Anonymous ID: 933cb1 Feb. 4, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.20356713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey, tiny cowering powers pretending to be:


Do you know what I consider to be the very BEST thing about the Sun’s imminent micronova?


Your evil stops. Completely, utterly, irrevocably. There is an end, your end.


It’s all right there in Isaiah 24, which I have been preaching for over 20 years, since God first showed me the true end of this world, your world.


All of your filth, your depravities, your pedophilia, the entirety of your evil will be obliterated as you struggle like the rest of us to survive. Says so, right in the opening verses of Isaiah 24. We’re all equal, and equally at risk.


Oh, I am quite sure in your supreme arrogance that you are convinced you’ve got your EYE’s dotted and your TEE’s crossed.


But remember the foul you committed 70+ years ago when you failed to disclose the 12,000 year cycle of the Sun to the rest of us, among your other egregious failures to disclose the Truth? Your own rules.


You will remember that foul when you discover the unintended consequences of your “infallible plans” to survive, the rest of Humanity be damned.


Nobody does the Math like God.


Man, what we could’ve learned in those 70+ years to benefit Humanity. You robbed us there, too.


Yes, your evil has a finite end, and to my way of thinking, that can’t get here soon enough.


By the way, Congress, this song’s for you and your home country, Israel.


God’s will in all things. I trust God.