Question to military people in the know:
Why is LLoayd Austin holding his hand over his heart and not giving a salute to the coffins at the dignified transfer service today?
Question to military people in the know:
Why is LLoayd Austin holding his hand over his heart and not giving a salute to the coffins at the dignified transfer service today?
They are close to same height
Austin and his wife have no kids together, but she has kid from prior
I think Austin is gay
Nice quads!!!
Listen to callers on CSPAN
Listen to your liberal friends or family members
They are NOT AWAKE
Ho far back do you want to go?
Giving false testimony about driver of truck?
Bribing police and prosecuting officials
Partner in influence peddling
Conspired to kill first wife
Assaulted Tara Reid
Sexually abused his daughter
Illegally kept documents at home from when he was a Senator, let alone VP
Plagiarized on college papers
Threatened and Bribed Foreign officials
Stole an election with fake votes
Failed to follow SC orders on detaining illegals
Intentionally failed to follow laws passed by congress re immigration
Supplied Hunter with cocaine in White House
Tell me which one you have searched and not found sauce for