faggynigg papur dragons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5b284NRI4Q
postud too hard
weird greek threesum noisus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5b284NRI4Q
assimilatud cornhol luub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5b284NRI4Q
nail jfk in nihua
faggot juw gloatin bout tax arbitrage to fayk nation state proxy
>faggot juw gloatin bout tax arbitrage to fayk nation state proxy
>>faggot juw gloatin bout tax arbitrage to fayk nation state proxy
federal underwear stains pruuf
kenya di$owns nazi born in oahu
tom hanks fault talks bout all teh crae crae juwish butt stuffin berlinur of oahu born kenyan di$owned
nihua nazi promised berlinur isREAL gahy stuff
hetero appeals to school urinal mints kuntinus
tom hanks fault nihua nazi promised gahy butt stuf isREAL to obama butt cheeks nazi too
framing five cults at once
billion idollar pun
gentrified saphic soy revenge symbols
frum luggage missing
even duh MILK wuz teh gay
self inflicted revenge pron crimes of vanity farced satire