Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 10:13 a.m. No.20435796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7629 >>9800

Gaza Truce Talks 'Unpromising', Qatar PM Admits


Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said Saturday that his country will continue to mediate for truce deal between Hamas and Israel, despite that efforts to reach an agreement are looking unpromising.


"The pattern in the last few days is not really very promising but … we will always remain optimistic and will always remain pushing," Al-Thani said at the Munich Security Conference. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 10:21 a.m. No.20435825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7637 >>9830

NATO's New Mission: Peace Through Censorship


When pondering the ranks of institutions captured by leftist elitists, one of the most ominous is the American military. The left is brazenly proselytizing, neutering, and politicizing the American military with its DEI ideology—an inherently partisan, divisive assault designed to hollow out its historical warfighting spirit and value system.


That the left would expand its political proselytizing into affiliated militaries within our alliances is to be expected. That these politically subversive assaults on our and our allied military must be opposed is imperative. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 10:42 a.m. No.20435917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7642 >>9838

Zelensky Takes Dig At Congress Over 2-Week 'Vacation' Amid Military Aid Holdup


Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky took a dig at US Congress in Saturday remarks before the Munich Security Conference, at a moment Biden's $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is still being held up.


"First, we all must do not something, but everything possible to defeat the aggressor," Zelensky told the audience of Western defense officials. "Please, everyone remember that dictators do not go on vacation."


He was referencing both the House and Senate being out of session for the next week as they're in the midst of a two week recess. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 11:02 a.m. No.20436038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7637 >>9830

State Department Threatens Congress Over Censorship Programs


A year after its censorship programs were exposed, the Global Engagement Center still insists the public has no right to know how it's spending taxpayer money…


The State Department is so unhappy a newspaper published details about where it’s been spending your taxes, it’s threatened to only show a congressional committee its records in camera until it gets a “better understanding of how the Committee will utilize this sensitive information.” Essentially, Tony Blinken is threatening to take his transparency ball home unless details about what censorship programs he’s sponsoring stop appearing in papers like the Washington Examiner: Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.20436197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How The CIA Destabilizes The World


There are three basic problems with the CIA: its objectives, methods, and unaccountability.


Its operational objectives are whatever the CIA or the President of the United States defines to be in the U.S. interest at a given time, irrespective of international law or U.S. law.


Its methods are secretive and duplicitous.


Its unaccountability means that the CIA and president run foreign policy without any public scrutiny. Congress is a doormat, a sideshow.


As a recent CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, said of his time at the CIA: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."


The CIA was established in 1947 as the successor to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The OSS had performed two distinct roles in World War II, intelligence and subversion. The CIA took over both roles. On the one hand, the CIA was to provide intelligence to the US Government. On the other, the CIA was to subvert the “enemy,” that is, whomever the president or CIA defined as the enemy, using a wide range of measures: assassinations, coups, staged unrest, arming of insurgents, and other means.


It is the latter role that has proved devastating to global stability and the U.S. rule of law. It is a role that the CIA continues to pursue today. In effect, the CIA is a secret army of the U.S., capable of creating mayhem across the world with no accountability whatsoever. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.20436221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Incest Is Best? The Economist Says Copulating-Cousins Cool "In Most Cases"


With America facing population collapse thanks to a pandemic which compounded already-shrinking birth rates, petrified young men who don't want to get #MeToo'd for trying to get past 1st base, and record numbers of young Americans identifying as anything but heterosexual, The Economist wants you to know that it's "probably fine" to bang your cousin, which they also note is "illegal in 25 American states."


After a dig at Kentucky for a 'quickly withdrawn' proposal to remove "first cousin" from the state list of incestuous family relations, the article goes on to 'ackshually' explain that the risk of genetic mutations among the offspring of first cousins is 'greater' than non-incest relations, however 'the increase is quite small.' Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.20436298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7642 >>9838

Conditions Not Right For Ukraine-Russia Peace Talks, China Says After Appeal From Kiev


Starting last month the Zelensky government began calling for China to get more involved in the international effort to find a peace formula in Ukraine. "China needs to be involved in talks to end the war with Russia," a Zelensky top aide said during January's WEF meeting in Davos.


But what Ukraine means by peace talks is that Beijing must get on board Kiev's own peace formula, which demands the full withdrawal of all Russian troops from seized Ukrainian territory. This weekend, Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba is reportedly seeking a meeting with China's FM to discuss the issue.


Importantly, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has responded by saying conditions are not yet right for peace talks to end the war. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20436370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7629 >>9800

US Prepares New Weapons Transfer To Israel, Ironically While Pushing For Ceasefire


Just days ago President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the military operation in refugee-packed Rafah "should not proceed" unless civilians are evacuated first.


Yet at the same time, the Biden administration is preparing another major weapons transfer to Israel. Not only is Washington pushing for another ceasefire (ostensibly at least) but Biden recently called the Israeli operation in Gaza "over the top" amid the soaring civilian death toll.


All of this serves to highlight that the White House is talking out of both sides of its mouth - on the one hand seeking to deflect international and domestic criticism by issuing statements warning over the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe, but on the other directly fueling the Israeli war machine. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.20436415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7621 >>9792

LAWTON: B.C. admits safe supply is broken, seeks to expand anyway


A new report by British Columbia’s top doctor, Bonnie Henry, reveals that safer supply programs are being regularly defrauded and are causing harm to communities, despite advocating for their expansion by the provincial government. National Post columnist Adam Zivo joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the complexities and challenges surrounding safer supply programs.

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.20436471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7647 >>9850

LAWTON: Does anti-racism training make people more racist?


According to a new report, studies indicate that DEI training tends to reinforce existing biases rather than eliminate them, and its effectiveness in fostering inclusivity remains uncertain. Prof. David Millard Haskell of the Aristotle Foundation joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the potential pitfalls and alternative approaches to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations.

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 12:40 p.m. No.20436567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7637 >>9830

Legacy media panicking as government’s local journalism fund nears expiry date


One of the Liberal government’s key funds for ailing legacy media companies is set to expire at the end of March and news organizations are panicking over a lack of clarity on whether the fund will be renewed by Ottawa.


The Local Journalism Initiative was introduced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2019 to offer up $50 million in funding over five years.


Funds for eligible media companies are supposed to be used to hire journalists to report on local stories.


According to News Media Canada, a group that has lobbied the federal government to step in to save the legacy media, there have been over 400 journalists hired under the program.


All of them could be out of work if the fund doesn’t get renewed, the organization is warning.


“Frankly, there are no other current federal funding initiatives that can replace it. It is a world-class program that other countries are looking at,” News Media Canada CEO Paul Deegan told CBC News. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.20437316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feb 18 - "Criminals, Murderers & Freaks" Control the West - Gerald Celente—criminals-murderers-freaks.html


Market Distortions, Out-of-Control Debt and Geopolitical Chaos: Gerald Celente

Israeli Cabinet rejects international recognition of Palestinian state

War on Gaza: Millions show solidarity with Palestinians in demonstrations across globe

mRNA Injury series - Michelle had a hemorrhagic stroke and 2 days later her husband actor/director Joe Kowalski had a heart attack - 10 couples who "Died Suddenly" within a short time

Independent Journalist Infiltrates FREEMASON Lodge, Exposes Bizarre Rituals!


Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 3:34 p.m. No.20437413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7642 >>9838

Democrat Mega-Donor Alex Soros Declares ‘We Must Not Abandon Ukraine’


Democrat mega-donor and chairman of the leftist-globalist Open Society Foundations (OSF), Alex Soros, declared on Saturday that the West “must not abandon Ukraine”.


Soros, who took over the Open Society Foundations last year from his father, Hungarian activist billionaire George Soros, met with Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Saturday to express his continued support for Kyiv in its war with Moscow.


Urging Western nations to continue pouring billions in taxpayer money into the conflict, Soros wrote on X: “We must not abandon Ukraine.”


The comments from the Soros scion come amid a funding battle in Washington D.C. where House Republicans, who have expressed concerns over mounting corruption scandals surrounding President Zelensky’s government, a lack of success on the battlefield, and no clear end goal laid out by the White House, are attempting to block President Biden’s demand for a further $60 billion in aid to Ukraine. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 3:42 p.m. No.20437431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Von der Leyen wants second EU term – Bild


The European Commission president has already spelled out her priorities should she remain in office


Ursula von der Leyen will formally announce her candidacy for a second term as president of the European Commission on Monday, German tabloid Bild has reported. Von der Leyen has already hinted that she seeks a second term, promising on Saturday to appoint a dedicated “defense commissioner” if she holds on to her office.


To secure a second term, von der Leyen will first have to be nominated by her faction in the European Parliament, the centrist European People’s Party (EPP). Speaking to Reuters last month, EPP lawmaker Daniel Caspary said the party would nominate von der Leyen at a congress in March, “if that’s what she wants.”


Should the EPP emerge as the largest party in June’s European elections, which it is projected to do, von der Leyen’s candidacy would then be put before the European Council. From there, a majority vote by the council’s 27 members followed by the parliament’s final approval would see the German installed for another five-year term at the helm of the commission. Continue…

Anonymous ID: f31d05 Feb. 18, 2024, 5:06 p.m. No.20437762   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hochul Apologizes After Saying U.S. Would Wipe Out Canada If It Attacked New York Like Hamas Attacked Israel


New York Governor Kathy Hochul apologized Friday night after she said during an event earlier in the week that if Canada attacked New York the way that Hamas attacked Israel, the U.S. would wipe out Canada.


Hochul made the remarks about the October 7 Islamic terrorist attack against Israel during an event on Thursday at the United Jewish Appeal-Federation of New York in Manhattan. Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Israelis, wounded thousands more, and took hundreds hostages. Continue…