1.7 million miles too far away
old digs from the beginning
long before trump became potus - he is not descended from the royal family either
that's also why he mocked the bloodlines when he was at that ford manufacturing plant
because they're inbreds
only a complete sick fucked in the head piece of shit who deserves to be hanged by the neck until it snaps posts images of crying babies on the internet
you can have your place on the gallows too
using children as a political crutch to elicit emotional responses in order to sway things in favor of a narrative is mentally inferior and makes you no better than those fake news faggots you seek to take down
paytriot subhuman trash
keep replying, trash
>oh no!
>mean words!
because mean words is completely on the same level as posting children in distress you absolute faggot
well those faggots were being momentous faggots of the highest faggot order and some faggot had to say something to those cock sucking faggots to put their faggotry in check since some faggots around this fucking faggot place tend to have zero or below zero standards of memetic warfare
okay, faggot?
>you should never say
fuck that
call the cops, i don't give a shit
[/spoiler]sarcasm is fun for all the faggots[spoiler]
oh no i fucked that up
off to give myself 100 lashes on my back now
yes, yes i would, in fact
look - i put the forward slash in the wrong spot, okay!? sue me
you might get a few pizza rolls in the settlement
faggot digits checked, faggot
you're alright for a little twink faggot
y'all have a good night now, ya hear, faggots
>iphone filename
fucking hell, had to get back out of bed for that faggot ass post as i ignored the one you tagged me in as you're one the brightest fucking glowniggers on here right now
whew, gotta turn the brightness on my monitor down you glow so bright
>top text
>bottom text
top kek
sometimes i miss the good ol' days
and by sometimes i mean all the time
you're welcome buddy
is what it is, i suppose
the few, the proud, the anons
good thing ncswic though
interesting addition
it was mentioned in the article i responded to that he signed the magna carta but not that it was under duress
they did say his reign was the most catastrophic in history though
i must say, been venturing out into normalfaggot spheres more often these days and the amount of people who are being politically incorrect in the comments and live chats are growing at an exponential rate
it's like a little bit of light peeking through a dark cloud of wrong-think oppression and at any moment the dam is about to burst open
they're still leery of getting shoah'd by using certain words but they have replaced them with code instead
example - instead of saying faggots suck dick, they just use sucking on a chili dog instead
almost heart warming
the fact that the term glownigger(s) is on the official congressional record still sends my sides to the moon
to be fair, he doesn't have one