you fuckin chuds already know this was M0$$@D See _ eye_ Ayyyyyyyy, MI6 so we can bomb bomb bomb Iran… bomb bomb Bomb Iran….. only 5 proxy wars? you ain't even tryin!
you fuckin chuds already know this was M0$$@D See _ eye_ Ayyyyyyyy, MI6 so we can bomb bomb bomb Iran… bomb bomb Bomb Iran….. only 5 proxy wars? you ain't even tryin!
this is not unbelievable… even though don't wanna believe … hung out with 2 npcish retarded female friends (I know redundantly redundant) who recently got jabbed even though begged them not to ( pureblood here even not so sure anymore… )… after that night, we all got super sick with a 'cold/flu' that lasted forever… I never get sick, totally felt like I got shedded on, scared the shit out of me….. .
bro if yer going , go… kek