its been years since I filtered so many fucking shills. this place is off its rockers right now o7 to all the real anons on this board. fixing to get bumpy
what did this mean?
We will dance again ❤️
zero moar
fake and gay bullshit ngaf about nasa
As to the substance of the “border emergency authority,” it appears to be left to the discretionary whims of Secretary Mayorkas—who, I might add, is currently being impeached for failing to actually enforce existing law.
This is asinine.
feature or bug? o7
Want more details on exactly how this new Senate border bill facilitates catch-and-release, empowers Biden's bureaucrats, and will lead to EVEN MORE illegal aliens getting asylum/green cards/path to citizenship?
If Mayorkas feels like it, he can send an illegal alien encountered at the border to a new "provisional noncustodial removal proceeding." No real criteria, just if the illegal alien "indicates an INTENTION to apply for a protection determination" or "expresses a credible fear."
If DHS elects this pathway, the illegal alien SHALL BE RELEASED from custody into the United States and enrolled in an "alternatives to detention" program. Better known to immigration enforcement experts as "alternatives to deportation," because no one ever gets deported in the program.
The proceedings are supposed to wrap up, "to the maximum extent practicable," in 90 days. But that's an exception any liberal administration will use in every single case. And mind you, during this time period, the alien(s) are likely relying on taxpayer-funded shelter and services while they are roaming freely throughout the United States.
If you're the illegal alien, don't you worry, your interview won't happen in a place where actual law enforcement officers are located:
If the alien establishes a "positive protection determination outcome," they are then sent to a "protection merits removal proceeding."
If it's negative, then there's a different path (more on that below):
If POSITIVE, the alien SHALL get a work permit:
And the ultra-liberal USCIS asylum officers get the direct authority to grant asylum, withholding, or CAT:
The unlucky few who don't get a positive determination get even more process!
We could go on and on. But in sum here's what you need to know:
The bill empowers Biden's liberal asylum officers to shortcut any kind of adversarial process and grant illegal aliens asylum. No cross-examination by an ICE attorney, no evaluation by an independent judge, etc.
The bill mandates catch-and-release for the aliens subjected to these procedures.
Aliens in these procedures SHALL get work permits. They will also likely get taxpayer-subsidized shelter and services.
The Biden Administration WILL use the new procedures to advance their policy goals and continue the invasion. They will grant asylum, creating a pathway to a green card and citizenship for countless tens and hundreds of thousands of aliens each year.
The new channel puts process on top of process, on top of process. End result = NO ONE IN THESE PROCEEDINGS WILL EVER BE DEPORTED.
muh joo or not muh joo kinda feels like theyre laughing in our fucking faces