Anonymous ID: e8e677 Jan. 29, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.20326625   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Around comes the mimic

the ill-tempered cynic

to soothe its angry inch


It badly wants Yous

to fend off the blues

caused by the angry inch


It tries day and night

with all of its might

to console the angry inch


Starved of attention

trapped with the tension

cursed with an angry inch

Anonymous ID: e8e677 Jan. 29, 2024, 6:31 p.m. No.20326993   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Les agriculteurs français déversent de grandes quantités de fumier sur les bâtiments gouvernementaux pour protester contre les réglementations environnementales excessives qui menacent leur mode de vie.


Les agriculteurs protestent contre les réglementations excessives et la technocratie de l'hystérie climatique qui menacent de ruiner leurs moyens de subsistance, ainsi que contre l'interdiction du glyphosate par l'UE.


Une organisation à l'origine des manifestations a déclaré que les manifestations “resteront complètes tant que le gouvernement ne fournira pas à l'agriculture française tous les moyens lui permettant de s'impliquer pleinement dans les enjeux alimentaires, énergétiques et environnementaux du futur.”


Les Pays-Bas ont été secoués par des manifestations similaires ces dernières années contre les limites des émissions d'azote qui auraient conduit à la fermeture de milliers d'exploitations agricoles.


French farmers are dumping large quantities of manure on government buildings to protest excessive environmental regulations that threaten their way of life.


Farmers are protesting against excessive regulations and the technocracy of climate hysteria that threaten to ruin their livelihoods, as well as the EU ban on glyphosate.


An organization at the origin of the demonstrations said that the demonstrations “will remain complete as long as the government does not provide French agriculture with all the means allowing it to be fully involved in food, energy and environmental issues of the future.”


The Netherlands has been rocked by similar protests in recent years against limits on nitrogen emissions that would have led to the closure of thousands of farms.