Anonymous ID: 2ea4e5 Feb. 4, 2024, 5:36 p.m. No.20358214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden's team bracing for special counsel's report on classified docs

Alex Thompson


President Biden's team is concerned that special counsel Robert Hur's investigationinto Biden's handling of classified documents will hurt his re-election campaign.


President Biden's team is concerned that special counsel Robert Hur's investigationinto Biden's handling of classified documents will hurt his re-election campaign.


Why it matters: Biden aides don't expect criminal charges in the case, but they believe Hur's report will include embarrassing details — possibly with photos — on how Biden stored documents.


In late 2022, Obama-era classified documents were discovered in Biden's garage at his home in Delaware and in a private office he used.


Biden aides believe that Donald Trump, Biden's likely foe in November,will try to use Hur's report to create equivalency with the felony chargesTrump faces related to his keeping classified documents after his presidency.


Biden aides believe Hur's probe is done and that his final report could come any time — even as soon as this week — but the final timing is unclear.


Zoom in:Hur, a former U.S. attorney nominated by Trump in 2017 and a former clerk for conservative Chief Justice William Rehnquist, is required to write a report about the investigation.


Last fall, Garland said on "60 Minutes" that he would make public a special counsel's report on Hunter Biden, the president's son, "to the extent permissible under the law" to "explain [the] … decisions to prosecute or not prosecute, and their strategic decisions along the way."

He added: "Usually, the special counsels have testified at the end of their reports, and I expect that that will be the case here."


A Justice Department spokesperson told Axios that Garland is committed to releasing as much as possible of all special counsel reports, pointing to previous comments by Garland.

Even if there are no criminal charges, Biden aides expect the report's details to be politically damaging.


Biden has defended storing documents from his vice presidency in his garage, saying: "By the way, my Corvette is in a locked garage, so it's not like they're sitting out on the street."


Any photos of those storage practices could cause a political storm similar to what happened after the release of photos of Trump storing documents at Mar-a-Lago, including in a bathroom.


Trump, who resisted the U.S. government's efforts to retrieve the documents, faces 40 criminal counts in the case including obstruction of justice and willful retention of national defense information.


Zoom out:Garland's appointment of Hur added to the tension between Biden's team and Garland that's been fueled by Garland's appointment of the special counsel investigating Hunter Biden, feelings that Garland was too slow to investigate Trump over Jan. 6, and other frustrations.


Anthony Coley, a former senior adviser to Garland, caught the Biden team's attention recently when he wrote that Biden and those in his orbit had no one to blame but themselves for Garland's appointment of a special counsel.

Coley said Biden's team wasn't initially transparent about the documents and put Garland in a no-win situation.


"Against the backdrop of former President Trump's indictment on charges of willful and deliberate retention of classified documents, the Biden team's drip, drip, drip of information made the discoveries seem even worse," Coley wrote.

Other legal experts have argued that Biden's team likely was trying to not speak publicly about an ongoing criminal investigation.


*Some in Biden's orbithave unflatteringly compared Garland to former FBI Director James Comey and his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server.


Comey ultimately cleared Clinton of criminal wrongdoing, but damaged her election campaign against Trump in July 2016 by making a public statement that she had been "extremely careless" in her security protocols.


What they're saying: The White House and a spokesperson for Biden attorney Bob Bauer declined to comment.


Editor's note: In a previous version of this story, a Justice Department spokesperson told Axios that Garland had not committed to releasing Hur's report. After publication, the Justice Department said all special counsel reports would be released as much as possible.


(*sure it’s not the crimes Bidan has done, it’s Garland not handling the cover up correctly. No wonder he took time off to get back surgery!)

Anonymous ID: 2ea4e5 Feb. 4, 2024, 5:51 p.m. No.20358267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Polls are BS, but they take them seriously)

Poll: 20-point deficit on economy highlights Biden's struggles vs. Trump

Posted 8:40 a.m. Today - Updated 10:06 a.m. Today


Despite a growing economy and facing little opposition for his party's nomination, President Joe Biden confronts a dissatisfied electorate and a challenging political climate nine months before he faces re-election, according to a new national NBC News poll.


Biden trails GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on major policy and personal comparisons, including by more than 20 points on which candidate would better handle the economy. And Biden’s deficit versus Trump on handling immigration and the border is greater than 30 points.


The poll also shows Trump holding a 16-point advantage over Biden on being competent and effective, a reversal from 2020, when Biden was ahead of Trump on this quality by 9 points before defeating him in that election.

And Biden's approval rating has declined to the lowest level of his presidency in NBC News polling – to 37% – while fewer than 3-in-10 voters approve of his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.


All together, these numbers explain why the poll shows Trump leading Biden by 5 points among registered voters in a hypothetical 2024 general-election matchup, 47% to 42%. While the result is within the poll's margin of error, the last year of polling shows a clear shift.


Perhaps the best news in the poll for Biden is that he pulls ahead of Trump when voters are asked about their ballot choice if the former president is convicted of a felony. Yet the margin then is just two points in Biden’s favor, also within the margin of error.


Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff and his team at Public Opinion Strategies, says these findings reveal “a presidency in peril.”


“What is most concerning is the erosion of Biden’s standing against Trump compared to four years ago,” Horwitt said. “On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. Most damning – the belief that Biden is more likely to be up to the job.”


McInturff, the GOP pollster, adds: “It is hard to imagine a more difficult set of numbers before a re-election.”


But Horwitt cautions that Biden still has time to change voters’ perceptions.

“Biden can take solace that we are in January and not October 2024. At this stage in prior cycles, attitudes can change,” he said.


The NBC News poll, conducted Jan. 26-30, comes after Trump won his party's presidential nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, as the Israel-Hamas enters its fourth month, and amid positive news on the U.S. economy, including growing consumer confidence and more than 300,000 jobs created last month.


(The poll, however, was conducted before the U.S. military launched strikes Friday in retaliation for the killings of three U.S. servicemembers in Jordan.)


“Inflation is coming down. Jobs are growing. We created 800,000 manufacturing jobs,” Biden touted in Michigan on Thursday.

Despite those statistics, Trump holds a 22-point advantage over Biden on the question of which candidate would do a better job handling the economy, with 55% picking Trump and 33% choosing Biden.


When this question was last asked in Oct. 2020 — a month before Biden's victory over Trump — the former president held only a 7-point advantage over Biden, 48% to 41%.


That said, the poll shows improving attitudes about the economy, with the share of voters believing the economy will get worse in the next year declining 14 points since Oct. 2022.


Also in the poll, Trump has the edge on securing the border and controlling immigration (35 points over Biden), on having the necessary mental and physical health to be president (+23) on dealing with crime and violence (+21), on being competent and effective (+16) and on improving America's standing in the world (+11).


Biden holds advantages over Trump on dealing with abortion (+12) and protecting immigrant rights (+17).


The two men are essentially tied on the issue of protecting democracy, with 43% of voters preferring Biden and 41% picking Trump.


Biden’s approval rating falls to new low

The NBC News poll also finds Biden’s overall approval rating dropping to the lowest point of his presidency, with 37% of registered voters approving and 60% disapproving — down from November’s score of 40% approve, 57% disapprove….


Measuring a Biden vs. Trump rematch

In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup of November’s presidential contest, Trump gets support from 47% of registered voters, versus 42% who back Biden.


bottom line, Bidan is fucked

Anonymous ID: 2ea4e5 Feb. 4, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20358289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8301 >>8383 >>8561 >>8671 >>8799 >>8890

Poll: 20-point deficit on handling economy highlights Biden’s struggles against Trump


The president’s approval rating has fallen to a new low in NBC News polling, as Trump narrowly leads in a 2024 general election matchup.


Feb. 4, 2024, 9:00 AM EST

Despite a growing economy and little opposition for his party’s nomination, President Joe Biden confronts a dissatisfied electorate and a challenging political climate nine months before he faces re-election, according to a new national NBC News poll.


Biden trails GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on major policy and personal comparisons, including by more than 20 points on which candidate would better handle the economy. And Biden’s deficit versus Trump on handling immigration and the border is greater than 30 points.


The poll also shows Trump holding a 16-point advantage over Biden on being competent and effective, a reversal from 2020, when Biden was ahead of Trump on this quality by 9 points before defeating him in that election.


And Biden’s approval rating has declined to the lowest level of his presidency in NBC News polling — to 37% — while fewer than 3 in 10 voters approve of his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.


All together, these numbers explain why the poll shows Trump leading Biden by 5 points among registered voters in a hypothetical 2024 general-election matchup, 47% to 42%. While the result is within the poll’s margin of error, the last year of polling shows a clear shift.


Perhaps the best news in the poll for Biden is that he pulls ahead of Trump when voters are asked about their ballot choice if the former president is convicted of a felony. Yet the margin then is just 2 points in Biden’s favor, also within the margin of error.


Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff and his team at Public Opinion Strategies, says these findings reveal “a presidency in peril.”


“What is most concerning is the erosion of Biden’s standing against Trump compared to four years ago,” Horwitt said. “On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. Most damning, the belief that Biden is more likely to be up to the job — the chief tenet of the Biden candidacy — has evaporated.”


McInturff, the GOP pollster, adds: “It is hard to imagine a more difficult set of numbers before a re-election.”


But Horwitt said that Biden still has time to change voters’ perceptions.


“Biden can take solace that we are in January and not October 2024. At this stage in prior cycles, attitudes can change,” he said.


The NBC News poll, conducted Jan. 26-30, comes after Trump won his party’s presidential nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, as the Israel-Hamas war enters its fourth month, and amid positive news on the U.S. economy, including growing consumer confidence and more than 300,000 jobs created last month.


(The poll, however, was conducted before the U.S. military launched strikes Friday in retaliation for the killings of three U.S. service members in Jordan.)


“Inflation is coming down. Jobs are growing. We created 800,000 manufacturing jobs,” Biden boasted in Michigan on Thursday.


Despite those statistics, Trump holds a 22-point advantage over Biden on the question of which candidate would do a better job handling the economy, with 55% picking Trump and 33% choosing Biden.


When this question was last asked in October 2020 — a month before Biden’s victory over Trump — the then-president held only a 7-point advantage over Biden, 48% to 41%


Also in the poll, Trump has the edge on securing the border and controlling immigration (35 points over Biden), on having the necessary mental and physical health to be president (+23), on dealing with crime and violence (+21), on being competent and effective (+16), and on improving America’s standing in the world (+11).


Biden’s approval rating falls to new low


The NBC News poll also finds Biden’s overall approval rating dropping to the lowest point of his presidency, with 37% of registered voters approving and 60% disapproving — down from November’s score of 40% approving, 57% disapproving.


Biden’s current approval rating is the lowest for any president in the NBC News poll since George W. Bush’s second term

Anonymous ID: 2ea4e5 Feb. 4, 2024, 5:58 p.m. No.20358316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maria Bartiromo After Speaking with President Trump: “I Think There Will Be Major Changes Made in the Republican National Committee Very Soon” (Video)


by Jim Hoft Feb. 4, 2024

Maria Bartiromo joined FOX and Friends Weekend on Sunday morning to tease her interview with President Donald Trump that will air later this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.


During her segment Maria teased what was coming up in her interview with President Trump.


Then Maria Bartiromo added this out of the blue, “He’s expecting to lock up this nomination really quickly andI think that there will be changes made in the Republican National Committee very soon. I think that is about to happen and Republicans will get behind President Trump.”


Via FOX and Friends Weekend.


Recently, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has come under fire for failing miserably as party chair including fundraising for the party. There have been numerous calls for McDaniel to step down in recent weeks.