Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9 a.m. No.20361357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1364 >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

Canada Forced to Stop Euthanizing Mentally Ill as Doctors Refuse to Comply

Frank BergmanFebruary 4, 20241/2

Canada’s government has been forced to halt its controversial program to euthanize mentally ill patients afterlarge numbers of doctors have refused to participatein the scheme.


Canadian health officials announced that the extension of its “assisted suicide” program, to people suffering solely from mental illness, has been delayed.


As Slay News has reported, Canada has some of the most liberal euthanasia laws in the world. In recent years, the government has been increasingly relaxing the laws that were originally meant to give terminally ill people an option for dying.


However, the expansion of the laws means people can now be euthanized for far less severe issues such as depression, homelessness, or mental illness.The laws have even been expanded to include “mature minors” with a push to expand to infants.


In recent months, the North American nation has been ramping up efforts to accelerate the euthanasia of mentally ill citizens.


However, while Canada has now offered medically assisted death to terminally and chronically ill people for some time, the plan to extend the program to people with mental illnesses has divided Canadians, the New York Times reported.Some critics attribute the problem to a lack of adequate psychiatric care in the country.


Thegovernmenthas even beenaccused of killing people, rather than treating them, as a cost-saving measure for the nation’s socialist health care system. The controversial policywould allow anyone in Canada with a medical condition to apply for assisted suicide, even if the disease is not terminal. It makes the law one of the most liberal assisted suicide programs in the world.


Canada introduced medically assisted dying after its Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that requiring people to cope with intolerable suffering infringed on fundamental rights to liberty and security. The law was expanded in 2021 to include people experiencing “grievous and irremediable” conditions,such as poverty, depression, and other mental health issues. (The government should help with poverty)


Over 13,000 Canadians were euthanized as part of the program in 2022, the Daily Mail reported.In fact, euthanasia accounted for 4% of all Canadian deaths in 2022.


When the program was announced last year, one conservative lawmaker “charged that the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is promoting a ‘culture of death.’”


“Have we gone too far and too fast with Canada’s assisted suicide program?” Conservative MP Ed Fast said.“Will we evolve into a culture of death as the preferred option for those who suffer from mental illness or will we choose life?”


But now, health officials are slow-walking plans to expand the program. Thegovernment lamentsthat it has been forced to pause the program because there arenot enough doctors, specifically psychiatrists, in Canada who arewilling to euthanizementally ill people.

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:02 a.m. No.20361364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139




The halting of the program was revealed in an announcement made by Health Minister Mark Holland and Justice Minister Arif Virani. This followed a meeting of the special parliamentary committee looking into the plan, the Times reported.


“The system needs to be ready, and we need to get it right,” Holland told reporters. “It’s clear from the conversations we’ve had that the system is not ready, and we need more time.”


“Although the curriculum is present, although the guidelines are set, there has not been enough time for people to be trained on them, and provinces and territories are saying their systems are not ready and need more time,” he added. The officials did not provide a timeline for the changes. However, the expansion had been previously scheduled to go into effect on March 17.


One group in favor of medical assistance in dying, “Dying with Dignity Canada,” issued a statement in reaction to the news. The organization is urging the Canadian government to provide clarity on its plan of action.


“For the people across the country who live with treatment-resistant mental disorders who have patiently waited for this change in Canada’s MAID law, Dying With Dignity Canada is disheartened and shares the frustration of the continued exclusion, stigmatization and discrimination based on diagnosis,” the group said.

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:03 a.m. No.20361372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

New Jersey Political Operative Charged with Mail Ballot fraud

Editor 5February 4, 2024


(Christian Wade, The Center Square) — Federal prosecutors have charged a New Jersey political operative with a mail-in voter fraud scheme that involved paying “messengers” to cast ballots in the names of people whom they never met.


Former Atlantic City council president Craig Callaway was arrestedThursday and charged with “procuring, casting and tabulating fraudulent mail-in ballots” in theNovember 2022 general election, according to U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Philip R. Sellinger’s office.


“Holding free and fair elections is a bedrock principle of our democracy,” Sellinger said in a statement. “As alleged in the complaint, the defendant attempted to deprive New Jersey residents of a fair election by fraudulently procuring and casting ballots. Today’s charges reflect our office’s commitment to hold to account those who try to undermine the electoral process.”


Federal prosecutors allege that Callaway and otherspaid Atlantic City residents between $30 and $50 to act as “messengers,” request mail-in ballots for voters, and cast ballots in their names with their knowledge.


Under New Jersey law, a so-called messenger is authorized to deliver mail-in ballots received directly to the voter who requested the ballot.


Investigators say the scheme started shortly after Callaway’s consulting firm, GOYV LLC, was paid $65,500 for strategic consulting by Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s 2022 reelection campaign.


“Voter fraud at any level chips away at the faith people have in our system,” James E. Dennehy, the FBI’s Newark Special Agent in Charge, said in a statement. “We’re unable as American citizens to hold our government accountable if our votes are compromised.”


Van Drew’s campaign issued a statement denying involvement with the schemeand saying it “never would condone any illegal activity.” “In fact, as is always the case with our vendors, the campaign had a signed consulting contract. Mr. Callaway signed the contract for that election and previous elections, specifically stating that as an independent contractor, he ‘agrees all work and services provided shall adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations,” the statement said.


Callaway, 64, had previously served time for a federal bribery conviction. In 2006, he admitted accepting $36,000 in bribes from an Atlantic City contractor. In 2008, Callaway admitted to a blackmail scheme targeting an Atlantic City councilman while he was serving a sentence for a bribery conviction. He has worked mostly with Democratic candidates over the years.


The allegations echo concerns raised by former President Donald Trump — the frontrunner in the race for the GOP nomination — about allowing ballots to be cast by mail. Trump has argued that fraudulent mail balloting helped cost him the 2020 presidential election.


Callaway was charged with one count of “depriving, defrauding, and attempting to deprive and defraud the residents of the state of New Jersey of a fair and impartially conducted election process by the fraudulent procurement, casting, and tabulation of ballots.”


He faces up to five years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine, and three years of supervised release if convicted, prosecutors said.

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:14 a.m. No.20361420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

A Strategic Mistake on the Part of My Party’: A Top Dem Speaks Out on the Border

Rep. Veronica Escobar isn’t afraid to disagree with the president she wants reelected.

In her day job as a leader in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Veronica Escobar is at odds with President Joe Biden on two signature 2024 issues: She has deep reservations about the Senate border bill he backs and she has called for a cease-fire in Israel’s war in Gaza.

But in this election year, the Texas Democrat also holds one of the most coveted assignments in politics: co-chair of Biden’s reelection campaign.

I stopped by Escobar’s office on the fourth floor of Rayburn to tape this week’s episode of Playbook Deep Dive and to try to understand what it’s like for the El Paso lawmaker to navigate this unusual moment as both a high-profile opponent of key Biden policies and one of his top campaign surrogates.

We talked about her disappointment with Biden’s recent statement about shutting down the border, her concerns about his policies in the Middle East and the potential fallout for his re-election, whether she’d rather Biden run against Nikki Haley or Donald Trump, and the difficult issues that might be on the agenda at the next meeting of Biden’s eight campaign co-chairs.


“Let’s talk about your role as Biden’s reelection co-chair and also the deputy whip of the Progressive Caucus. To me, this is fascinating because there’s some huge tensions between Biden and the progressives over immigration. So let’s start with the Senate bill that the man that you’re trying to get reelected is very, very strongly backing.”

I think what’s important for me in terms of the context is this is a congressional obligation — fixing our country’s broken immigration system, reforming outdated laws and policies and processes. It’s been a congressional failure for 37 years. The president out of the gate gave us a comprehensive immigration reform bill. I actually helped work on that for then-candidate Joe Biden. He created these unity task forces. Do you remember that?


Yes. Bernie and Biden. Everyone coming together.

I was so privileged and honored to be part of the immigration unity task force.


And that immigration legislation came directly from that process. But that’s not the bill Biden is talking about these days, right?

No, it’s not. And a lot has changed since then.


What has changed?

When the president gave us that bill, House Democrats were in the majority, and we did not get that bill across the goal line. This is where a lot of my own frustration comes from. We had the power to pass that bill. We had the majority and we didn’t do it. So here we have a Democratic president that needs Congress to do its job and we failed.


What were you told at the time by Pelosi and the White House? “Wait for infrastructure, wait for the other priorities to pass?”

Even though I helped shape that bill, I was not a part of the whip team or the team that was in charge of moving it through the House. That job was given to far more seasoned members of Congress and I absolutely deferred to them.

And I think this is so important to understand why I felt I needed to work on a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill a year later. Part of what I recognized is that our caucus is so diverse. Within our own caucus, there were things everyone found to critique and not be pleased with.


You needed a second Unity Commission.

Or group therapy, one or the other. But it was really at that point when I saw that we couldn’t move that bill, that I thought we needed a bipartisan product….


(So she not opposed to it, they should done it quick and lean into it. Same ole, same ole!)

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:21 a.m. No.20361450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1454 >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

Former Obama Adviser Has Bad News for Biden: The Nickname Young People Gave Joe Is a 'Big Problem'


Feb. 3, 2024


The president of identity politics, President Joe Biden, may be having a bit of an identity crisis himself.Is he the president of the United States of America and a friend to its allies or the appeaser of minorities that make up much of his voting base? Forget about reaching out to Republicans, thepresident who ran on being a “unifier” is now having problems keeping the factions in his own party together.


Biden is facing growing unrest and a possible mass exodus from a previously loyal segment of his base — Arab American and Muslim voters.Biden has long enjoyed strong support from Arab American voters in Michigan, a critical battleground state. In 2020, he won over 75 percent of the vote in Dearborn, which has a majority Arab population.


However, Biden now faces growing outrage within the Michigan Arab American community over his administration’s stance regarding Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. Some Arab Americans have launched an “abandon Biden” campaign to protest his handling of the crisis, which they see as enabling the bombardment of Palestinians, according to Fox News.


A segment on “Erin Burnett OutFront” on CNN Thursday focused on Biden’s efforts to mitigate the political fallout of this backlash in a state he narrowly won. The report featured interviews with young Arab American voters who say they regret backing Biden in 2020, given his responses on the war on Gaza, according to Fox News.


Will younger Democrats abandon Biden in 2024?A former Biden campaign field worker of Arab descent vowed not to support the president again,even if it means that former President Trump gets re-elected as a result.

“We have seen four years of Trump and we have seen four years of Biden and people don’t really see a difference between the presidents,” the former staffer said.


During the segment, CNN political contributor Van Jones told Burnett that the Arab American issue is a “big problem” for Biden. “There are four syllables that are aimed at him.‘Genocide Joe.’That is becoming something you’re hearing from the younger people, the younger voters in the Arab American community,” Jones said.


“I think that he can turn it around, but you’ve got to be honest right now, you’ve got disappointment in the base with how he’s handling the war in Gaza,” Jones continued.


“Now, the reality is Joe Biden has deep ties and long friendships in the Muslim community, Arab community. He can go back there, he can get back there but he’s got his work cut out for him right now,” Jones said.But that may be easier said than done.


The results of a statewide poll published in January by the Glengariff Group and commissioned by The Detroit News and WDIV-TV show President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump by 8 percentage points in Michigan if the two were to face off in the 2024 presidential election, according to the Detroit News.


The poll of 600 likely Michigan voters found that only 17 percent think Biden deserves re-election, a historically low number for an incumbent president.


Meanwhile, 47 percent said they would vote for Trump compared to just 39 percent for Biden if the election were held today.


Biden carried Michigan in 2020 by about 3 points. Interviews withArab American activists and voters highlighted profound disillusionment with Biden’s stance.


Business owner Nasser Beydoun, who voted for Biden in 2020, said about Biden, “He lost a constituency that voted overwhelmingly for him in Michigan. And if he wants to see re-election, he needs Michigan. And right now he doesn’t have it, NPR reported.“And I don’t think he’ll ever come back from it,” he added.


Arab Americans are starting to realize that they put their trust in a leader who doesn’t really stand for anything.


The Democratic Party has paid lip service to Arab Americans, pretending to care about their concerns to harvest their votes. Although Arab Americans and Muslims tend to be less liberal on issues like abortion, gay marriage and other social issues, they have consistently backed Democratic candidates.


Their votes stemmed from a faith that Democrats shared an unspoken commitment to advocating for Arab American concerns, no matter the cause.That dream has now abruptly ended.


Arab Americans are now waking up to the reality that the only thing the Democratic Party stands for is its own survival.

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:30 a.m. No.20361483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

Forget No Labels. Biden’s Third-Party Peril is on the Left.


Young Democrats find U.S. support for Netanyahu’s war effort is untenable, potentially costing the president millions of liberal votes.


02/04/2024 07:00 AM EST

LOS ANGELES — Memo to Democrats: It’s not Nancy Jacobson who’s disrupting President Joe Biden’s speeches most every time he appears in public and it’s also not Nancy Jacobson floating Robert F. Kennedy Jr. $15 million to help him get on general election ballots.


I don’t write this to downplay the threat thatJacobson’s group, No Labels, poses to Biden’s reelection. A center-right candidate able to secure ballot access could claim thousands of voters Biden needs, namely those Americans who grudgingly voted for him to oust Donald Trump in 2020 and are dreading doing so once more.


Yet the collective Democratic fixation on No Labels increasingly looks misplaced — or at least disproportionate given how the 2024 political landscape is taking shape.


Jacobson seems to chase most every name that bubbles up in the news cycle ( just ask them). Yet she’ll be hard pressed to find the sort of well-known figure she needs to be viable because they want either to retain future prospects in their own party (Nikki Haley) or they don’t want to don the scarlet T in their future obituaries for having enabled Trump’s return. (Most every anti-Trump Republican plus Joe Manchin.)


Meanwhile, how many more polls do there have to be of Kennedy near double-digit votes in swing states before he’s taken seriously? And: how many Biden speeches must be shouted down until Democrats realize that a hot war in Gaza this fall may mean 30,000 fewer votes apiece in Madison, Dearborn and Ann Arbor and therefore the presidency?


It’s the left that presents the most acute peril to the president.


If Kennedy claims the Libertarian Party line, which he’s warming to, Jill Stein is the Green Party nominee and Cornel West gets on any battleground state ballots, they would combine to drain far more votes from Biden than from Trump. You wouldn’t think Democrats need much reminding of this scenario, given how many in their professional ranks lived through two campaigns, 2000 and 2016, in which they lost the electoral vote in part because of leftist spoilers.


In these early days of the 2024 campaign, though, it’s the No Labels push to draft a centrist which has drawn more scorn, alarm and opposition research among Democrats. Yes, that’s partly because the party can try to shame Jacobson, who’s married to longtime Democratic strategist and liberal bete noireMark Penn. They have considerably less leverage with a certified vaccine skeptic, Kennedy, to say nothing of the patchouli caucus, Stein and West.


But it’s also because Democrats are still catching up to the possibility of their coalition unraveling over Israel’s offensive in Gaza. Are the well-organized hecklers bird-dogging Biden at nearly every speech going to turn to a candidate who once proposed a Muslim ban? Of course not. Yet this White House race, like the last two, is bound to be won on the margins, and Biden is at risk of losing critical younger and left-wing voters to third-party candidates or apathy.


“People don’t understand how few votes [the third-party candidates] would need to take away,” said Lis Smith, the hard-charging Democratic operative who has recently signed on with the DNC, in part to grab voters by the lapels about the threat at hand. “It’s the whole election.”


Few in the administration sense the danger more than Vice President Kamala Harris. From holiday parties to a dinner at her residence last month for a group of prominent Black men, Harris has been telling sympathetic Democrats outside the White House that she recognizes the political challenge posed by Biden’s unwavering public support for Israel, I’m told by officials familiar with her comments at the events. Harris told people she’s making the case privately for the administration to show more empathy for the plight of innocent Gazans, an internal push that my colleague Eugene Daniels reported in December.


The vice president, too, has been heckled by pro-Palestinian protesters. And it’sno coincidence that her abortion rights tour has not yet taken her to activist-filled college townssuch as, well, Ann Arbor and Madison that would otherwise be obvious stops to motivate core Democrats. (Even going to comparatively conservative San Jose this week, however, didn’t spare her from protesters.)…



(You know when their handpicked mouthpieces publish bad news for Bidan, it’s bad)

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:35 a.m. No.20361509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1513 >>1515 >>1522 >>1613 >>1754 >>1902 >>1925 >>2076 >>2105 >>2139

Speaker Johnson: Border bill is ‘even worse than we expected’


Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) slammed the Senate’s bipartisan border deal hours after the upper chamber released text of the long-awaited agreement, writing that it is “even worse than we expected” and declaring it “dead on arrival” in the House.


“I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, ‘the border never closes,’” Johnson wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.


“If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival,” he added.


The scathing statement from Johnson jives with comments he made in the lead-up to the Senate releasing the text of its deal — he previously said that if the contents of the legislation were similar to what reports had speculated, it would be dead on arrival in the House.


Shortly before Johnson’s statement, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) — who oversees the schedule in the lower chamber — said theSenate bill “will NOT receive a vote in the House.”


The $118 billion national security supplemental includes $60 billion for Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel, aid for Indo-Pacific allies and the bipartisan border security agreement.


The border security component — which totals $20 billion — would give thefederal government temporary authority to expel migrantswhen the average number of daily crossings exceeds a threshold, end “catch and release,” raise standards for asylum screenings and seek to process claims quicker, among other provisions.


Johnson’s announcement deals a major blow to the trio of Senator negotiators, who for months had worked toward striking a deal on the politically prickly matter of border security. Republicans had insisted that any aid for Ukraine be paired with legislation to address the southern border.


In recent weeks, however, as negotiators were closing in on a deal, Republicans had grown cold to the bipartisan talks, arguing that Biden has the tools at his disposal to address the situation at the southern border — and does not need new legislation from Congress. They also faced pressure from former President Trump on Truth Social, who urged against a border deal unless Republicans “get EVERYTHING needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & Millions of people.”


Sen. James Lankford (Okla.), the lead GOP negotiator on the border deal, responded to Johnson’s decision almost immediately, saying he was “confused” how the bill could be worse than they expected. (This guy is such a liar, he wrote the damn thing!)


“I’m a little confused how it’s worse than they expectedwhen it builds border wall, expands deportation flights, expands ICE officers, border patrol officers, detention beds, how it creates a faster process for deportations, clears up a lot of the long-term issues and loopholes that have existed in the asylum law and then gets us an emergency authority that stops the chaos right now on the border,” he said on a call with reporters.


“I’m a little confused,” Lankford continued. “I’ll have to be able to get with the Speaker’s team on that and to be able to find out what part would be ‘worse than what we’d expected’ based on the actual text, and hopefully they’ve all had an opportunity to actually read it through the text.” (Shut up asshole, you know what you did.)

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:51 a.m. No.20361583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Morning Joe and Mika calls everyone a liar that doesn’t let Joe destroy the country. Playing into Putin’s hand and Xi’s hands, they repeat this shit constantly.Both of these creatures will go to the worst level of hell. Or the Lake of Sacred Fire for the 2nd Death

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 9:59 a.m. No.20361615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1643 >>1682 >>1754 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

Mike Davis On GOP Senators Supporting Lankford Deal. Wins, lawfare is crumbling around President Trump, they will lose. Davis has some pretty sharp legal opinions about “The Invasion Authorization Bill”


Fiery Mike up



Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 10:04 a.m. No.20361643   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mike Davis on “The Authorization Invasion Bill”:The rules in the Senate Republicans have to have 25 Senate Republicans to vote for this career killing bill, not 6 thats usual. Mike says it clearly every Senator would be crazy to vote for this

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 10:23 a.m. No.20361749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

Steve Bannon: "Lankford Is The Judas Goat That Smoked Out McConnell with “Ending American Sovereignty” by the “The Authorization Invasion Bill”. Even Steve Daines the traitor he is, is telling other senators “they have to vote against this, otherwise, you’ll be beaten in a primary”. This is guy that is not even a Republican from MT



Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.20361789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813 >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

Ben Bergquam: "More Illegals Than Citizens" Are Flying From Border Cities To The North. Love Ben Berguam. Migrants saying they are being sent to Cincinnati, OH, they are directing them to the Sanctuary Cities



Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 10:35 a.m. No.20361813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Chamber of Commerce come out today “the Senate Bill must be passed”, they are the ones that push unlimited illegals. Sundance says this all the time. It’s the US Chamber of Commerce that want an invasion. They want slave labor!


Time to play Smash Mouth with Bidan

Anonymous ID: 23134d Feb. 5, 2024, 10:46 a.m. No.20361856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1902 >>2105 >>2139

"No Detain, No Deport, No Wall": Dave Brat Breaks Down How Bad Senate Border Bill Truly Is. The words to “detain or deport” is no where in this bill!. Meaning the country cannot deport any of the illegals!


Brat has time to go over this disaster.This bill is crazy land

