It was the bloody ink pen that did it!
now expand it.
Medical, Military, Media, Sheriff, Judges
all non tenth amendment agencies
>you make the assumption I have not looked inward.
you make the assumption someone cares about your drama, lies and bullshit
the optika will get ya going out in the field with no Laboratory overhead.
With the addon broadcast shit you can live stream the results from an isolated room.
There's a lot of flowers. It's not my responsibility to tell you to face the sun.
you call me Bible fag = another lie
You are fixated on starting shit by LYING about anyone that will talk to you.
if you get ignored, You DIE.
I suppose it depents on what your purpose and mil specs are.
Have nice day. done with this topic. Don't seem to care about the dark light scope so I don't really care about your nanoparticles.