Not for the first time.
The EU is opposing this vehemently.
A reason for this seemingly unreasonable behaviour might be this:
If a country has more citizens, it can say that these new citizens are of so and so much "value" for the country's net-worth.
You can claim to be more credit worthy for every young new citizen you have.
This is imo the reason, why Merkel is taking in evrybody, not asking, who they are.
It increases Germany's worth and therefore Germany is able to get higher credit-ratings.
Can't explain it better, but it is true.
We are like cattle, or slaves on a plantation, guys.
And this is the reason, why the EU doesn't want the migrants or refugees to go back.
FO, shill!
Ty, Anon, may God bless you.
Yes, they want the nation states destroyed, but what I wrote is true.
And we need to find out, how this really works.
This is another important reason, why the west wants migration to happen:
more young people as new citizens are a financial asset.
More young migrants as new citizens allow a state to rise its credit rating with the IMF!
And beginning tomorrow, we all have to try to find out, how this works that you can bring in new people, as young as possible, to raise the credit-rating of your country.