Anonymous ID: 988f35 Feb. 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m. No.20346017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6101

REMEMBER: Democrats demanded fines, imprisonment, quarantine camps, and taking children away from those who would not consent to the experimental covid injections.

Never Forget.


There were evil people in society who demanded that intelligent people who refused to take the dangerous experimental covid injections should be denied all medical care. There were patients needing transfusions, organ transplants, and other critical medical procedures for REAL problems that were denied medical care by evil doctors and hospital administrators. Democrats DEMANDED that those innocent people should be forced to suffer and die. Never ever forget who those evil people are. Blue voters did that. The media puppets did that. "Influencers" did that. Absolutely evil.


Don't let them get away with it. Rub their noses in their shit everyday and everywhere. Evil wants YOU to ignore it all and simply move on. To allow it and do nothing. Evil refuses to face accountability.


We looked at the facts and we made a wise decision.

For that we were viciously attacked all day everyday by both evil scumbags and their brainwashed gullible followers.


Remember the way they treated those who refused to get the "vaccines" and the "boosters". Told us all that they wanted us to die. LMAO. Yeah, they were illogical, ignorant, and psychotic.

We'll never forget that.

Funny how the Democrat officials that they elected are now openly begging them to allow unvaccinated, strong military aged, non-English speaking violent thugs into your home to live with you and your family rent-free.