Anonymous ID: 8daa6a Feb. 20, 2024, 4:03 p.m. No.20448545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9846

‘Don’t touch the kids,’ Putin tells gays


Adults can live and let live, but children are off limits, the president warned


Russia is actually tolerant of people with non-traditional sexual orientations, so long as they don’t target children or flaunt their preferences, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday.


The president made the remarks while addressing visitors to the ‘Strong Ideas for a New Time’ forum, a yearly event organized by Russia’s state-backed Agency of Strategic Initiatives.


“We are quite tolerant towards people with non-traditional sexual orientations. We just don’t flaunt it, and we don’t believe it’s right to flaunt it. Let everyone live – the adults – as they want. Nobody limits them in anything,” Putin stated, explaining that, basically, there are only a handful of rules which limit the LGBTQ community in the country.


As for children, I have already said many times: ‘Don’t touch the children.’ That’s it. This is the first one. And the second one is, we are, first and foremost, a state that is guided by traditional values.


Over the past few years, Russia has gradually tightened its legislation aimed at countering the spread of what it calls “LGBT ideology.” The drive began in 2013, when the dissemination of said propaganda was outlawed among minors.


The ban was reinforced in December 2022, when new legislation introduced major fines for anyone found guilty of promoting “non-traditional sexual relations,” pedophilia, and transgenderism among minors and adults alike.


Late last year, the Supreme Court of Russia outlawed the “international LGBT public movement,” designating it as extremist. The ban stemmed from a lawsuit filed by the Russian Justice Ministry, which asked the top court to do so, arguing that the movement has been involved in “incitements of social and religious discord” as well as exhibiting unspecified “extremist traits.”


The extremist designation has been harshly criticized by multiple rights groups in the West, which have argued that it is “absurd” and vague, and that it has had a “catastrophic” effect on the LGBTQ community in Russia. The inclusion of any group in Russia’s “extremist organizations” list effectively bans all of their activities and outlaws all of their associated symbols.

Anonymous ID: 8daa6a Feb. 20, 2024, 4:18 p.m. No.20448673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9800

Canada Asks China to ‘Help Influence the Houthis to Keep the Red Sea Open’


Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said on Sunday she asked her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi to “help influence the Houthis to keep the Red Sea open.”


Joly said she met with Wang on Saturday and tried to convince him that keeping the Red Sea shipping lanes safe was “in China’s interests as an exporter.”


Joly and Wang spoke on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, which concluded on Sunday. Wang promised in his address to the conference that China would be a “force for stability” in the world, which would seem to imply that China might help to protect international shipping through one of the world’s busiest sea lanes against a vicious terrorist organization.


Wang told Joly that his government wants to repair relations with Canada, which were severely damaged during the Meng Wanzhou affair. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 8daa6a Feb. 20, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.20448787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9833

Elon Musk nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


The businessman was credited for free speech and giving Starlink to Ukraine


A Norwegian member of parliament has proposed giving the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize to Elon Musk, arguing that the South African-born entrepreneur has championed free speech with his acquisition of Twitter and by providing the Ukrainian military with satellite communications.


In the nomination put forth on Tuesday, Marius Nilsen of the Progress Party argued that Musk deserves the prize for his “adamant defense of dialogue, free speech and [enabling] the possibility to express one’s views” in a world he described as “continuously more polarized.”


“Echo chambers and yes-people do not bring forth the best ideas and cooperation, but decline and regression. Complementary views, opinions and processes of thoughts unlocks the best ideas,” Nilsen said.


He also noted Ukraine’s use of Starlink, a satellite system operated by Musk’s SpaceX, to “communicate, coordinate and withstand the attack from Russia.”


Previously best known for being the head of the Tesla electric car company and the owner of SpaceX, Musk bought Twitter – since rebranded as X – in October 2022, citing its penchant for censorship. He has since fired much of the company’s staff and unbanned many – though not all – previously silenced accounts. One of them was the personal account of Donald Trump, censored while he was still the sitting US president. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 8daa6a Feb. 20, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20449190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792

[LIVE COVERAGE] Pivotal ICS5 Headed to Washington, DC, to Shift Public Policy (Feb 21-26)


After 4 pivotal events in Europe (Italian Senate 2021, France 2022, EU Parliament Brussels 2023, and Romanian Parliament 2023), the International Crisis Summit 5 (ICS5) has been called at CPAC in DC 2024 (Feb 22-24), the largest conservative political action conference in the world, and to a Senator Ron Johnson hearing in the US Congress (Feb 26 @9am-1pm).


ICS5 and each of its 54 speakers, including Freedom Convoy participants, will expose US conservative political heavyweights, including former President Donald Trump, to the true nature of the Covid pandemic, a con used to usher in an era of unparalleled govt control and loss of civilian freedoms. Using cutting-edge scientific and real-world data, ICS5 participants hope to affect public policy makers within the Republican party. It should be remembered that Republicans were the only party to break from the seeming uniparty stance of the rest of the world: to gaslight the public to enforce unconstitutional Covid and vaccine mandates.

If successful, ICS5 has the potential to influence the 2024 US elections and, consequently, global politics at large.


All ICS5 events + the CPAC mainstage event will be livestreamed here (see below). Continue…