Res ipsa loquitur. The facts speak for themselves.
Another germanfag here, losing my religion.
For the third time in history, (((they))) are hellbent on destroying Germany (and Europe) and this time (((they))) will succeed.
When the Dublin 4 law (basically it abolishes our borders and lets everybody in) will be implemented in Europe, Germany will become the next Irak.
We have no guns, not enough police forces, our army de-weaponised, antiquated and desolate - in opposition to the criminals, who have been (((armed))) and plot in the mosques.
Erdogan once said, "Democracy is only the train we board until we reach our goal. The mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the domes our helmets and the believers our soldiers." He was jailed for a year and banned for life from assuming a public office for that. Thanks to the C_A he is now the Sultan of Turkey. There are millions of turks in Germany in addition to the moslems, who will have no problem entering illegally then. Can you spot the pattern?
The media in Germany is a solid wall of propaganda and controlled by the C_A and (((Haim Saban))) amongst some german people I do not know very much about. It has been under almost complete control mainly of the fucking C_A (OSA) since the end of WW2. There is not a single really neutral or even a conservative newspaper or TV channel left in Germany. It’s all a lies. The average person cannot get real information from the mainstream media, so internet will be next.
So don’t complain about german people not waking up as it really makes me angry!
You know that most of the stories about WW2 have been fabricated by (((the same people))). Open Societies Foundation in Berlin now, great. I can now read even more of the sponsored cancer on German web blogs, that are much more woken than mainstream media.
Angela Merkel is a despot, who breaks German, European and international law and NOBODY seems to care. According to law professors and ex-members of our highest court she clearly broke the law and committed treason and our highest court does not even accept or look at the charges submitted by them.
I know, that the majority of Germans does no accept her politics, but there is no platform to express your opinion. Antif@gs are much worse here than in the USA and kill every protest/event with the help of politicians and the police and the media will absolutely paint everyone as nazi. And Trump is the devil.
It’s the same situation as in the USA as you can guess. But far more progressed and in my opinion almost too late. Good luck freeing Germanistan then. Germany is located in the center of Europe, so if Germany falls Europe will collapse and eventually fall too.
It’s ironic, by how much it was better during the cold war and when the wall was still there. Maybe the Russians weren’t so bad after all…