with the Trump campaign, all around the same time: Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos.


And that is where begins Ashton Gray‘s seminal series, CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired with Russia and Harry Reid to Frame Trump—PART A, PART B, and PART C, which at the time of this writing consists of those three reports, but soon will be expanded. We believe that it is the most accurate and detailed timeline of events in 2016 yet produced, correcting many of the dates that have been presented as imprecise or even downright wrong elsewhere. We urge you to read and share it.


Paul Manafort already had a history with Russian-connected oligarchs and entities, such as Oleg Deripaska, when he came into the Trump campaign as an “adviser” in late February/early March 2016.

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Carter Page already had a history with Russia and Russian-connected oligarchs—including, by his claim, Victor Pinchuk—and also had a history of working as an undercover agent for the FBI and the CIA when he came into the Trump campaign as an “adviser” in late February/early March 2016. Within a very short time, he would be connected with Stefan Halper and Richard Dearlove to attend one of their Cambridge Intelligence get-togethers.


Michael Flynn‘s connections with Russia had been carefully manufactured and documented by the time he managed to get into the Trump campaign as “adviser,” as this report describes, and he unquestionably had his own ties to Stefan Halper and Richard Dearlove.


George Papadopoulos, within a very short time of that crucial late-February/early-March 2016 time frame, when he came on as yet another “foreign policy adviser” to Trump, would be involved with Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer, and Joseph Mifsud—every one of them connected with British intelligence, and all of them helping to manufacture a phony Russian connection through Papadopoulos.


The evidence is overwhelming that there was a concerted long-running effort by the CIA, the “intelligence community,” and the Five Eyes to covertly taint Donald Trump—once removed, through a covey of “advisers”—with gossip and “dirt” that could be used, they thought, to prevent Trump from ever becoming President of the United States, and, in the then-unlikely event that he somehow did become POTUS, could be used to smear him and bring him down.


As Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse/The Last Refuge is fond of saying, and we couldn’t agree more: There were trillions of dollars at stake.


They have not stopped.


Please read CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired with Russia and Harry Reid to Frame Trump—PART A, PART B, and PART C , and look for the next installments, coming soon.


[UPDATE, 4:05 PST: While this report was being prepared, the news about Papadopoulos’s slap-on-the-wrist “sentencing” was announced. Ashton Gray absolutely predicted such an outcome over two weeks ago, on 22 August 2018, writing in PART A of his ongoing series:

As for Papadopoulos, they are using him exactly the way they used the “Cuban contingent” in Watergate: to “confess” to lesser and nonexistent “crimes” in order to plant a false, fictitious record. Bet the farm that he either will not see a minute in jail, or will get sent to some Country Club jail to read, watch TV, and write his “memoirs.”


I’ve just received word from Ashton Gray that he would like me to add here that he guarantees that Michael Flynn also will get a for-show-only “sentence,” because at all relevant times Flynn was part of the covert op against Trump. Ashton believes that is exactly why Mueller—also in on the attempted coup—has three times postponed any kind of sentencing for Flynn. We’ll see. —Ed.]


[UPDATE 2, 4 December 2018: It has just been announced by multiple news sources that Mueller has recommended no jail time for Michael Flynn, exactly as Ashton Gray predicted over three months ago, on 7 September 2018, the date of this article’s publication. Sometimes Ashton’s uncanny predictions make even us get goose flesh—and we know him. In any case, this news fully vindicates Ashton’s and our reporting and analysis. Thanks to David Reznor for bringing to bear on this article his usual outstanding research and writing. —Ed.]

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What is being done to Donald Trump is the same kind of Deep-State coup that was masterminded by the CIA in the early 1970s to overthrow Richard Nixon. Ashton Gray’s revolutionary 600-page CIA exposé Watergate: The Hoax is indispensable reading for anyone who cares about our republic and the preservation of the Constitution of the United States. Buy and read Watergate: The Hoax today, and recommend it to everyone you know, love, and care about!