Anonymous ID: 9dfef1 July 4, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.2033645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#2564 >>2032762 UK clowns, poison, leadup to POTUS/Putin meeting

>>2032550 The Iranians Have Made Novichok

>>2032377 Military Picnic Live Stream

>>2032319, >>2032423 CDAN is being used to redpill the normies and make the connection to the Great Awakening

>>2032383 Texas Mom Arrested for selling young children

>>2032416 ResignationAnons website

>>2032505 Schumer celebrates the murder of unborn children

*#2563 >>2031502 Watch the water. >>203152

>>2031521 Good read on Awan bank fraud

>>2031586 If You’ve Nothing to Hide,You Should Welcome Google’s New Surveillance System

>>2031632 Europe Turns Down Chinese Offer For Grand Alliance Against The US

>>2031631 Donald Trumps opinion on Revenge

>>2031705 (You) Please put Semper Fidelis back into the bread

#2563 >>2031433 Chess pieces, swords, soundwaves OH MY

>>2031565 Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

>>2031579 Will you be the 100th Monkey?

>>2031691 , >>2031911 protester protesting

>>2031914 "As Patriots," Learn our comms

>>2031774 Found source of United plane

>>2031918 Q reposting was from 242 days ago

*#2562 >>2030686 Israeli gets 100 days community service for lynching asylum seeker he mistook for terrorist

>>2030736 Austria - PM Kurz Threatens To Close Border Over Merkel Asylum Agreement

>>2030828 Son Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Killed By Syrian Military

>>2030893 WATCH: ICE Busts Suspected Sex-Trafficking Ring, Liberals Protest

>>2030936 Caitlin Johnstone: America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule

>>2030954 US Jewish Leader Expresses Compassion for Refugees at US Border– and Contempt for Palestinian Refugees

>>2030982 Anti-Trump FBI Agent May Ignore Congressional Subpoena, His Lawyer Says


>>2031082 School District Refuses To Permit Parents See LGBT Videos Students Were Forced To Watch

>>2031182 Episcopal Church considers adding gender-neutral language regarding God to its book of prayers

#2562 >>2030725 QClock will we get 9/11 truth today?

>>2030791 FBI doing their best to feel wanted

>>2030822 Mirror mirror, on the wall

>>2030690 , >>2030765 HMMMmmmmmmm

>>2031009 Watch the water

>>2030879 , >>2030952 , >>2030981 Q is an Anon first

>>2031041 Break the programming and rise #GreatAwakening

*#2561 >>2029954 >>2030120 Joel A. Getz

>>2029991 #DrainTheSwamp

>>2030157 The Iranian embassy official reportedly gave Belgian couple the bomb

>>2030242 Avenatti-2020

>>2030040 Blind items revealed #8

>>2030368 Dems Issue Depressing Statement on Independence Day as People Leave Party in Droves

>>2030408 Psychoanalysing NATO: Projection

>>2030426 Planefag Report - 4 July 2018

>>2030496 Judge tosses suit alleging Trump campaign conspired with Russia in DNC hack

>>2030598 Collated Planefag Notables

#2561 >>2029872 Tasty Q Proof

>>2029941 HMmmmmmmmm

>>2029924 , >>2029990 Joel Getz digging Zero Hedge is Disinfo

>>2030149 AF1 pic theory

>>2030356 Many possibilities

>>2030173 , >>2030270 Filename dig

>>2030439 Man-Bear-Pig was fake after all!

>>2030339 8D Chess

>>2030426 , >>2030462 , >>2030514 , >>2030558 , >>2030580 Planefaggotry

Anonymous ID: 9dfef1 July 4, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.2033754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the 40,000 ft view of the notables shows a great deal of

padding out with vacuous BS to obscure real notable posts

What is also evident that cannot be attributed to neophyte errors are the subversive entries that occur

they seem to happen with along with certain style & posting patterns but without verification of which baker baked which bread there will be no proof

BO just removed one BV who was openly insubordinate at the least

It makes one wonder what else is going on…