do you even smaat?
would you like a togo box?
Daewoo (DAY-woo; Hangul:๋์ฐ, Hanja:ๅคงๅฎ,IPA:[tษ.u]; literally "great universe"
safaring pics circa NOWHERE!
penny-pinching | หpenฤหpin(t)SHiNG |
unwilling to spend or share money; miserly; mean: being frugal doesn't mean you have to turn into a penny pinching miser.
unwillingness to spend or share money: this penny-pinching has exposed the bridge's steelwork to corrosion.
penny-pincher | หpenฤหpin(t)SHษr | noun
TAY surf ace!!
Donkey Dick
A term used by military personnel to describe the threaded funnel that attaches to five gallon fuel cans which is long and resembles the shape of said animal.
Hey private make sure that donkey dick is tight so it doesn't leak
by ColdMike October 9, 2012
you leakin', bruv
a laffin' stoct
you begging again, loser?
where ken ya?
buh bye!
>buh bye!
the lil narcissist thinks it's worth knowing..
jeffree is a faggot's name
eman, you well?
occam drive an amberlamps? afaf