P = Pilot (Pilate)
Seasons ordered based on the Pilot episode?
P = Pilot (Pilate)
Seasons ordered based on the Pilot episode?
Every preacher that silences people saying, "Shh, don't say that, or you might offend God," takes the Bankers bills for his efforts.
"Wii all agree that Yu aren't allowed to say the following wordsโฆ." - Chinese Democracy
Mental Enslavement to Ideology kills Free Thinking.
Creative Fucking Solutions aren't allowed because the word "Fucking" is banned and Regular solutions don't work.
In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
Anon double checked your work and cannot disagree.
Did you forget to clear the name field, P?
There are Namefags, and there are Anons but nobody is really Anonymous.
Anon is referring to the Jacques DeMolay Friday the 13th 10/13/1307 Templars, who the Pope and King had exterminated to welch on their debts to the Templar Bank.
So, you're saying the Central Bankers and their Treasure guards are sitting on the side of the road, kidnapping people and throwing them into rape cages to work in prison factories that make body armor for sale to foreign militaries?
"The US only goes to war because the FED will let them borrow all the war money they want toโฆ"
So blame the Credit Card company for allowing the spoiled brats in Congress to overspend borrowed money on frivolous foreign misadventures, so they can personally profit from the rise in value of thes "war stocks" on Wall Street?
Templars = Central Bankers
Masons = Good Credit
The Priests and The Politicians are at war
Some people are just trying to pay their bills and raise a family.
"Masonry" exists to "reform" men by further circumcision of their souls until they are bots to the Credit Score System of the Banks. "Perfect" in the eyes of the Credit Bureau
The priests and politicians operate the temples (courts) of madeup laws and punishment, so they can take their cut at every turn from the peoplke they enslave.
Borrowers GO TO COURT
But the Bankers don't RUN THE COURTS
Justice's aren't at risk of "Bad Credit" with the amount of grift in their profession.
Bankers run the banks, and follow COURT orders.
Conflating the Banks with The Government, because there are "masons" in both is stupid.
We don't have Debtor's Prisons in the US, unless you can't pay The Children's Division for Child Support. That's not BANKING Prison, that's Social Woker Prison.
Please tell anon how a Greek Fraternity/Sorority that keeps all the answers to all the tests for all the classes on campus so rich kids can cheat their way to their Doctorate is an acceptable "Secret Society" in America but "muh Masons" REQUIRE the expert reformation skills of the Spanish Inquisitors from the Roman Catholic Church?
Anon doesn't hate his banker because the banker has more money.
Anon hates the literal and mental prisons that keeps other anons as sub-human slaves in for-profit rape cages.
So, you're saying there are many trails that lead to the top of Mt. Zion where Jesus was executed by The State for violating The Church's Speech Code? This is true.
What do the Bankers have to do with this again? Is the Death Penalty a specially profitable industry in America that all the Bankers secretly make Trillions from?