Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 5:35 a.m. No.20360407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0409 >>0415 >>0417 >>0445 >>0453 >>0456 >>0497 >>0897 >>1022

How The Biden Regime Is Using The Taylor Swift Op To Foment A Cultural Color Revolution To Undermine The 2024 Election

by Paul Ingrassia Feb. 3, 20241/3

While it may seem outlandish at first blush, the Biden regime appears to be actively plotting yet another psyop – this time,by conscripting Taylor Swift and her legions of superfans to endorse Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race, much as she did in 2020.


The hope is that in the event of another close election, Swift’s influence as a pop culture icon will be enough to tilt the scales in Biden’s favor should the race be another nail-biter.


The Democrats have long used celebrity endorsements and their vast Hollywood connections to give them a leg up over their Republican counterparts in political races for seemingly time immemorial.


But two major factors are in play that make the Taylor Swift psyop stand out: first, their opponent this year, Donald Trump, is an A-list celebrity in his own right, having first become a household name in the world of media and entertainment before entering the world of politics.


Thus, the need to counteract the inherent star power Donald Trump brings to the table as a presidential candidate is heightened by not just the 45th President’s own celebrity, but also Biden’s serious deficiencies in charisma or even seemingly being able to demonstrate a pulse half the time he is in public.


The second factor that makes the need for a Taylor Swift psyop all the more urgent is the regime’s failure to otherwise quell President Trump’s momentum through non-political measures, such as by defeating him in the courts through the weaponized justice system.


In addition, recent polls indicate that Trump’s lead is widening over Biden in the general election, and thus the regime will be expected to pull out all the stops between now and election day to prevent that prospect from happening.


In short, it is far too great a risk to allow the democratic process to play out organically because the odds of Biden winning a legitimate presidential election are looking more dire by the day.


Of course, the Left is not exactly known for playing by the rules – instead they make up rules on the fly, and change them when politically convenient to do so, in order to game the system to their advantage.


Short of overt cheating, the regime is also known to employ soft techniques to manipulate the electorate – one way they do this, as well-known in conservative circles with the Hunter Biden laptop story scandal in the leadup to the 2020 race, is by outright censoring stories and platforms, either directly or indirectly, by labeling as “disinformation” any source they consider not credible — which is almost always happens to be the source telling the truth.


Another form of manipulation the regime and its propaganda agents in the mainstream media likes toregularly employ may be classified as a type of psychological warfare– which is readilyon display with the Taylor Swift psyop.


Swift has been systematically targeted for the size of her fanbase, much as Beyonce was under Barack Obama. Swift boasts 95 million followers on X, formerly known as Twitter, alone, and hundreds of millions across all her social media platforms.


Thus, the reasoning goes,even just a fraction of that following would be enough to potentially swing tens of thousands of votes in Biden’s favor. Remember, 2020 was “won” by Biden with just 50,000 or so votes across 3 or 4 key battleground states…



Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 5:37 a.m. No.20360415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0426 >>0459 >>0897




Of just Swift’s X following, 50,000 represents a measly .05% of her total number of followers. It is therefore perfectly reasonable that an endorsement from someone with Swift’s influence can, for better or worse, determine the outcome of a close presidential race.


But the Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce psyop goes deeper than mere social media reach. And this is readily apparent based on the regime’s full-throated meltdown after a handful of MAGA-aligned influencers, such as conservative talk show host, Mike Crispi, Trump advocate, Laura Loomer, and former presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, among others, raised the possibility thatSwift may be actively weaponized as part of the Biden regime’s arsenalto help bring down Donald Trump.


The Left’s response to this mere suggestion says everything: if theTaylor Swift psyop was just another absurd “conspiracy theory”peddled by a handful of “Far-Right” cranks, as every mainstream outlet – from MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to the New York Times – would have you believe, then what, pray tell, explains thescale of the retaliation by every single powerful mainstream outletin America, whoserush to “debunk” the theorywas noteworthy for how seemingly coordinated it was. If there was absolutely no credence to the allegation, mainstream media would not waste any time or energy “discrediting” the theory – or risk giving platforms to dissident voices whose opinions they deem anathema in the first place.


It is striking that Taylor Swift, who has been in the public eye for decades,only just this year took an interest in professional sports, the same year a consequential presidential election also happens to be taking place.


It is also noteworthy that she took an interest in the sports league that remains the most popular among Americans overall – the NFL, which still gathers tens of millions of eyeballs from both sides of the aisle.


Despite going woke in recent years, particularly in the aftermath of the BLM riots, the Super Bowl remains, by far, the most watched sporting event in the country – regularly amassing 100 million viewers, or about one third of America’s 330 million population, every single year.


It is further striking that Swift decided to start dating Travis Kelce, the star tight end of the Kansas City Chiefs – whose team defied expectations by defeating the favored Baltimore Ravens to land themselves back in the Super Bowl.


It is one thing to suggest that the upset victory over the Ravens was the result of conspiracy; however, the fact that Taylor Swift became not just an annoying cheerleader for the NFL all throughout the season, but happened to zero in on a star player from a team now competing in the Super Bowl seems too much of a coincidence to be chalked up to chance…

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 5:39 a.m. No.20360426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0447 >>0897




Of course, all this may be explained by adeliberate and concerted effort to elevate Taylor Swift’s star poweron the part of the mainstream media. This doubtlessly has to do with Swift’s support for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in a pivotal election year.


If, for example, she had been pictured wearing a MAGA hat in the stands, not only would she have not landed whatever endorsement deal she is getting with the NFL, for starters, but she would have also been quickly demonized and made into a social pariah by the mainstream media for choosing the “wrong” candidate.


For evidence of the latter: look no further than the attention the rapper Snoop Dogg received this past week by mainstream outlets when he came out in support of President Trump, who, despite being a celebrity artist whose talent is at least comparable, if not superior, to that of Ms. Swift’s as a musical artist, was barely a blip on the legacy media’s radar.


Snoop Dogg also did not enter into a relationship with someone who became theposter boy for the Pfizer vaccine, after reportedly being paid off tens of millions of dollars to tout the controversial injection, at the height of the pandemic.


By sharp contrast, Taylor Swift, the devoted Biden supporter, and Travis Kelce, the Pfizer spokesman, is a match made in heaven for the deep state – something that, if it were not happening in real time, appears too good to be true, almost like a manufactured relationship tailor made for a manufactured regime.


Luckily, we can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that most Americans are far too clever to live in conspiracy land; they live in the real world: a world where Joe Biden is popular; a world that, owing to his popularity, he won more votes than any other president in history; a world where the vaccines worked to stop covid and America is the safest and freest it has ever been.


A world where Taylor Swift’s endorsement matters, and that all well-adjusted Americans will obey her demands without question, for the edicts she proclaims from her chair as Empress of our popular culture are infallible – and should we disobey, we shall be met, justifiably, with the collective fury of Lawrence O’Donnell, Jimmy Kimmel, and the NY Times Editorial Page. That punishment is only fair to those who blaspheme the regime and its chosen saints.


This is the world of Democracy and Truth and Freedom, and thank God we have Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce leading the way. (KEK)


(I’ve never listened to Taylor’s songs, except maybe when she came out.But does Taylor Swift’s music use MKUltra type of programming? She’s really not that talented, she’s not Elvis? Are all of her followers been programmed for years, can’t put that past the industry? Anons ever checked into this theory?)

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 5:41 a.m. No.20360444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0465 >>0629 >>0843 >>0847 >>1063

These are the Middlemen Trump spoke about in 8/6/20 whirlpool plant on reducing Drug Prices in America (partial transcript to follow) 1/2


The Vaccine Regime Goes Global

In 2000, the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunisation(“GAVI”), led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was formed. GAVI’s purpose is to facilitate vaccination in developing countries by working with WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, research and technical agencies, the Gates Foundation and other private philanthropists. The other private philanthropists GAVI works with are as highlighted in the image below.


Formation/Phase I Evidence from the formative years of GAVI, and its precursor, the Children's Vaccine Initiative (CVI), suggests that one of the key motivating factors for setting up a partnership to focus on vaccines and immunizations was to address the disparities in access to so-called 'new and under-utilized vaccines' between high income and lower income countries, as observed by GAVI's founders [39-41]. GAVI's founders included philanthropic institutions (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation), a small number of sovereign donors (the UK, USA, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden) and partner multilateral agencies (UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank) [17, 40].Individuals from these institutions coalesced around the notion that the central problems facing these countries were inadequate global


In 2003, the Gates Foundation developed a report showing the need to create public-private alliances to push the vaccination agenda forward. The report was titled ‘Global Health Partnerships: Assessing Country Consequences’. It stated that “some of the key factors used to measure success included overall vaccination rate of populations.” In other words, the push for private organisations to benefit globally through public policy vaccination had begun to be documented.


In 2005, there was another push by the vaccine regime. WHO published the ‘Global Immunisation Vision and Strategy’ in alliance with the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID and the World Bank. One of the visions was that immunisation was seen as “a major element of efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goals.”


People tend to think that the organisations mentioned above are independent and stand on their own. But all these organisations are part of a larger infrastructure – WHO, World Bank, and IMF are specialised agencies of the UN and UNICEF is a program and fund of the UN. A lot of the organisations mentioned in Nations in Action’s presentation are pieces of the overall UN infrastructure (see image below).


The Decade of Vaccines

In 2010, the Gates Foundation established a roadmap to make the years from 2010 to 2020 the “decade of vaccines.” Shortly afterwards, on 1 May 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published ‘Scenarios on Technology and International Development’, within which is a scenario titled ‘Lock Step’. The Lock Step scenario stated:


“In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems – from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crisis and rising poverty – leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”


In 2011, Daszak authored an article published in ScienceDirect titled ‘The search for meaning in virus discovery’…

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 5:56 a.m. No.20360491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0629 >>0843 >>0847 >>1063

Aug 6, 20202/2


Donald Trump Speech Transcript August 6: Whirlpool Manufacturing Plant

This is where the war on “Get Trump” was taken to the level it is at now:

Donald Trump: (09:51)

In my speech, I warned that our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth, and our factories overseas. I explained that globalization… These are the globalists. I’m not liking globalists too much, but they don’t like me too much either.

Donald Trump: (10:11)

Globalization has made the financial elites who donate to politicians very wealthy, but it’s left millions and millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and headache..Four years later, we’ve made extraordinary progress in reversing the dangerous tide of globalism.

Donald Trump: (16:34)

First and foremost, we will defeat the China virus. We’re working very, very hard.We call it the China virus. We call it the invisible enemy. We call it many different names. It’s got many different names, but it’s bad. And we’ve made tremendous strides. We’re attacking the virus from every angle, and through this aggressive strategy, we will win the war and it will happen sooner than people think.We’re developing a bounty of therapies, such as Remdesivir, Dexamethasone, antibody treatments. The antibody treatments are really working out well, really well, and many more that have allowed us to reduce mortality by 85% since April. (I think the China Virus is the vaccine orgs)

Donald Trump: (25:21)

And speaking of pharmaceuticals, we instituted four moves, rebates, favored nations, and other things. Buying from other nations where they have the product, the same exact pill, identical, made in the same factory, for just a small fraction of the cost. We buy from other countries, as opposed tobuying through this ridiculous quagmire of political scamthat we’ve been going through for many years. And what I’ve done in terms of favored nations if, as an example, Germany has a pill for 10 cents and we have a pill for $2, we institute favored nations of the drug company. We get the pill for the same amount as the lowest pill, anywhere in the world.

Donald Trump: (27:54)

But during the course of thenext four years, we will bring our pharmaceutical and medical supply chains home. We’re going to bring them home where they belong, and we’ll end reliance on China… We’ll be making our product here safely, beautifully and inexpensively.

Donald Trump: (28:24)

To this end, a short time ago, I signed the new executive order to ensure that when it comes to essential medicines, we buy American.The executive orderwill require that US government agencies purchase all essential medicines that we need fromAmerican sources. The executive order will also sweep away unnecessary regulatory barriers to domestic pharmaceutical production, and support advanced manufacturing processes that will keep our drug prices low and allow American companies to compete on the world’s stage. We’ll be able to compete on the world stage, but we’re now going to have the lowest prices as opposed to by far the highest prices. I have people that I know that go to Canada. They go to Canada to buy drugs, to buy prescription drugs. They go there because the price is so much lower than the United States. And yet it’s made by the same company, often in the same plant. It’s a disgrace.

Donald Trump: (29:32)

And the politicians allowed this to happen for many, many decades. You have people calledmiddlemen. I don’t know who the middlemen are. I don’t know. They never say middle women. So they’re politically not correct. But I’ve heard the term middlemen for a long time, they are so wealthy. They are so wealthy. Nobody has any idea who the hell they are, what they do.They make more money than the drug companies. In all fairness, at least a drug companies have to produce a product and it has to be a good product, but the middlemen. Well, the rebate.

Donald Trump: (30:03)

To be a good product, but the middlemen. Well the rebate that I’m doing cuts out the middleman and reduces costs and the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs.So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies but they are not happy with what I’m doing but I figure we have one chance to do it and no other president’s going to do what I do. No other president would do a favored nations, a rebate, a buy from other nations at much less cost, nobody, and there are a lot of unhappy people andthey’re very rich people and they’re very unhappy.

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 6 a.m. No.20360510   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know, he’s such a failure, Trump mentioned it Whirlpool speech I posted


Donald Trump: (27:21)

Please remember that because I don’t want to get all those negative votes andthen Biden wins and the first month, he’ll say “I dropped drug prices 78%,”and he won’t even know what the hell he’s saying. I don’t want to be watching that from some beautiful resort someplace in the world… Oh, I had such a beautiful life before I did this, but that’s okay because we’re doing a great job. And it makes me very happy to see people being properly represented for a change. (Bidan did it and tried to take credit from Trump)

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 6:15 a.m. No.20360574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1056

>>20357187 Fox News is backing Nikki Haley so they won't show how many people support Trump in South Carolina (PN)




0:16. I guess Bill got in trouble for this

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 6:38 a.m. No.20360671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0768 >>0843 >>0847 >>1063 >>1123

They all want Trump! Trump says he’ll thinks, he’ll do rallies in the Bronx and one in Madison Square Garden too(Trump says he thinks New Jersey, VA, NM and Minnesota can be flipped too) People are very unhappy.

Maria interview (FOX told her to go hard on Trump)




(Secret Service must be shitting their pants, can you imagine what kind of security they will need?)


I thought Trump got 100 million votes in 2020 last time around, I’m calling dibs on that guess for 2024

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 6:52 a.m. No.20360731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0948

Title:Simpler times.


Melania“Fun night with my two boys DJT and BWT❤️”


This is so cool Donald and Barron Trump playing “Take Me Home Country Road”, Trump is driving, Barron in the front seat. Melania must have been in the back seat! December 21, 2014




How does il Trumpo get these videos?

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 7:03 a.m. No.20360792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5 Feb, 2024 09:52

Explosives sent from Ukraine for terrorist attacks in Russia seized

The point of departure of the illegal cargo was the city of Odessa, Georgian authorities said


Georgia’s State Security Service has said that its operatives have seized a batch of explosives that Ukrainians had attempted to ship to Russia via third countries in order to stage terror attacks.


The illegal cargo, which included six sophisticated explosive devices weighing a total of 14 kilograms, had been shipped from the Ukrainian port city of Odessa, the agency said in a statement on Monday.


Theexplosives were brought into Georgia in a minivan after traveling through Romania, Bulgaria and Turkeyon January 19, it said. During the search of the vehicle, the bombs were found hidden inside the batteries for an electric car, it added.


According to the security service, seven citizens of Georgia, three Ukrainians and two Armenians were involved in the delivery of the explosives. The people in question might have been unaware that they were actually transporting bombs, it stressed.


The whole operation had allegedly been organized by a Ukrainian citizen of Georgian origin, whom the agency identified as Andrey Sharashidze, the statement read. Sharashidze, who was born in the Georgian coastal city of Batumi, ran in a local election in Odessa in 2020 for Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s Servant of the People party, it said.


As a result of “comprehensive actions carried out by the Anti-Terrorism Center, based on the testimony of interviewed witnesses and recovered audio files,” it was established that the explosives were intended to be delivered to Russia, specifically to the city of Voronezh, the security service stressed.


The bombs contained military-grade C-4 plastic explosives and were apparently made by “high-level specialists,” the statement read. “Deploying such a device in a crowded area might have caused significant damage to infrastructure and large-scale casualties,” it warned.


The agency also didn’t rule out the possibility that the suspects had been planning to use some of the explosives to stage attacks inside Georgia. It could’ve been done in order to blame Tbilisi for preparing and carrying out those terrorist activities, it suggested.


The investigation continues in order to establish the identities of all those involved in the criminal activity, the manufacturers of the explosives and along which route they were smuggled into the country, the security service said.

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20360840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0872 >>1063

5 Feb, 2024 14:04

Government reshuffle in Russian ally

Kazakhstan’s president has sacked the cabinet in a surprise move


Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev accepted the resignation of his government on Monday, signing a decree that was published by his office. The Central Asian country is a key regional ally of Russia.


Astana did not immediately explain the reason for the reshuffle, which some domestic political commentators called a surprise. First Deputy Prime Minister Roman Sklyar was appointed acting head of government, replacing Alihan Smaiylov. Tokayev instructed members of the cabinet to continue in their jobs as acting ministers.


Earlier in the day, the president’s office announced that on Wednesday Tokayev would chair a government meeting to “summarize the social-economic development of the country in 2023 and identify main goals for the upcoming period of time.”


Presidential spokesman Berik Uali brought up the upcoming event, when describing to journalists the procedure for appointing a new prime minister. The ruling Amanat party will choose a nominee for the consideration of the president, who will then submit the candidacy to parliament for approval, should he give his consent.


The Smaiylov government was first installed in January 2022, amid deadly rioting in Kazakhstan. Russia and other nations of the region helped to quell the unrest by sending in a joint mission of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO).


Smaiylov, who also served in the previous cabinet, was widely perceived as a technocrat. He was reappointed prime minister last March, following a general election, with most ministers retaining their positions.


(This seems strange)

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 7:29 a.m. No.20360907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


4 Feb, 2024 16:51


Biden wins first primary amid tepid turnout


The US president had lobbied to have South Carolina hold the Democrats’ first nomination contest


US President Joe Biden handily won the Democratic Party’s first primary in South Carolina on Saturday, sweeping the sparsely-populated field with over 95% of votes.


Thanking the state’s voters for his landslide victory in a statement on Saturday, Biden said, “I have no doubt that you have set us on the path to winning the Presidency again – and making Donald Trump a loser – again.” (Spin a loss as a win)


About 131,000 people voted in the primary - a dismal 4% turnout. Party officials had warned Reuters they expected between 100,000 and 200,000 total votes this year,a significant decrease on 2020, when over 540,000 Democrats turned outto vote in South Carolina’s presidential primary – 16.4% of registered party voters.


Biden’s campaign had lobbied to make South Carolina’s voters first to cast their ballots for the party’s presidential nomination. Previously, the US state of Iowa inaugurated election season, while New Hampshire followed with the first primary. Republicans in the state vote later this month.


While Biden easily defeated his opponents, Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips and author Marianne Williamson, rock-bottom voter turnout suggested a lack of enthusiasm about the incumbent’s repeat candidacy, as Phillips himself observed in a statement on Saturday.


“I congratulate the president for getting the most votes tonight. But the lack of voter enthusiasm for a Trump-Biden rematch is being reflected in each and every Democratic primary result this election,” he said. “Voters are disappointed that they lack options beyond the choice between a threat to the fabric of the nation and a good man who voters want to pass the baton.”


Democratic insiders have long warned of an “enthusiasm gap” surrounding the nation’s octogenarian commander-in-chief. Polls have repeatedly indicated that even Democratic voters believe Biden is too old and frail, both mentally and physically, for a second term.


South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, whose endorsement of Biden was trumpeted by the media establishment as a seal of approval from the black community, was quick to herald his victory as proof the president has “not lost any support among African-Americans” in an interview with CNN.(KEK,Bidan and Clyburn are delusional, ban all primaries and challengers and win the primary with low turnout


Biden’s approval rating among black voters has dropped to 42%, according to a recent AP-NORC,just over half of what it waswhen he took office in 2021.


One black South Carolina voter interviewed by MSNBC ahead of the primary blamed the economy, explaining, “We were broke with Biden; we weren’t with Trump.”


An NBC poll published Sunday placed Trump five points ahead of Biden, reversing the incumbent’s lead as measured in July by the same pollster.

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 7:37 a.m. No.20360947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0956

4 Feb, 2024 19:42

‘Issue’ forces UK aircraft carrier to miss NATO drills

HMS Queen Elizabeth will be replaced by its sister ship during the exercise, the UK military has announced


The British Royal Navy's largest military vessel, the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, will miss upcoming NATO war games that it was supposed to lead, after suffering anunexpected “issue” in one of its propeller shafts. The development was announced by London on Sunday, with the aircraft carrier’s sister ship, the HMS Prince of Wales, set to take its place in the military bloc's drills.


The “issue” was discovered during the final pre-sail check, with the carrier then assessed as unfit to take part in the exercise.


“Routine pre-sailing checks yesterday identified an issue with a coupling on HMS Queen Elizabeth’s starboard propeller shaft. As such, the ship will not sail on Sunday,”Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Andrew Burns said in a statement. (Why did they wait so long to do the pre-check?)


“HMS Prince of Wales will take her place on NATO duties and will set sail for Exercise Steadfast Defender as soon as possible,” he added.


A Ministry of Defence spokesman further elaborated on the issue, insisting that the Queen Elizabeth’s problem was “separate and not linked” to earlier technical troubles on its sister ship.The Prince of Wales, commissioned in late 2019, has spent months in repairs over various issues, including at least two floors.


The Queen Elizabeth has also experienced assorted technical problems during its service, including with its propeller.


“The issue identified is with the ship’s shaft couplings. The ship’s propeller shafts are too big to be made from a single piece of metal, so each shaft is made from three sections, which are connected using shaft couplings, which bind the shaft sections together,” the spokesman explained.


HMS Prince of Wales is reportedly expected to be ready to sail for the NATO war games within a week. The major multidimensional drills kicked off in late January and are set to run until May 31, 2024, becoming the largest war game held by the US-led NATO bloc since the Cold War.


The troubles with HMS Queen Elizabeth have become the second embarrassing setback for the Royal Navy in just two weeks.On January 18, two British minesweeper vessels collided while docking in Bahrain. One sustained considerable damage, suffering a large hole punctured in its hull.


(DEI hires no doubt)

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.20361024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1220

Comedian Shane Gillis to host 'Saturday Night Live' after being fired from show in 2019

Gillis was fired from 'SNL' in 2019

February 4, 2024 10:34am EST

Comedian Shane Gillis will host "Saturday Night Live" in February after being fired in 2019 shortly after his initial hiring that year over controversial remarks he made during a podcast.


NBC announced in 2019 that they would be hiring Gillis and shortly after, a video of the comedian resurfaced. SNL creator Lorne Michaels said at the time that they were "not aware" of his past remarks and said they were "offensive, hurtful and unacceptable."


"After talking with Shane Gillis, we have decided that he will not be joining SNL," the show stated at the time. "We were not aware of his prior remarks that have surfaced over the past few days. The language he used is offensive, hurtful and unacceptable. We are sorry that we did not see these clips earlier, and that our vetting process was not up to our standard."


Gillis and fellow comedian Matt McCusker were discussing an unidentified city's Chinatown neighborhood during a podcast.


Gillis, during the resurfaced clip, used the f-word followed by an ethnic slur to describe the Chinese residents, before complaining about his experience at Chinatown restaurants with specific reference to the "hassle" he described in trying to translate his order with servers.

Gillis is scheduled to host "SNL" on Feb. 24, alongside musical guest 21 Savage.


The comedian also just recently announced his partnership with Bud Light on social media.


Bud Light posted a photo of Gillis and said in the caption, "excited to be part of your 2024 tour." Gillis also posted a photo to social media announcing the partnership.


Bud Light's sales plummeted in 2023 after the brand partnered with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Gillis recently appeared on the "Joe Rogan Experience" podcast, where he and host Joe Rogan discussed the company's partnership with Mulvaney.


"It became a joke," Gillis told Rogan. "That’s tough to overcome, marketing-wise. It’s tough to get people to order a Bud Light publicly. You’re gonna get made fun of."


"There’s never been a brand that has been hit like this before," Rogan added.


Todd Allen, Vice President of Marketing for Bud Light, told Fox News Digital: "Humor has always been at the heart of the Bud Light brand and central to our ‘Easy Enjoyment’ platform. We’re excited to partner with longtime fan of Bud Light, Shane Gillis, for his 2024 Live Comedy Tour where a good time with friends is always easy to enjoy."


Wait till SNL see this

Shane Gillis missing Trump in Stand Up Comedy


Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 8:13 a.m. No.20361122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Love Norm MacDonald


Dave Loughran



Shane Gillis hosting SNL is reminiscent of whenNorm Macdonald hosted 18 months after being fired… and in typical Norm fashion, he did this


8:11 AM · Feb 4, 2024



Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20361159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1301

U.S. Conservative Pundit Tucker Carlson Spotted in Moscow Amid Putin Interview Rumors

The Moscow Times6 hours ago


Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been filmed visiting Moscow in recent days as rumors swirl over whether he plans to interview President Vladimir Putin.


Photographs of the conservative media personality in the Russian capital first emerged over the weekend when he was seen attending a concert at the Bolshoi Theater.


A reporter from thepro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia caught up with Carlsonon Monday to ask him about his trip to Russia.


“I just wanted to see Moscow. I read so much about it. So I wanted to talk to people and look around and then see how it's doing,” Carlson said.


“It’s doing very well,” he added.


The Izvestia reporter appeared to have secretly recorded the interaction and it was not immediately clear if Carlson was aware that he was on camera.


When asked whether he planned to interview Putin,Carlson responded: “We’ll see.”


The conservative pundit told Swiss media in September that he planned to interview Putin but the U.S. government “stopped” him from doing so.


Carlson has spoken favorably about the Russian leader both before and after the invasion of Ukraine, while also criticizing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky along with Kyiv's Western allies.


The Kremlin on Monday declined to comment on the possibility of Carlson interviewing Putin, telling reporters that it had “nothing to announce at this moment.”


“We’ll inform you if we decide to plan anything,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.


Carlson arrived in Moscow last Thursday, according to the Telegram news channel Mash, which is believed to have links to Russia’s security services.

Anonymous ID: acc00d Feb. 5, 2024, 8:26 a.m. No.20361181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1238

Axios starts new rumors

21 hours ago -

Trump name drops Tim Scott, Kristi Noem while discussing VP contenders


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Former President Trump name-dropped Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) Sunday as people he's noticed in the Republican Party when asked about his criteria for picking a vice presidentialcandidate.


Why it matters: The GOP presidential frontrunner has left room for speculation as to who he will pick as his running mate should he secure the 2024 Republican nomination.


What he's saying: Trump said he wouldn't announce his pick for vice president for "a while," during a pre-recorded interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" with host Maria Bartiromo.


"I mean, we have so many great people in the Republican Party, but not for a while," he said.


Trump said his criteria for a running mate includes one question: "It's got to be who would [be] able to be a good president. I mean, you always have to think that because you know, a civil emergency … things happen right? No matter who you are, things happen. It's got to be number one."

The former president, who said he speaks "to everybody," proceeded to mention Scott and Noem — two prominent Republicans who have both endorsed him.


"I called Tim Scott this week — because a lot of people like Tim Scott — I called him, and I said: 'You are a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself.'"


"I watched him over the last two weeks. As you know, he endorsed me, fully endorsed me, gave me a beautiful endorsement, and he has been really strong in terms of that, but … I don't want anybody to take even any inference, but it's incredible," he added.

Scott, already believed to be on a short list of contenders to become Trump's pick for vice president, has not ruled out the potential in recent weeks.


Meanwhile, Trump also name-dropped the South Dakota governor, saying "Kristi Noem has been incredible fighting for me. She said 'I'd never run against him because I can't beat him.' That was a very nice thing to say."


Noem told "Sunday Morning Futures" on Sunday that she and Trump "talk all the time," but thatthe two have "never had that conversation" about her potentially being his running mate


(If he drops names, its not them)