Anonymous ID: 49adb1 Feb. 3, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.20352201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Feb, 2024 18:08

Kremlin comments on Nuland’s latest Kiev trip

Visits of the top US official never means anything good for Ukraine, Dmitry Peskov says


US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland’s visits to Ukraine have always been an ill omen for the embattled country, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has suggested when asked for comment on her recent visit.


Peskov made these remarks to Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin, who published excerpts from the interview on Saturday. While suggesting that the Foreign Ministry might have a better assessment of the trip of the outspoken US foreign policy hawk, Peskov still provided his opinion on Nuland’s latest endeavor.


“As a rule, Victoria Nuland’s visit to Kiev does not bring anything good. We remember this from 2014, when she was handing out cookies,” Peskov stated.


The spokesman referred to the infamous episode of the Ukrainian Maidan turmoil. At the time, Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, showed up in Kiev amid the unrest in early December 2013, giving out snacks to protesters.


The official has been widely perceived as one of the key figures behind the Maidan events, which ultimately brought down Ukraine’s democratically-elected president, Viktor Yanukovich. “Nuland’s cookies” have become a well-known example of direct US involvement in the coup.


Nuland traveled to Kiev on Wednesday, teasing new “battlefield surprises” for Russia set to get supplied to Ukraine. The official said that GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb) munitions, which can strike targets at a distance of up to 150 km, were already on their way to Kiev.


The delivery comes from the so-called Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), which focuses on procuring military hardware for Kiev from private contractors rather than tapping into Washington’s own stocks, the Pentagon has explained.


The looming delivery has been condemned by Moscow, with Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov stating it looked particularly cynical in the aftermath of Kiev shooting down an Il-76 Russian cargo plane with Ukrainian prisoners of war on board.


TheGLSDB announcement has effectively become “a kind of a reaction to the terrorist attack by Ukrainian thugs,” the diplomat stated.He continued that it was an “irresponsible” and “simply shocking” move.

Anonymous ID: 49adb1 Feb. 3, 2024, 1:53 p.m. No.20352206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2393

L3 Feb, 2024 17:22

Ex-Ukrainian PM warns Zelensky about ‘repressive’ draft

Yulia Timoshenko has predicted that a proposed mobilization measure could lead to “public confrontation”


A reworked draft mobilization bill presented to Ukrainian MPs on Tuesdayis more “repressive” and “unconstitutional” than the original, Yulia Timoshenko, the leader of ‘Fatherland’ party in parliament, has claimed. The politician, whoserved as Ukraine’s prime minister between 2007 and 2010, also warned that if passed, the legislation could spark social strife.


In December, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that the military leadership had proposed mobilizing up to 500,000 more troops. Later that month, the government submitted a bill tightening conscription rules. On January 11, the cabinet recalled the legislation for amendment, and reintroduced it for consideration at the end of the month.


In a video posted on her Facebook account on Saturday, Timoshenko said the latest iteration ofthe “tough and cynical” legislation could “bring about a tragic rift between the government and the people,” and “could even lead to public confrontation.” She called for the mobilization of police and security personnel, adding that she was determined to drum up support among other parliamentary factions’ leaders tostop the bill in its current form.


On Thursday, the former prime minister characterized the revised legislation as a “catastrophe,” andaccused the government of “shamelessly cheating parliament”by resubmitting “draconian norms” that had already been rejected by lawmakers.


“The adoption of such a law will be a crime against the Ukrainian state and show contempt for its citizens,” Timoshenko wrote in a Facebook post. She vowed to “unite society in the struggle against this outrageous draft bill.”


According to Ukrainian media, the revised version of the legislation envisages thecurtailment of draft dodgers’ rights and the freezing of their bank accounts. Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 would reportedly only be provided with consular services abroad if they presented their military status documents.


On top of that, police inside Ukraine would supposedly be given the right to detain draft dodgers and deliver them to military recruitment centers.


Ukraine’s top commander, General Valery Zaluzhny, has repeatedly insisted in recent weeks that the armed forces are critically understaffed, with losses this year projected to be on a par with those incurred in 2023.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry’s estimates, Kiev has lost more than 383,000 service members killed, wounded, and missing since the conflict began in February 2022. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed last month that nearly half of those casualties had been sustained during Ukraine’s failed summer counteroffensive last year.

Anonymous ID: 49adb1 Feb. 3, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.20352259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2488 >>2505 >>2703 >>2804 >>2922 >>2926

3 Feb, 2024 11:02

Germany to introduce ‘payment cards’ for asylum seekers

Methods that will limit cash withdrawals are being rolled out as Berlin attempts to rein in the migrant influx with tougher laws


Asylum seekers in Germany will cease receiving cash payments during the course of this year, and will be issued special debit cards instead, the governor of Hesse, Boris Rhein, has announced.The cards will reportedly have limited functionality, with features like free cash withdrawal and transfers to recipients inside and outside of Germany disabled.


A number of municipalities across the country have introduced the new payment method ahead of nation-wide implementation. These include several communities in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Thuringia. Bild reported last month that at least 15 asylum seekers left their localities after Thuringian authorities imposed the new protocols.


Speaking on Wednesday, Rhein revealed that 14 out of 16 German states had agreed on uniform standards for such cards, with Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern seeking other schemes. They will, however, introduce the new payment method as well, which is expected to be finalized by this summer.


According to Rhein, “with the introduction of the payment card we reduce the administrative burden on local municipalities [and]prevent the possibility of transferring money from state subsidies to countries of origin, andthus combat the inhuman human-trafficking crime.”


The pre-paid card will not be linked to an account, and will not feature card-to-card transfers within Germany or to recipients abroad.It will also not function in any country other than Germany, should an asylum seeker travel elsewhere. Local governments will also have the option of limiting the card’s functionality solely to a single region.


Asylum seekers will apparently be able to withdraw small amounts of cash using the cards, with the monthly ceiling to be determined by local authorities.


While German Finance Minister Christian Lindner hailed thescheme as a “milestone,”critics from the left have denounced the measure as “cheap populism” and “discrimination.”


More than 350,000 people applied for asylum in Germany in 2023, the highest number since 2016 and a51% rise compared with the previous year, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) reported in early January.


Last month, Germany’s parliament passed legislation that facilitates the deportation of failed asylum seekers. Among other things, thenew rules considerably extend the custody period pending deportationin a bid to prevent situations where failed applicants simply abscond around the time they are supposed to be sent home.


Moreover, police were granted additional power to search migrant accommodations and access their cell phones to facilitate identification of asylum seekers.


(Why not just stop taking more in?Zelensky sent them WW to get money to send back to Ukraine. And to be terrorists in other states and countries.)


(Our country just passed in the tax bill something worse than the EU did with asylum seekers. Its a free for all in the USA!)

Anonymous ID: 49adb1 Feb. 3, 2024, 2:16 p.m. No.20352320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2488 >>2505 >>2703 >>2804 >>2922 >>2926

Feb, 2024 00:03

Billionaire reveals ‘Doping Olympics’ plan

The Enhanced Games, backed by a coterie of Silicon Valley VIPs, bills itself as the “Olympics of the future”


PayPal co-founder Peter Thielis among a handful of tech billionaires bankrolling theEnhanced Games, a privately-funded sporting contest thatencourages doping and transhumanist-inspired upgrades, according to a post on X (formerly Twitter) by the official account for the Games on Tuesday.


Venture capitalist Christian Angermayer and former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan were also named as contributors to the Games’ “investors’ circle.” The funding round yielded enough capital to pay for the first edition of the Games, founder and Australian venture capitalist Aron D’Souza told the New York Post on Thursday. However, D’Souza declined to reveal the absolute total raised, merely stating that it was in the “high single-digit millions.”


Thiel reportedly plans to provide more details regarding his investment in April and will promote the Games during the ‘real’ Olympics in Paris in July.The Palantir CEO is himself an avid doper, taking human growth hormone and metformin for muscle-building and anti-aging purposes, respectively, and hopes to becryogenically frozen before death. (Ok that totally kills any idea Thiel is a WH! What happens if he’s reawoken but is poor as shit and cannot have the life he has now? Or his brain is dead when unfrozen? It’s obvious none of these guys believe in the life here after)


Several cities are currently in talks to host the Games, D’Souza claimed, predicting the first competition will take place by the middle of next year using existing sporting facilities – an attempt to avoid the taxpayer-funded bonanza of construction that typically occurs when cities compete to host the Olympics.


In addition to taking performance-enhancing drugs, athletes are encouraged to use so-called “performance technology” like the polyurethane swimming “super suits” banned by FINA in 2010 after they were used to break 55 world records in a single year.


D’Souza justified the idea of allowing athletes to take drugs “out in the open and honestly” by claiming that “44% of Olympians admit to using banned substances while only 1% get caught.” He cast his pro-doping outlook as a stand for medical freedom, telling the Post, “Individuals should be able to make choices about your body and no one – whether it’s a sports federation or the government – should be able to tell them what to do about it.”


The investor also pitched his event as aboon to scientific research, with athletesas guinea pigs testing which “compounds and therapies”work for “extending human life.”


D’Souza claimed over 900 athletes have contacted him with interest in competing in the Games since he revealed the concept last year. Unlike the Olympics, the Games promise every competitor a sizable base salary in addition to competition winnings.


US Anti Doping Agency head Travis Tygart dismissed the Games as a “dangerous clown show” and “not real sport” in a November interview with CNN, while former Australian Olympic gold medalist Anna Meares called it “unfair, unsafe” and “a joke.” Lawyer Jim Walden added that it was probably illegal in the US.


(This world has passed the Rubicon we are now crossing the river of Hades.)

Anonymous ID: 49adb1 Feb. 3, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.20352386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes all the job increases in the last couple of years are illegals, repeated 2-3 x in the news in the last couple pf days.


But there is no great replacement theoryits a conspiracy theory, just ignore your lying eyes

Anonymous ID: 49adb1 Feb. 3, 2024, 2:35 p.m. No.20352416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Justice for AMERICA, A Team Effort- John Michael Chambers 2 1 2024

