Anonymous ID: c92ed5 Feb. 4, 2024, 4:10 p.m. No.20357854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was Mike Gill that got killed in DC, was the same Mike Gill that exposed the billions laundered in NH and many other states. Can’t be the same person, right?

Anonymous ID: c92ed5 Feb. 4, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.20358001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Feb, 2024 22:56

Zelensky promises bigger ‘reset’ than Zaluzhny firing

The rift between the Ukrainian leader and his top general has grown over the failed counteroffensive and Zaluzhny’s perceived political ambitions


(So Bidan and Nuland will continue this war and sacrifice of his citizens)


President Vladimir Zelensky is planning a “serious” overhaul of the country’s leadership team, he told Italy’s RAI TG1 news channel, when asked about his reported plan to fire Ukrainian military commander General Valery Zaluzhny.


Tensions between the Ukrainian president and his top general have grown since last year, with numerous reports over the past week suggesting Zaluzhny would soon be relieved of his post. In the interview published on Sunday, Zelensky addressed the rumors for the first time.


“When we talk about this,I mean a replacement of a series of state leaders, not just in a single sector like the military,” he explained, arguing, “If we want to win, we must all push in the same direction, convinced of victory. We cannot be discouraged.” (Coup incoming)


Definitely a reset, a new beginning is necessary.


“I have something serious in mind, which is not about a single person but about the direction of the country’s leadership,” Zelensky concluded, without elaborating further on any possible personnel shakeup within his administration.


The president appeared to be alluding to a lack of “positive energy” in his top general, who on Thursday called for a “wholesale redesign of battlefield operations – and the abandoning of outdated, stereotypical thinking” in an op-ed published by CNN. Zelensky has publicly criticized Zaluzhny’s characterization of the conflict as a “stalemate” in a November interview.


However, in Sunday’s interview, Zelensky acknowledged to TG1 that there was indeed a “stalemate” in the “war on the ground,” even echoing Zaluzhny’s call for “modern technical means” to continue the fight against Russia. “Ammunition is not enough,” he claimed.


Zelensky reportedly warned US President Joe Biden’s administration in advance that he planned to fire Zaluzhny, news theWhite House took in stride, showing neither support nor opposition, according to inside sources who spoke to the Washington Post.


US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed to CBS on Sunday that it was not Washington’s place to “get embroiled” in “personnel decisions” like Zaluzhny’s dismissal. “That is not something the US government should be weighing in on one way or the other,” Sullivan told the network.


Zelensky has yet to formally dismiss the general and has not yet even chosen a replacement for Zaluzhny, according to an unnamed senior official at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense cited by the Post. Sources told the news outlet Zelensky was searching for a suitable new position for his military commander in the hope of “tempering public disapproval” over his ouster.


(My theory would be the Bidan Admin with the CIA, want Zelensky out. Z just notified a lot of his ministers and leaders he’s going to sack them;therefore there will be a US backed coup and Zelensky will be no more. Or Zelensky is telling them, he’s out and will be gone one way or another, will happen soon. He is arrogantly stupid.)

Anonymous ID: c92ed5 Feb. 4, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.20358032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(I think he is right.)

4 Feb, 2024 21:34

Ukrainian leadership is delusional – expert

President Vladimir Zelensky apparently believes that inflicting a defeat on Russia is a viable option, Tarik Cyril Amar says


The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine would have never happened without the interference of the West and its “insane”idea of an ever-expanding NATO bloc, Tarik Cyril Amar, an associate professor at Koc University in Istanbul, believes.


Speaking to RT’s Oksana Boyko on Worlds Apart, the professor shared his thoughts on the insistence of both Kiev and its Western backers on inflicting a decisive defeat on Russia on the battlefield, which seemingly remains unchanged despite all the setbacks the Ukrainian military has suffered.For Kiev, such a belief might actually be genuine, he suggested.


“Regarding the Ukrainian leadership, I would not be able to tell. I have a guess thatPresident Zelensky himself is, basically, delusional and has become drunk on his own rhetoric as well as the flattery that he used to receive from the West. I think it has really deranged him a bit and disturbed his relationship to reality,” the historian suggested.


In the West, however, the understanding that such a goal was not actually a viable one has seemingly become more prominent, yet it still remains unclear to what extent exactly. Therefore, the persisting talk about continuous support for Ukraine is, at least partially, a “negotiation tactic” on the West’s part, the professor suggested.


“Concerning the West,my guess is that quite a few people in Washington and in the EU as well understand that they have to get out of this war without a Russian defeat. Now do they understand already how much they have to concede? Again, I can’t tell,” Amar stated.


Western, and the US in particular, policy and decision makers apparently still “live in the 1990s” and refuse to realize that the age of “unilateralism” is over now. Russian leadership, as well as elites of other powers, such as China or Iran, on the contrary, live in the present, Amar suggested.


Without western interference, the conflict between Kiev and Moscow would have never started, while multiple opportunities to bring it to an end were deliberately sabotaged, including the Minsk agreement of 2015 or the Istanbul talks of March 2022, Amar noted.


“The roots of the war do reallygo to 2008, the infamous Bucharest summit, when both Georgia and Ukraine were put by the West into this insane position of saying’One day you’ll be in NATO, but not now,’ which, of course, exposed them and made them threats for Russia.”


The West’s insistence on fueling the conflict largely stems from two ideas, Amar explained. The West “simply won’t give up on its idea of expanding NATO, which in itself is an insane idea,” as well as pursues a “long-term geopolitical strategy of getting Russia down,”as it refused to accept Moscow’s resurgence following the 1990s turmoil.


(2008 was under Obama, he started all of this.)

Anonymous ID: c92ed5 Feb. 4, 2024, 5:04 p.m. No.20358075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8089 >>8121

4 Feb, 2024 19:41

Trump lists criteria for possible vice-presidential pick

Former US President has said his running mate must be a capable leader in case of an “emergency”


Former US President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner to battle likely Democratic candidate Joe Biden in November’s election, has said that his prospective running mate must be capable of being a good president should an “emergency”befall his possible administration.


The latest polling data shows Trump, 77, holding a commanding lead over the former South Carolina governor, Nikki Haley, in the race to secure the GOP nomination.


But with Trump having so far avoided the debate stage as the Republican field thinned to just two candidates, several questions remain over his candidacy –including exactly what he will be looking for in a running mateshould he, as expected, be anointed as the Republican nominee.


“Always it’s gotta be who is going to be a good president,” Trump told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday when asked what the criteria for his VP selection might be.


“Obviously you always have to think that, because in case of emergency,” Trump added. “Things happen, right? No matter who you are, things happen. That’s gotta be number one.”


While Trump said that he doesn’t intend to make a selection for “a little while,” he did highlight the candidacy of some potential contenders. “You know, I called [South Carolina Senator] Tim Scott and people likeTim Scott, and I said you’re a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself,”Trump said to Bartiromo.


When I watched him, he was fine. He was good, but he was very low-key,” he added.


Trump also said that South Dakota GovernorKristi Noemhas caught his eye. Noem said last summer that she would never run as a candidate against Trump because she does not believe that she, or anyone else for that matter, can beat him.


Recent media reports have suggested that Trump’s campaign team had last year reached out to former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to gauge his interest as a possible running mate. Kennedy, now running for US president as an independent candidate, denied the claim –as did Trump on Fox News on Sunday, saying that the reported discussions “never happened.”


Trump’s vice president between 2017 and 2021 was former Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Their political alliance ended in acrimonious circumstances over the January 2021 riots at the US Capitol, after Pence refused to comply with Trump’s demands to prevent Congress from certifying the results of Joe Biden’s 2020 US presidential election victory.


(Never Noem)