Anonymous ID: 04d63b Jan. 31, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.20336587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6593

Jamaal Bowman Penned Poem Promoting 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

(He NOT WRONG!, even idiots get it right sometimes)

'Multiple explosions/Heard before/And during the collapse/Hmm…' NY congressman wrote

Meghan Blonder January 30, 2024


New York Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman published a poem suggesting the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks were a false flag operation used by the U.S. government to wage war in the Middle East, according to a new report.


Bowman from at least 2011 through 2014 maintained a personal blog under the web address, "," the Daily Beast reported Monday night. In one post published in the form of a poem—which Bowman penned as he served as principal of a public New York City middle school—the Democrat questioned whether a plane actually hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11 and suggested the United States "blamed" Osama bin Laden for orchestrating the attacks in a bid to declare war against Iraq and Afghanistan.


"2001/Planes used as missiles/Target: The Twin Towers," Bowman wrote in one stanza. "Later in the day/Building 7/Also Collaspsed [sic]/Hmm…/Multiple explosions/Heard before/And during the collapse/Hmm…"


"Allegedly/Two other planes/The Pentagon/Pennsylvania/Hijacked by terrorist/Minimal damage done/Minimal debris found/Hmmm…" Bowman continued. "We blamed Osama/Went to war in Iraq/Captured Saddam/Killed him. Bin Laden is Afghan/So we went to war there too." Bin Laden was born into a billionaire Saudi family and was never an Afghan citizen.


Bowman went on to cite two conspiratorial "documentary" videos that informed his views: Loose Change and Zeitgeist. The former contends that the U.S. government carried out the Sept. 11 attacks, while the latter posits that a cabal of international bankers control the world. Bowman's poem mentions the director behind Zeitgeist—Peter Joseph—by name, as well as other prominent conspiracy theorists.


The revelation comes as Bowman faces a difficult primary campaign against Westchester County executive George Latimer, who launched his campaign against the congressman in December. Bowman has repeatedly referenced the Sept. 11 attacks during his tenure as a congressman, having called for a "9/11-type commission" to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.


Bowman told the Daily Beast he "regrets" posting the poem and said his "life's work has proven" he does not believe the conspiracy theories he espoused.


"Well over a decade ago, as I was debating diving into a doctoral degree, I explored a wide range of books, films, and articles across a wide swath of the political spectrum and processed my thoughts in a personal blog few people ever read," Bowman said.


"I don't believe anything that these cranks have ever said, and my life's work proves that," he continued. "As a congressman,I've … stood up to MAGA extremists, and I've called out the endless bullshit of the far-right." (Well you might want to stop calling people Extremists first)

Anonymous ID: 04d63b Jan. 31, 2024, 1:09 p.m. No.20336732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ilhan Omar must resign: New evidence from nearly three dozen Somalis reveals a probable spree of felonies

David Steinberg

August 10, 2020


The "open secret" is now simply open. Yet the media cowardice continues.


According to the media's general judgment, 2020 U.S. voters are most concerned with purportedly complex issues of crime and justice. Voters should place no trust in this. This same media forbade itself to investigate a simple, yet objectively historic corruption scandal of national interest.


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has almost certainly committed the most extensive spree of felonies by a congressperson in U.S. history. As a criminal, she also appears to be historically inept. Scores of verified items of evidence against her are in the public record. Omar has never challenged their authenticity and has never produced a single piece of evidence to support her version of events.


She faces a primary on Tuesday. She again won her party's endorsement. She again won House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's endorsement — and her funding.


The mainstream media judges this remarkable situation to be irrelevant to Minnesota voters, let alone the dominant concern. Editorial malpractice on issues of crime, justice, and the 2020 election spreads everywhere this summer; by no coincidence, the spread can be traced to irresponsible media coverage of a deadly riot in Rep. Omar's district.


Below are 32 new, verifiable, archived pieces of evidence of Omar's historic crime spree.


Above: One of many Somali-language tributes to "Colonel Nur Said Elmi," Rep. Ilhan Omar's father, sent from around the world by family, friends, and contacts following his tragic June 2020 death from a COVID-19 infection. As a high-ranking officer in Somalia's (U.S.-backed) military from the 1970s until 1991, he was well known by this name and title.


In mid-June, Ilhan Omar's father tragically died from a COVID-19 infection. Expressions of grief, condolences, and prayers arrived from around the world, but particularly from the Somali-speaking immigrant community of Minneapolis and from the U.K. By all accounts, he earned his reputation as a gentle, kind neighbor, well known and beloved within Cedar-Riverside, as he had been in Somalia.



too long to post article, so I've attached the PDF. very interesting

Anonymous ID: 04d63b Jan. 31, 2024, 1:28 p.m. No.20336811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Posted on January 5, 2020 by Scott Johnson in Ilhan Omar, Media, Minnesota

Ilhan Omar: Errors & omissions, etc.


Working on the case of Ilhan Omar over the past three years, I have been most forcibly struck by what seems likeher compulsive lying and the lack of reliable information about her background. Reporters repeat and reiterate her lies as facts. She is under the impression that she proceeds with immunity from the alternative of truth or consequences that most of us live with most of the time, and she has yet to be proven wrong.


Omar lies out of habit — even when the lies serve no obvious purpose. When a friendly reporter asked her in the fall of 2016 why she hadn’t yet divorced Ahmed Nur Said Elmi (her brother, but let it pass), she replied, for example: “There are particular challenges to getting a legal divorce. One of those is getting the cooperation and presence of the other person who you are divorcing.”


Elmi had returned to London, but everything about this explanation was laughably false. Getting a default divorce couldn’t be easier, as Omar subsequently did based on false representations regarding Omar’s inability to locate Elmi for service of a petition for marital dissolution.


In her October 2016 interview, Omar could have told the friendly reporter something truthful. It’s just not her. She makes up stories as she goes along.

Omar’s compulsion to lie extends to basic political issues. We have the recent matter of her dueling press releases on thebill providing debt relief for Somalia. She claimed credit for the provision in a bill with which she had nothing to do and indeed voted against.


Last year I met with several journalists who spent time in Minneapolis on Omar’s trail. One of them pointed out the work of Yaacov Apelbaum, who has posted his background here.In August Apelbaum posted a long analysis of Omar’s strange relationship with the truth under the title“One Thousand and One Nights and Ilhan Omar’s Biographical Engineering.”


In his analysis Apelbaum distinguishes Omar speaking truthfully from Omar telling lies by means of a software based polygraph analysis. I’m impressed he could identify a truthful statement by Omar to plug into his analysis for comparative purposes. It’s all interesting, but let’s pause over Apelbaum’s introductory remarks:


Despite numerous interviews, media write-ups, and multiple biographical sources, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar AKA “Ilhan Nur Said Elmi” (see marriage cert attached) remains an enigma. As strange as it sounds, there is almost no verifiable information about her nor her family in the public domain. This is bordering on the fantastic considering the fact that she is a ±34 year old (she has no birth certificate) sitting congresswoman. In an era wherecomprehensive digital background searches can be executed with a single mouse click, Omar’s fluid and ever shifting identity and invisible past are a puzzle.


The majority of the biographical information that she disclosed has multiple non-reconcilable versions. This includes significant inconsistencies about basic facts…


Putting everything else Apelbaum has to say to one side, this is indisputably true. It should stand as a continuing reproach to the Star Tribune and the other news outlets (such as the Associated Press) that have taken a look at Omar’s personal background without noting the obvious omissions and inconsistencies.


Marriage Cert that the DailyMail posted, you can see her name has been crossed out and corrected, weird eh


Apelbaum's Blog has been taken down, he was probably threatened with a lawsuit.

Anonymous ID: 04d63b Jan. 31, 2024, 2:24 p.m. No.20337103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EXCLUSIVE: 'She's not fooling anyone.' Ilhan Omar lives a double life of secret hookups and romantic vacays to Jamaica with her married aide, as they live together 'on and off' and even talk of MARRIAGE (once their divorces are finalized)


• Ilhan Omar, 37, is not only dating, but living 'on and off' with her married campaign aide Tim Mynett, 38, in Washington DC, can reveal

• The two have secret hookups at Omar's love nest and are taking romantic vacations and making plans for a long-term future together

• has obtained photographic evidence that confirms Oar and Mynett have been hooking up whenever she is in DC for congressional work

• A source told 'They are more or less living together whenever she is in DC. They are even planning a romantic vacation at Christmas'

• Insiders have gone so far as to suggest the pair will consider marriage when their respective divorces are finalized

• The source added: 'Maybe then the lies, the hypocrisy, all the sneaking around will finally come to an end'

• The congresswoman spent months denying she had split from her husband despite this website revealing she had left their home and was having an affair

• She finally filed for divorce on October 7 - but still refuses to acknowledge her relationship with Mynett, whose wife also filed for divorce in August

• Mynett's spurned wife Beth, 55, is refusing to yield in divorce proceedings because she feels Omar is a risk to their 13-year-old son William's safety

By Ben Ashford For Published: 21 October 2019 | Updated: 14 February 2020


Ilhan Omar's brazen double life involving secret hookups, romantic vacations and talk of marriage to her DC strategist lover is today laid bare after an exclusive investigation. The leftist congresswoman, 37, spent months denying she had split from husband Ahmed Hirsi despite this website revealing she had left their marital home and was having an affair with a campaign aide. She finally filed for divorce on October 7 - but still refuses to acknowledge her relationship with veteran Democratic schmoozer Tim Mynett, 38, whose wife also petitioned for divorce in August. can now disclose that Omar and Mynett are not only dating, but living together 'on and off' at a secret DC apartment, while plotting romantic vacations to Jamaica and making plans for a long-term future together.


The source added: 'The suspicion is that when their divorces are finalized they will quietly decide to make it official. Maybe then the lies, the hypocrisy, all the sneaking around will finally come to an end.'


OMAR AND MYNETT'S COMINGS AND GOINGS FROM THEIR DC LOVE NEST has obtained photographic evidence that confirms Omar and Mynett have been hooking up whenever the freshman lawmaker is in Washington, DC. for congressional work. The pair are careful not to be seen entering and leaving the rented digs at the same time but they spent at least six nights together in September, twice the week of September 15 - 20.


Sunday: Mynett gets groceries and beer and heads to Omar’s apartment. Monday: Omar heads to work in the morning and Mynett drops her off at home that evening. Tuesday: Omar goes to work and comes home in the late evening. Wednesday: Omar heads to work and ends her day by picking up Chick-Fil-a and heading home. Thursday: While Omar is at work, Mynett arrives to her home and enters with his own key. Around 20 minutes later, Omar arrives home. Friday: Omar leaves and 30 minutes later, Mynett leaves her home, carrying out bags of trash….


(Do these pictures look like Omar vampired Mynett's soul, I wonder if he regrets giving it to the Molock Slut?Look at the picture with the husband of her children years before, it looks a lot different)