Has anyone else read this article about Iran
And the manufacture of Novichok
A nerve agent developed in Uzbekistan in the Soviet Union?
Note that they had help from the OPCW
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Could it be that the OPCW is comped?
Given what we now know about Iran's complicity
In terrorism throughout the Middle East
In Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen
And their connections with Hezbollah
And it's South American drug trafficking business
Doesn't it make you suspicious
That a POISON only known to be manufactured in Iran
Is now being used to poison people in England?
Could it be that Iranian agents
Planning a hit on somebody big
Somebody very big
Might be a bit sloppy with this stuff
Which has a limited lifetime?
And what does limited lifetime mean anyway?
Will it expand in a bottle, burst the seals and drip out?
Will it dissolve the plastic of a container in the trunk of a car
And drip onto the street?
Or are there people at Porton Down
Who know too much
And have to be silenced
To protect the mullahs?
Very suspicious