the "Trump is still president" is retarded, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more likely that he (and The Plan™) needed a break in between to wake up more people and stir the swamp for rats to flee and identification of swamp creatures
i was thinking that too but meh
i know that, i have several others, excessive use of parenthesis is one, i stopped giving a shit a couple of years ago
kek, sorry you got offended i apparently called you retarded
you forgot to ip hop retard, either way i'm done spamming the bread, good luck with your likely 50+ posts in this one
wtf? kek, take a chill pill
just had to return to say about the excessive use of parenthesis, i said excessive, not retarded like you
>(999999(((((((((You) = RETARD. IP hop now, stupid faggot.