Anon stands by it, Sir. SO much crap on our "side" does more to kill cred than help. Lurk a "big" forum for info, where they get news oftentimes before we do here, and they mock a certain sauce even when the stuff's 100% on-point because of what was called out. The forum is censored to a degree, but not as bad as Everywhere else outside of here.
It's not the "dems" we're fighting. It's the media, and the clowns in it. While OAN has been the ONLY outlet reporting everything since 2015, there are people on there anon won't watch (and have even called out), but it NEEDS to be cited for the things they ARE allowed to Report AND even talk about – which happens to be EVERYTHING which is suppressed everywhere else, including the popular "conservative" pravda cited all-too ofen until a prime click-bait opportunity (finally) arises.