Look at you, reduced to namefagging like eBot or Pilotorb. Now go into whining script and try to generate the consensus that I should be permanently castigated because you recognize me, not because of any narrative I post, because I have no narrative, but just because you can recognize me because of the images I post. And to rage against that, you will post the same images and try attaching the label narcissist to them. Your efforts of setting an example to show what could happen to other Anons has kind of fallen flat. Poor bastard.
He wrote so much text, and I read every single word. Nice timestamp palindrome.
Getting certificate issues?
Nice timestamp run.
He really liked those pawns and that one bishop though. KEK. Tears of the manbun.
It's just the shills way to cope. They need something to hate.
I'm grateful that the algorithm is pushing Britney on the YouTube homepage on my end rather than that artificial hag. She's nicer to look at anyway.
Been tested a few times, never at my behest, and the results always came back inconclusive so ruled as not on any spectrum pertaining to autism. Just an INTP on the asshole spectrum I guess.
Where's the MuhJoo spam that was posted for over half a decade and what are the paid posting clowns attacking in its stead?
Your script is old, Parakeet. It's amazing how you clowns display every degenerate characteristic that you accuse them of. Your ideology has used them as your scapegoat for so long you don't know what to do without it. And using a quote from a known and documented supporter of the Nazis doesn't help your argument any, retarded clown.