The Same people that Hate God,
Hate the Police & Hate the Jews
So Weirdโฆ.
The Same people that Hate God,
Hate the Police & Hate the Jews
So Weirdโฆ.
It's not the Jews
& God Bless the Police
Good-b[y]e old guard
Oh & the 2020 Election was Rigged & Stolen
Trump won
Covid & the Vaxxcine is a Bioweapon
Climate Change Has nothing to do with the Weather
Lastly Only boys can be Fathers & Only Girls can be Mothers
It's not the Jews
God Bless our LEO's, Sheriffs, Police, & Military members
When Trump returns to Power
It's the Death Sentence for
-Drug Dealers
-& Human Traffickers
& Executions will be Public again
When the Chosen one Returns
Illegals will be Kicked out
Trafficked Children will be returned to their families
The FED will be no more
Biden's Wars will End
& he Will make Mental Institutions Great Again
Trump is Inevitable
He'll Expand on the Wall
Route out Corrupt Judges, DA's, FBI & DOJ Agents
Shred the CIA into a Thousand Pieces
& No Thing on this Green Earth can stop it from coming
Trump will Track Down Soros Puppets
& The DS will Suicide their Lackies to prevent them from Testifying against them
Hope none of [you] took money from Soros
Do you really think He'll let you Talk?
Best start thinking about turning state Witness
Patsies get Patsied
Just think about it
[you] took money from the most evil & ruthless people in the world
State witnesses get protection
Turn on them
& Live
The[y] don't care about you
If they thought for a second getting rid of [you] would buy them 5 seconds
Wellโฆ I'm sure you can figure it out
Make the Call
Turn on them
Before it's too late
Or don't
& take the risk
Wonder where [you] are on the chartโฆ.
Really am Sorry [you]r in this bind
I know & understand why you did it
But you made dealings with Devils
Ruthless, cold hearted, murdering Devils
Make the Call, Turn yourself in
Just think about it
10,000 years ago
Girls liked Meat and Honey
Girls like Cars & Money
It's all about resources & power
I don't think he likes us too much
Still not the Jews
They say going from a Level III Meme to a Level IV is the hardest level
God Bless Local Law Enforcement Officers
God Bless the Jewish People
& God Bless the Church
>should be placed on a government watchlist.
Jokes on you
I'm already on all the watchlists
Texas Ends Border Crisis
Turns out Walls, Razor Wire & Guns work