Anonymous ID: 5c3a27 Jan. 28, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.20320944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1224 >>1421 >>1502 >>1562 >>1634

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom Claims Biden Has Border Plan – Blames Republicans For Interference


It must be election season.


California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Sunday told ABC’s Jon Karl that Joe Biden is attempting to fix the crisis at the southern border. Even more insulting, he is blaming Republicans and claiming they are trying to affect the presidential election.


Newsom also claimed that immigration reform is just as important as securing the border. Yes, more nonsense.


Fox News reported:


California Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed that President Biden is trying to act on the southern border, but Republicans are failing to act on the crisis to influence the upcoming presidential election.


“The president put out a comprehensive strategy, a pathway to citizenship along the lines of their former hero, Ronald Reagan, to address the reality on the ground,” Newsom said during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos.


Newsom, a Democrat, said immigration reform is just as much of an issue as border security, outlining a $14 billion plan to get more judges to process illegal immigrants more efficiently and provide security at the border with 2,300 new border agents.


“And they [Republicans in Congress] refuse to act. They’re just promoting an agenda to disrupt and find a crowbar, to put in the spokes in the wheels of the Biden administration to disrupt any progress on this, because they don’t want progress. Period,” Newsom told ABC’s “This Week” host Jon Karl.




On immigration, California Gov. Gavin Newsom says Republicans are trying to “find a crowbar to put in the spokes of the wheels of the Biden administration to disrupt any progress on this, because they don’t want progress.”


— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) January 28, 2024


Biden’s record at the border would say otherwise.


Since January of 2021, an estimated 11 million illegals have poured into the US. That number is rapidly growing.


TGP reported in October 2023 that the Biden regime wanted to build a border wall segment after recently selling off $300 million worth of materials for the Trump wall for only $2 million.

Anonymous ID: 5c3a27 Jan. 28, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.20321050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eight Daesh terrorists killed in Daraa countryside


Daraa, SANA- The authorities concerned eliminated a number of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists in Nawa city in Daraa countryside.


A field source told SANA reporter that the authorities concerned carried out a security operation against the dens of the Daesh terrorist organizations in Nawa city, Daraa, and eliminated eight terrorists, among them leaders.


The so-called Wali Houran, Amir Osama al-Azizi Abu Laith, nicknamed (al-shayeb) and his companion, the terrorist Awad al-Awaid Abu Ahmed al-Qasiba, and the terrorist Zakour from al-Hajar al-Aswad and his three children were identified among the killed.

Anonymous ID: 5c3a27 Jan. 28, 2024, 5:23 p.m. No.20321069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Rogan bashes leftist cult for progressive policies destroying the country: 'You're fing chopping ds off, giving little kids hormone blockers'


Joe Rogan tore progressive policies to shreds during a recent episode of his massively popular podcast. The prolific podcaster blasted members of the left as a "cult."


This week, Rogan welcomed fellow comedian Bobby Lee to "The Joe Rogan Experience." Rogan attempted to sell Lee on the idea of him moving from California to Austin, Texas. Rogan explained all of the advantages of living in Austin versus Los Angeles – the move that Rogan made in 2020.


"It's a great place tax-wise, it's great place traffic-wise, it's a great place," Rogan said of the city of Austin. "The most important thing is people-wise. The people here are so friendly. Austin people are great people. They're really nice. They're nice. They're not s**theads, they're not Hollywood people. They're not lost in this fake world of leftist ideology that everybody's trapped in. They're just people, they're just regular people, man. And those people exist outside of these, these blue bubbles where everyone's gone insane."


Rogan admitted that he used to be part of the blue bubble. He confessed that he was "100% a left-leaning person who lived in Los Angeles" and never voted for a Republican in his entire life.


However, Rogan slammed the progressive policies of California and declared the state had gone "full communist."


Rogan rattled off a list of the "insane" policies in Democrat-controlled areas of California that have had significant consequences – including the defund the police movement, Proposition 47 that made theft under $950 a misdemeanor, the zero-bail policy, and progressive district attorneys releasing criminals who committed violent crimes.


Rogan said San Francisco is "non-existent."


"Most of San Francisco is emptied out of like big chain stores and big department stores," he added.


Lee chimed in, "I won't even do stand-up there anymore. They ruined it."


Rogan recommended that San Francisco needs "some hardcore Rudy Giuliani type motherf***er to come in there and knock heads."


Despite saying he was left-leaning, he said the extreme policies of the Democrats have now forced him to "the middle" politically.


Lee agreed, and also said that he is in the middle now, and it "only happened in the last year."


Rogan said the left is now a "cult," and anyone who criticizes the cult will be attacked for it.


He continued, "It gets into these weird gray areas, like, trans people in women's bathrooms. Like, says who? Says who? How do you know that's a real trans person? How do you not know that's a fing creep that wants to pull his d* out in front of kids?"


Rogan said if you even question if someone is a legitimate transgender individual or a sexual pervert, you'll be "excommunicated" from the cult and get "treated like you're a Nazi."


The UFC commentator told Lee, "So over time, you and I who used to be on the left, are now like, 'Where's the left? Where are you guys? You guys are so far away. I can't even see you. You're out of you're mind'"


"You're fing chopping ds off and giving little kids hormone blockers. You have no idea what the long-term consequences are. You're ignoring the health risks. You won't even talk about the health risks," Rogan passionately ranted. "You use things like gender-affirming care. What are you saying?"


Rogan believes that many liberals don't actually believe in these ideas but think they'll be seen as a "noble thing to blurt out so everybody goes, 'You're on the right team.

Anonymous ID: 5c3a27 Jan. 28, 2024, 5:54 p.m. No.20321207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How the Israel war lobby coerces regulators and employers to fire Australian critics of the genocide in Gaza


A government-subsidised workforce of Israel lobbyists is targeting regulators and employers across the fields of media, medicine and business to sack employees who criticise the government of Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinian people.


The powerful reach of the Zionist lobby in Australia has been on display the past few weeks, with news that lobbyists pressured ABC executives leading to the sacking of ABC journalist Antoinette Lattouf for sharing information from Human Rights Watch on her social media.


As the story of her unfair dismissal became global news, it seemed the pressure from transnational Zionist lobby groups didn’t rest with the media and government, and in fact, was a multi-sector, multi-tentacled lobbying army that is working to threaten the livelihoods of those who possess public views that support the people of Gaza under the charge of antisemitism.


On the morning of October 19, after receiving news from a friend trapped in Gaza about the bombing of the Al Ahli hospital, Farah Abdurahman, a media advisor to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), published a LinkedIn post to express her dismay in a train on the way to work.


Abdurahman arrived at her desk at 9am as images were streaming into the world revealing the devastation at the hospital site, and her post was getting attention. Within moments, her post was being aired on the Ray Hadley show, and by 2pm, she was called in by her superiors, who initially sent her home for some personal leave under the pretence of ‘mental health care’, citing the attention her post received.


The speed with which Abdurahman was removed was remarkable. Within moments after Abdurahman posted, the Zionist lobbyists had sent screenshots to the Ray Hadley Morning Show on 2GB, who then relayed this information to the office of NSW Premier Chris Minns for comment. Within a small matter of hours, her organisation was made aware of the situation by the NSW Premier’s office.


Initially her directors “feigned concern” for her mental health about replies to her LinkedIn post calling her things like a “rape apologist”, before sending her home on what would turn out to be forced extended leave without pay. Farah would never return to her position at the DCJ.


The Australian Jewish Association and a vexatious cartel of pro-Israel lobby groups are pursuing individuals in their workplaces across multiple industries in Australia, with individuals and groups targeted who have spoken out against Israel’s actions facing real and concerning consequences as a result.


A lapel pin worn by a Qantas flight attendant made national news as a former Liberal Party staffer had a photo he took of the worker on a flight to Tasmania amplified by the pro-Israel lobbies and the Murdoch-led media onslaught, leading to a national frenzy and over 6,000 signatures on a petition calling for the flight attendant’s dismissal.


Not satisfied with this, the AJA also spammed another photo featuring an airline worker wearing a similar lapel pin to his colleague, using the same tactic to shame the employee and coerce the employer to terminate them.