Anonymous ID: 869cf7 Feb. 3, 2024, 5:50 p.m. No.20353265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I wanna make a point to anons so they have a full short term view of what we have happening in the play book.

Bragg, Fani, Jack FL case, and NY ruling from NYC civil fraud case all set to culminate mid Feb.

Bragg as yet to identify the felony he claims allows for his case to void the statute of limitation. He insinuated State charges but also suggested a Federal felony ( which he would have no jurisdiction to prosecute) Hearing date Feb 15


Fani case has an undescribed hearing for Feb 15 which many suspect should be an evidentiary hearing. The divorce records were erroneously sealed and have since been unsealed. At the time of the Defense Counsel filing, they were sealed . Therefore She couldn't make them exhibits in her filing but made clear the sealing was erroneous and she was in possession of the records, ready to produce to prove her claims.


Fl docs case was set for hearing on Feb 15 but changed to a 2 day hearing Feb 12-13. Judge cannon met privately with Jack Smith team to review classified docs in question of the up coming hearing. ( it appears that went poorly for Jack because he filed an insulting motion regarding the meeting after)


Engoron was set to render his ruling last week but with zero explanation, he is now going to do it mid Feb.

Trial in DC was set for Mar 4 but now off the calendar, pending further notice. This is because there are rules for trial including 30 day notice for witnesses. Chutkan appears poised to only allow that rule to play a role. She is waiting on DC Court of Appeals to deny DJT motion for immunity and set trial for 3 days after.


We have all of these cases coming into MSM at the same time so as to run cover for the important things DJT ins on. Engoron will rule max money he can to allow MSM to run with that story as lead. Ignoring FL, Fani, and Bragg set backs.


If anons see this coming ahead of time, the can crank up the meme machines and mock these SOB's.