I have pictures of Hunter Biden with 10 year old girls
why will nobody print these
why are you all fucking scared to say the truth
I have pictures of Hunter Biden with 10 year old girls
why will nobody print these
why are you all fucking scared to say the truth
what the fuck you on about.
it's good news , i support Russia
U.S.A started this war
fuck the u.s and fuck the u.k
come take me to court then i will have to show Hunter Biden Fucking children in Court
dellusional muppet America had trouble trying to beat ragheads in a fucking desert
Russia are a space race and will fuck you mcdonalds eaters up ffs
aww snowflake don't you like the truth ?
did the big bad usa get its arse kicked by muslim camel herders in a desert.
yet snowflake still thinks usa can beat Russia.