don't like it, so start your own board
(howya like it when someone sez it to YOU?)
equivalent falsehoods are equivalent
do (You) know the difference between religion and spirituality?
i defer to the master of tautological revelations
someone afraid thinking might challenge cherished dogmas?
"I choose to believe that the God who bestowed upon us the faculty of reason did not intend that we should forego it's use." - Galileo
>Which bread we using?
i vote for this one
i'm staying until they turn off the lights
all bibletards are emotionally triggered spiritually stunted intellectual pygmies
stand for dogma
fall for the same lies over and over
go tell your priest
i'm not angry
i'm praying for the enlightenment of bibletards everywhere
and once again, i was NEVER catholic
and my parents let me quit going to sunday school when i was 7
much to the relief of the teachers
>Religion is trust in Man
>Faith is trust in God.
but you were taught the concept of "God" by men
so trusting in "God" is logically equivalent to trusting in Man
critical thinking not your strong suit?