Anonymous ID: 2a8f22 Jan. 29, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.20326487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6552 >>6638 >>6652

>KEK, Jon Hamm must have some pretty big bones in his closet. I can't look at anyone supporting Schiff and not think they are blackmailed in some way. The only other option is that they are really fucking stupid…


Hi, it’s Jon Hamm.


You may know me better for my role as advertising executive Don Draper on the show Mad Men, but today I’m writing to talk to you about Adam Schiff and why we need to support his run for California’s Senate seat.


I believe that this election for California’s next U.S. Senator will shape the course of our democracy for many years to come.


We need to elect someone who won’t back down from a tough fight and knows how to get things done.


The twice-impeached, four-times-indicted ex-president’s recklessness and impulsiveness put this country in peril several times, and we must take him seriously as a threat to our democracy. Yet time and again, very few have held him accountable for his actions.


Adam Schiff has. Again and again.


Over the years, I’ve watched Adam do the important work to investigate Trump, lead the impeachment trial, and hold his feet to the fire for the January 6th insurrection.


Adam has shown that he doesn’t back down from big fights. He’s defended our democracy and our shared values throughout his career, and he’ll keep up those fights in the Senate.


But Trump and his cronies also know this. That’s why they continue to attack Adam on television, on social media, and at their campaign rallies.


Electing Adam to the U.S. Senate would be their worst nightmare — so I need your help to make sure that’s exactly where Adam ends up.


So what do you say? Will you contribute any amount to Adam’s U.S. Senate campaign today so that he can overcome baseless MAGA attacks, win this election, and lead the fight for progress in the Senate?


If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:








Thanks for hearing me out today. I hope you’re more fired up than ever to join me in the fight to elect Adam to the U.S. Senate.


Jon Hamm