>Operation Mjolnir.
Crushing a snake.
>There are no coincidences.
>"I am Batman" - Trump.
>You are reading a comic book…
>Where we bake one, we bake all.
The mirror of self reflection reveals all.
Anons will be known by their merits.
I admit freely, my egotism and arrogance.
It's all part of this learning experience we call life.
In fact, this was corrected by Anons, for the first (((Time))) in my life.
Ego can destroy.
Truth speaking, and truth living are vastly different.
To truth speak, is easy.
To truth live, is not.
>Quell thy Ego, to master thyself. Master thyself, to master the universe.
If you KNOW who you are, let the coincidences speak for themselves.
A white hat is just that, because they haven't sold out. Money is desire, and desire is an illusion.
There are many more of us than there are of (((them))). We will be free.
>Time reveals all.
Bless every single 1 of you honest truth seekers… you have more friends than you know.
You're all superheroes to me… you just don't know it yet.