Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.20335880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5901 >>5946


>nope correction, opposite finger paint.


>left hand is also 2 white and 2 red .


>other way round.


Also snake skin pattern blouse


“You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die.”


“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin,


“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in,


”Take me in, oh tender woman,


>>20335708 pb

>Gold Nail Polish




>Gold nail polish for men symbolizes wealth, ambition, and luxurious tastes. It confirms an appreciation for richness and a high standard of living.




>For women, gold resonates with success, luxury, and quality. Women who prefer gold are confident, passionate, and abundantly productive.


>Red nail polish is simply – timeless. If you have yet to wear it, now is the right time to start. It symbolizes fire, passion, and confidence. It is one of the colors that are accepted almost everywhere. You can wear it to work to show your co-workers your confidence.


>As the ultimate state of glamour, red nails mean you are daring and always up to show off your diva side.

Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 10:06 a.m. No.20335903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5916 >>5972


>Anonymous 01/31/24 (Wed)12:47:32b381e4 (1) No.20335821>>20335827 >>20335832 >>20335876


>I spy a missing letter. Can you find it?



[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump01/31/2024 12:48:48

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111851820077100648


[i]Will be meeting with the Teamsters in D.C. today. So many of their Members vote for me. Should be very interesting!

Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.20335946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5952 >>5960


>chek out the woman jen's easterly. finger nails,




How to Manifest Your 2024 Goals Using Nail Polish Colors

Good nails, good vibes.


By Danielle Sinay

December 13, 2023


Wondering how to manifest your future? You might want to consider changing up your nail polish colors.


Yes, really! According tocolor and glamour magic(yep, that’s the real name for this phenomenon), each shade has a different spiritual meaning and can therefore help you visualize and manifest your future from your fingertips.


How do I know? Well, I asked the experts, for one, but have also experienced it firsthand (literally). Two years ago I stopped connecting to the pale pink color I’d worn on my nails for years, and felt that my mani—and life—needed an energetic overhaul. Seeking answers, I googled “manifestation manicures,” wondering if certain nail polish colors could, in theory, help me manifest, or visualize, the future I wanted—similar to a mood board.


My initial findings on dated “color magic”web forums confirmed my suspicion that colors were known for their unique meanings. Enthused, I chose bright yellow, which is known for optimism and joy, adding a smiley face to each ring finger. And the rest is history. Since that manicure—and intentionally experimenting with colors—my luck has changed in the absolute best way.


How? Well, my schedule magically aligned with an opportunity to fly home to visit family; I finally beat my 5K running time after months of training; and I started interviewing for my dream job…that I ended up getting. Of course, it could be a coincidence, or it could be that seeing that jovial hue on my hands every day brightened my mood, making things seem better. Whatever the case, I’m officially a “manifestation manicure” convert, and I asked actual experts about the method so you can try it too.


What is manifestation?


Manifesting is the act of visualizing what you want to happen in real life, such as getting into your dream graduate program, negotiating a higher salary, or meeting your soulmate (Megan Fox insists she manifested her fiancé). Imagining your ideal future as real makes your goals feel closer and more attainable, which, in theory, inspires you to take action to achieve them.




Women of Different Salaries on If They've Been Able to Invest in Themselves


“Manifestation is the purpose of thinking thoughts that you want to attain in real life. If thinking can make you a believer, then anything can happen—including your dreams,” Lisa Stardust, astrologer and writer of The Love Deck, explains. That said, Stardust says many people don’t realize that the simple act of thinking something doesn’t necessarily make it come true. “For instance, you have to do the daily work needed. Many people meditate on their aspirations twice a day for 30 minutes, or they journal their goals daily to mark progress, while some create a vision board to ensure they are always looking at their hopes.”


How does color tie into manifestation?


“Every color holds a vibrational energy that can enhance our intentions,” Sarah Potter, a tarot reader and psychic medium, tells Glamour. “When we use color consciously, we can manifest our desires, shift how we feel, and change the energy. We all relate to color; we all know which colors we live and which ones we repel. This is reflective of the energy we are working with and what we need to feel balanced.”


There is also a color for every intention, she adds. Red, for example, is associated with confidence, while tangerine orange boosts creativity and inspiration. Thus, painting your nails specific colors helps you harness that energy, while seeing those colors every day can impact your outlook—regardless of whether or not you even believe in manifestation.


“Color in general plays such a huge part in our mood,” Juli Russell, DIY nail expert for Sally Beauty, tells Glamour. “So whatever gives you the confidence to slay is absolutely going to bring success, whether it be a bold red to remind you that you’re a BA, or a smiley face nail design to give you encouragement—it all starts with a positive attitude.”

Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 10:18 a.m. No.20335952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yes, really! According tocolor and glamour magic(yep, that’s the real name for this phenomenon),

Gold Digga


How do you manifest with nail polish?


Painting your nails or getting a manicure is a form of glamour magic, an offshoot of color magic that consists of wearing various makeup colors to call in specific energies.


“It’s a lovely self-care ritual where you must sit still and be present with your intentions as you paint, and wait for the polish to dry,” Potter says. “Our hands are powerful: We receive and expel energy through our hands, we gesture while we speak, [so you] express your intentions to the universe through the consciously chosen colors of your nails.”


For example, painting your nails yellow brings in a boost of optimism (as it did with me), and turquoise is balancing and healing. “We see our hands every day throughout the day, so let your nails be a magical reminder of your own power and your own magic,” Potter asserts. Just be sure to really envision your intentions as you paint.


What are the meanings of each color?


“Want a raise at work? Paint your nails red to give yourself the confidence to ask your boss for that promotion. Feeling disconnected from your intuition? Paint your nails lavender to trust yourself and your inner wisdom,” says Potter. If you have an upcoming job interview, Stardust advises wearing orange. “Orange is the color of creativity, which is why in many jobs in which people use their creative skill set, it’s important to wear that color on their interview,” she says.


If you prefer nail art and designs, you can incorporate color magic into those manicures too: The base color is what matters most when it comes to manifestation. “As long as it incorporates the colors of the calls that you are trying to attain,” Stardust explains.


For example, if you want to manifest for the new year, Stardust suggests opting for nail art with gold or silver in it. “This is great for prosperity and confidence in the new year,” she says. “Designs with stars because they represent goals or something to strive for, and setting an intention for abundance or money with those key elements in mind after rinsing your hands with basil leaves will bring in wealth.”



Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 11:15 a.m. No.20336200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6216 >>6233 >>6260 >>6272 >>6359 >>6439

Simon Ateba


BREAKING: Tara Reade (@ReadeAlexandra

), ==the woman who accused President Joe Biden (@JoeBiden

) of sexually assaulting her in 1993, has just filed a $10 million tort complaint with the US Department of Justice.==


NOTE: She alleges invasion of privacy, emotional distress, and a violation of her rights.


NOTE: Reade also accuses the FBI of conducting a secret operation, "Operation Cassandra," to stalk, discredit, intimidate, and potentially harm her to eliminate her as a threat to @JoeBiden


Last edited

12:05 PM · Jan 31, 2024







Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 11:18 a.m. No.20336216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6233 >>6260 >>6272 >>6359 >>6439


>the woman who accused President Joe Biden (@JoeBiden


>) of sexually assaulting her in 1993, has just filed a $10 million tort complaint with the US Department of Justice.




ATTACHMENT TO STANDARD FORM 95IntroductionTara Reade was sexually victimized by then Senator Joseph Bidenin 1993. Her case was suppressedby Congressional investigatorsto protect Senator Biden. When she spoke out again, she was subject to an ongoing FBI Operation detailed belowto revictimize her a second time.ClaimantTara Readeis thetarget of“Operation Cassandra1”and brings this claim for damagesagainst theFBI, the Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, NCA1 Supervisory Senior Resident Agent, Andrew D. Forristel; Special Agent, Michael Catalano; and Does I-XX who are agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Department of Justice, whose identities are not yet known to Claimant, who authorized, directed, and actively monitored and participated in the actions alleged herein in order to engage in surveillance of the Claimant, seizure of her property, harassment, intimidation, coercion, invasion of privacyand other tortiousand unconstitutional activities.As a result of the actions carriedoutin furtherance of Operation Cassandra by the respondent FBI et al., Claimanthas suffered severe emotional distress and anxiety, was subjected to death threats, was unlawfully surveilled and had hercommunications and financial records seizedand recorded andwasforced toapply for asylumto a third country in credible fear of her lifeand liberty.These actionsby the FBI and its agents constitute the following torts:Violation of the Fourth Amendment under Bivens; 28 U.S.C. § 1331through the unconstitutional surveillance, search, and seizure that Claimanthas been subjected tothrough FBIOperation Cassandra.Violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 50 U.S.C. § 1810through the unlawful electronic surveillance of Claimant by and through FBI Operation Cassandra.Violations of state lawfor invasion of privacyunder Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 1346(b), 2671 et seq. in that Forristel and Catalano were employees of the United States, acting in the scope of their employment through their own actions and their directions to employeesand agents, under circumstances that would render the United States(FBI), if a privateperson, liable for damages that their actionsof unlawful surveillance, search, seizure, and threatscaused ClaimantunderOregon, WashingtonandCalifornia law.The United States is therefore liable to Claimant, as follows, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.§§ 1346(b) and 2674for:

Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 11:20 a.m. No.20336233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6272 >>6359 >>6439




>“Operation Cassandra1

not the FBI's op name per footnote


1The FBI Director unlawfully and unconstitutionally ordered a special operation, the codename currently unknown but which we will refer to herein as “Operation Cassandra,” against Claimant who during all times relevant was a resident of California (2019-2021), Oregon (2021-2023) and Washington (2023) in order to retaliate, intimidate, discredit and if possible, eliminate her as a threat to President Biden.“Cassandra” a priestess of Athena was cursed by Apollo for spurning his sexual advances, not to be believed even though she spoke the truth. Having truly predicted the fall of Troy and not believed, she was then revictimized by Ajax.Like Cassandra, Tara Readehas been victimized not only by rapist Joseph Biden but by the United Statesin the form of an FBI operation.

Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 11:29 a.m. No.20336272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6288 >>6359 >>6439





ParticularsIn 1992-1993 Tarawas employed as a staff assistant by then Senator Joseph Biden in Washington DC. She previously worked as an intern for Congressman Leon Panetta. The employment with Senator Biden culminated insexual harassment anda violent sexual assault of Taraby Senator Biden which was timely reported to the Congressional personnel office by Tara, she also told her mother and a friend of the assault. Her mother contacted well known news personality Larry King during a call in segment ( alluded to the assault several times over the yearsto close, personal friends.


arry King Live August 11, 1993: Tara Reade's Mother Calling Into Allege Joe Biden's Sexual Assault

Grateful American

1.19K subscribers





11,086 views Apr 26, 2020…


A 1993 video has surfaced that appears to show the mother of Tara Reade, the former aide to Joe Biden who has accused him of sexual assault, talking about "problems" her daughter faced on CNN’s "Larry King Live."


As first reported by the Intercept, an unnamed woman from San Luis Obispo, Calif., called into King's show and said, "I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him."


Reade confirmed to POLITICO it was her mother's voice.


King asked the woman, “She had a story to tell but, out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn’t tell it?"


The caller replied, "That's true."


In March, Reade accused Biden of digitally penetrating her in 1993 without her consent. Last year, she told reporters that Biden inappropriately touched her at the time, including on her neck and shoulder, but did not talk about an alleged assault.


Before the King video was discovered, Reade told media outlets, including POLITICO, that her mother had called into his show. She did not remember the date of the show at the time.


"She called him, I think, 'a prominent senator,'" Reade said in an interview last month. “She didn’t get into the assault, she got into the harassment. She said my daughter was sexually harassed by a very prominent senator, and then they retaliated and fired her.”


According to a transcript of the show and a video clip, the caller does not reference sexual harassment or firing. She does, however, talk about an unnamed “prominent senator.”


Biden's campaign did not provide comment. Kate Bedingfield, his deputy campaign manager and communications director, previously denied Reade’s allegations.


"Vice President Biden has dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around violence against women. He authored and fought for the passage and reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully," she said. "Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue. This absolutely did not happen."


Multiple women have accused Biden of inappropriately touching them, but Reade is the only person who has gone on the record alleging sexual assault.


Donald Trump Jr. tweeted several times about Reade’s allegations Friday evening. “Joe Biden isn’t sheltering in place in his basement bunker because of the pandemic, he’s hiding from Tara Reade,” he said.

Anonymous ID: bd8a5e Jan. 31, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.20336288   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In May 2020 after the issue of the sexual assault by President Biden again surfaced in the press, Tara became the subject of email and social media death threats.Her personal website and emails were hackedby the FBI. Tara not knowing that FBI was behind the threats and hacking, reported the matter to the FBI.FBI SSRA Andrew “Andy” Forristel contacted Tara told her that Special Agent Catalanowould be her point of contact.Special Agent Catalanorequested Tara report to hisoffice, without revealing the FBI’sinvolvementin Operation Cassandraor that Tara was their target. When Tara reported to the FBI office, Special Agent Catalano and two other FBI agents asked Tara to surrender herlaptop and cell phone for examination. She did sowith no idea she was the target of a FBI investigationand waited three hours while the FBI examined, copied, and placed spy ware on the devices